-sleeked- แปลว่าอะไร ดูความหมาย ตัวอย่างประโยค หมายความว่า พจนานุกรม Longdo Dictionary แปลภาษา คำศัพท์
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73 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ -sleeked-
หรือค้นหา: -sleeked-, *sleeked*, sleek, sleeke
เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์มีน้อย ระบบจึงเปลี่ยนคำค้นเป็น *sleek*

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
sleekedHe was sleeked as chairman from among many candidates.
sleekHe was sleeked as chairman from among many candidates.

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
sleek(adj) มันขลับ, See also: ซึ่งเป็นประกาย, Syn. silken, silky
sleek(adj) นุ่มนวล, See also: สุภาพเรียบร้อย, Syn. graceful, slender, slim, Ant. ungraceful
sleek(adj) ทันสมัย, See also: ตามสมัย
sleek(adj) คล่องแคล่ว, See also: ว่องไว, พูดคล่อง
sleek(vt) ทำให้มันเงา, See also: ทำให้เรียบมัน, ทำให้เป็นประกาย, ทำให้มันขลับ, Syn. glaze, polish, smooth, shine, Ant. tarnish, erode

Hope Dictionary
sleek(สลีค) adj., vt. (ทำให้) ลื่น, เรียบเป็นมัน, อ่อนนิ่ม, มันขลิบ, หวีผมหรือขนเรียบร้อย, กลมกล่อม, ไพเราะ, สุภาพเรียบร้อย, See also: sleekness n.

Nontri Dictionary
sleek(adj) เป็นมัน, เป็นเงา, ลื่น, อ่อนนิ่ม
sleek(vt) เสย, ทำให้เรียบ, ลูบ, ทำให้เป็นมันขลับ

คลังศัพท์ไทย (สวทช.)
Sleekคราบมัน, Example: คราบน้ำมันบนผิวน้ำ ซึ่งเกิดจากการปล่อยน้ำเสียลงไป [สิ่งแวดล้อม]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
sleekHe was sleeked as chairman from among many candidates.

NECTEC Lexitron-2 Dictionary (TH-EN)
สลวย(adj) sleek, See also: long and flowing, fine, Example: เขาเดินมาพร้อมกับหญิงสาวผิวขาวไว้ผมสลวย, Thai Definition: เรียบร้อยงดงาม
เป็นเงาวับ(v) be shiny, See also: be glossy, be lustrous, be sleek, Syn. มันเงา, มันปลาบ, เงาวับ, Example: ผิวของเจดีย์เป็นเงาวับเมื่อแสงแดดส่องกระทบ
มันเงา(v) be shiny, See also: be glossy, be lustrous, be sleek, be polished, be varnished, be bright, Syn. มันแผลบ, มันปลาบ, Example: ผมของเธอเป็นมันเงาเมื่อกระทบกับแสงแดด
มันเงา(adj) shiny, See also: glossy, lustrous, sleek, polished, bright, Syn. มันแผลบ, มันปลาบ, Ant. ด้าน, Example: ฉันค่อยๆ เข็นกระเป๋า เพราะกลัวพื้นที่มันเงาจะเป็นรอย
เงาวับ(adj) shiny, See also: lustrous, glossy, sleek, polished, Syn. มันแผลบ, มันเงา, มันปลาบ, Example: แม่กำลังจัดเครื่องชามทองเหลืองที่เงาวับจนสะท้อนสิ่งต่างๆ ที่อยู่รอบๆ
เงาวับ(v) be shiny, See also: be lustrous, be glossy, be sleek, be polished, Syn. มันแผลบ, มันเงา, มันปลาบ, Example: พื้นห้องเงาวับจนไม่อยากจะเหยียบเดิน เพราะกลัวเปื้อน
เหลือบ(adj) glassy, See also: sleek, glossy, polished, Example: หางบ่วงบางชนิดขนเป็นมันสีเหลือบ ดูสวยมาก, Thai Definition: สีเลื่อมพรายเวลากระทบแสงเป็นหลายสีคล้ายสีตัวเหลือบ
เกลี้ยงเกลา(v) be sleek, See also: be smooth, be even, be neat and clean, be unblemished, Syn. หมดจด, Ant. กร้าน, หยาบ, หยาบกร้าน, Example: ใบหน้าของหล่อนเกลี้ยงเกลา สะอาดสะอ้าน แต่สีหน้าดูเฉย มองไม่ถนัดว่าทุกข์หรือสุข

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
ขลับ[khlap] (adj) EN: highly polished ; shiny ; slick ; glossy ; lustrous ; sleek  FR: brillant ; lumineux ; lustré
เหลือบ[leūap] (adj) EN: glassy ; sleek ; glossy ; polished ; glassy bluish
เงาวับ[ngaowap] (adj) EN: shiny ; lustrous ; glossy ; sleek ; polished

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

WordNet (3.0)
sleek(adj) well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed
sleekly(adv) in a sleek glossy manner
sleekness(n) the quality of being well-groomed and neatly tailored
satiny(adj) having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light, Syn. sleek, slick, silklike, silken, silky
silkiness(n) the smooth feel of silk fabric, Syn. sleekness
slick(v) make slick or smooth, Syn. sleek
slick(v) give a smooth and glossy appearance, Syn. slick down, sleek down
whitewash(v) cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error, Syn. sleek over, hush up, gloss over

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Sleeked p. pr. & vb. n. Sleeking. ] To make even and smooth; to render smooth, soft, and glossy; to smooth over. [ 1913 Webster ]

Sleeking her soft alluring locks. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Gentle, my lord, sleek o'er your rugged looks. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Compar. Sleeker superl. Sleekest. ] [ OE. slik; akin to Icel. slīkr, and OE. sliken to glide, slide, G. schleichen, OHG. slīhhan, D. slik, slijk, mud, slime, and E. slink. Cf. Slick, Slink. ] 1. Having an even, smooth surface; smooth; hence, glossy; as, sleek hair. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

So sleek her skin, so faultless was her make. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Not rough or harsh. [ 1913 Webster ]

Those rugged names to our like mouths grow sleek. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. With ease and dexterity. [ Low ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. That which makes smooth; varnish. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A slick. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


adv. In a sleek manner; smoothly. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The quality or state of being sleek; smoothness and glossiness of surface. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Of a sleek, or smooth, and glossy appearance. Thomson. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Fawning and deceitful; sly. [ Scot. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


See obnoxious.
See observable.
See observant.
See obstructive.
See obvious.
See official.
See officious.
See oppressive.
See ordinary.
See ordinate.
See original.
See ornamental.
See orthodox.
See ostentatious.
See pacifiable.
See pacific.
See painful.
See palatable.
See parallelable.
See pardonable.
See partable.
See participant.
See passionate.
See pastoral.
See pathetic.
See patriotic.
See peaceable.
See peaceful.
See pedantic.
See perceivable.
See perceptible.
See perilous.
See permanent.
See personable.
See perspirable.
See persuadable.
See persuasive.
See philanthropic.
See philosophic.
See philosophical.
See physical.
See picturesque.
See pierceable.
See pitiful.
See plain.
See plausible.
See plausive.
See pleadable.
See pleasurable.
See pliable.
See pliant.
See plumb.
See poetic.
See poetical.
See political.
See popular.
See populous.
See portable.
See potable.
See precarious.
See precise.
See pregnant.
See prejudicate.
See prelatical.
See premeditable.
See presentable.
See preservable.
See presumptuous.
See pretentious.
See pretty.
See prevalent.
See priestly.
See primitive.
See princely.
See procurable.
See producible.
See productive.
See professional.
See profitable.
See prolific.
See pronounceable.
See prophetic.
See propitious.
See proportionable.
See proportionate.
See prosperous.
See provable.
See punctilious.
See punctual.
See punishable.
See pure.
See qualifiable.
See quenchable.
See quiet.
See rational.
See readable.
See reasonable.
See recallable.
See reclaimable.
See recognizable.
See reconcilable.
See recoverable.
See recumbent.
See reformable.
See refusable.
See regardable.
See regardant.
See relative.
See relievable.
See reluctant.
See remarkable.
See remediable.
See rememberable.
See remorseful.
See removable.
See remunerative.
See repairable.
See repealable.
See repentant.
See reprovable.
See repugnant.
See requisite.
See requitable.
See resolvable.
See respectable.
See restful.
See retentive.
See returnable.
See revengeful.
See ridable.
See ridiculous.
See rightful.
See romantic.
See rough.
See royal.
See ruinable.
See ruly.
See sacrificial.
See safe.
See sage.
See sailable.
See salable.
See sane.
See sanguine.
See sanitary.
See satisfactory.
See satisfiable.
See saturable.
See savory.
See scalable.
See scaly.
See scholarly.
See scholastic.
See scientific.
See scornful.
See scriptural.
See sculptural.
See seaworthy.
See sectarian.
See secular.
See sedentary.
See selfish.
See sentient.
See sentimental.
See serviceable.
See severe.
See shamefaced.
See shamefast.
See shapely.
See shy.
See sick.
See sicker.
See sightly.
See simple.
See sinewy.
See sizable.
See sleek.
See slumberous.
See sly.
See smooth.
See smotherable.
See smutty.
See sober.
See sociable.
See social.
See solemn.
See soliciutous.
See solvable.
See speakable.
See speedy.
See spiritual.
See spontaneous.
See sportful.
See sportsmanlike.
See statutable.
See steadfast.
See steady.
See stormy.
See stout.
See strong.
See subduable.
See subject.
See submissive.
See subordinate.
See substantial.
See successive.
See succorable.
See suggestive.
See suitable.
See sunny.
See superfluous.
See supple.
See sure.
See surpassable.
See susceptible.
See suspect.
See suspectable.
See suspicious.
See sustainable.
See sweet.
See syllogistical.
See symbolic.
See sympathetic.
See systematic.
See tamable.
See tame.
See teachable.
See technical.
See tellable.
See tenable.
See tender.
See terrestrial.
See terrific.
See thankful.
See theological.
See thinkable.
See thirsty.
See thorny.
See thoughtful.
See tidy.
See tillable.
See toothsome.
See touchable.
See traceable.
See tractable.
See tragic.
See tranquil.
See transferable.
See translatable.
See transmutable.
See transparent.
See transpassable.
See traversable.
See tremulous.
See trimphant.
See trustworthy.
See trusty.
See tumultous.
See tunable.
See uniform.
See usable.
See useful.
See vanquishable.
See variant.
See venerable.
See venomous.
See veracious.
See verdant.
See veritable.
See vigilant.
See vigorous.
See virtuous.
See vital.
See vitrifiable.
See vocal.
See voidable.
See voluptuous.
See voyageable.
See vulgar.
See walkable.
See warlike.
See watchful.
See watery.
See wealthy.
See wearable.
See weary.
See welcome.
See wet.
See wholesome.
See wieldsome.
See willful.
See wily.
See witty.
See womanly.
See workable.
See workmanlike.
See worldly.
See worshipful.
See wrathful.
See writable.
See zealous.
------ and the like.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unwritable, Unwrathful, Unworshipful, Unworldly, Unworkmanlike, Unworkable, Unwomanly, Unwitty, Unwily, Unwillful, Unwieldsome, Unwholesome, Unwet, Unwelcome, Unweary, Unwearable, Unwealthy, Unwatery, Unwatchful, Unwarlike, Unwalkable, Unvulgar, Unvoyageable, Unvoluptuous, Unvoidable, Unvocal, Unvitrifiable, Unvital, Unvirtuous, Unvigorous, Unvigilant, Unveritable, Unverdant, Unveracious, Unvenomous, Unvenerable, Unvariant, Unvanquishable, Unuseful, Unusable, Ununiform, Untunable, Untumultous, Untrusty, Untrustworthy, Untrimphant, Untremulous, Untraversable, Untranspassable, Untransparent, Untransmutable, Untranslatable, Untransferable, Untranquil, Untragic, Untractable, Untraceable, Untouchable, Untoothsome, Untillable, Untidy, Unthoughtful, Unthorny, Unthirsty, Unthinkable, Untheological, Unthankful, Unterrific, Unterrestrial, Untender, Untenable, Untellable, Untechnical, Unteachable, Untame, Untamable, Unsystematic, Unsympathetic, Unsymbolic, Unsyllogistical, Unsweet, Unsustainable, Unsuspicious, Unsuspectable, Unsuspect, Unsusceptible, Unsurpassable, Unsure, Unsupple, Unsuperfluous, Unsunny, Unsuitable, Unsuggestive, Unsuccorable, Unsuccessive, Unsubstantial, Unsubordinate, Unsubmissive, Unsubject, Unsubduable, Unstrong, Unstout, Unstormy, Unsteady, Unsteadfast, Unstatutable, Unsportsmanlike, Unsportful, Unspontaneous, Unspiritual, Unspeedy, Unspeakable, Unsolvable, Unsoliciutous, Unsolemn, Unsocial, Unsociable, Unsober, Unsmutty, Unsmotherable, Unsmooth, Unsly, Unslumberous, Unsleek, Unsizable, Unsinewy, Unsimple, Unsightly, Unsicker, Unsick, Unshy, Unshapely, Unshamefast, Unshamefaced, Unsevere, Unserviceable, Unsentimental, Unsentient, Unselfish, Unsedentary, Unsecular, Unsectarian, Unseaworthy, Unsculptural, Unscriptural, Unscornful, Unscientific, Unscholastic, Unscholarly, Unscaly, Unscalable, Unsavory, Unsaturable, Unsatisfiable, Unsatisfactory, Unsanitary, Unsanguine, Unsane, Unsalable, Unsailable, Unsage, Unsafe, Unsacrificial, Unruly, Unruinable, Unroyal, Unrough, Unromantic, Unrightful, Unridiculous, Unridable, Unrevengeful, Unreturnable, Unretentive, Unrestful, Unrespectable, Unresolvable, Unrequitable, Unrequisite, Unrepugnant, Unreprovable, Unrepentant, Unrepealable, Unrepairable, Unremunerative, Unremovable, Unremorseful, Unrememberable, Unremediable, Unremarkable, Unreluctant, Unrelievable, Unrelative, Unregardant, Unregardable, Unrefusable, Unreformable, Unrecumbent, Unrecoverable, Unreconcilable, Unrecognizable, Unreclaimable, Unrecallable, Unreasonable, Unreadable, Unrational, Unquiet, Unquenchable, Unqualifiable, Unpure, Unpunishable, Unpunctual, Unpunctilious, Unprovable, Unprosperous, Unproportionate, Unproportionable, Unpropitious, Unprophetic, Unpronounceable, Unprolific, Unprofitable, Unprofessional, Unproductive, Unproducible, Unprocurable, Unprincely, Unprimitive, Unpriestly, Unprevalent, Unpretty, Unpretentious, Unpresumptuous, Unpreservable, Unpresentable, Unpremeditable, Unprelatical, Unprejudicate, Unpregnant, Unprecise, Unprecarious, Unpotable, Unportable, Unpopulous, Unpopular, Unpolitical, Unpoetical, Unpoetic, Unplumb, Unpliant, Unpliable, Unpleasurable, Unpleadable, Unplausive, Unplausible, Unplain, Unpitiful, Unpierceable, Unpicturesque, Unphysical, Unphilosophical, Unphilosophic, Unphilanthropic, Unpersuasive, Unpersuadable, Unperspirable, Unpersonable, Unpermanent, Unperilous, Unperceptible, Unperceivable, Unpedantic, Unpeaceful, Unpeaceable, Unpatriotic, Unpathetic, Unpastoral, Unpassionate, Unparticipant, Unpartable, Unpardonable, Unparallelable, Unpalatable, Unpainful, Unpacific, Unpacifiable, Unostentatious, Unorthodox, Unornamental, Unoriginal, Unordinate, Unordinary, Unoppressive, Unofficious, Unofficial, Unobvious, Unobstructive, Unobservant, Unobservable, Unobnoxious

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
光滑[guāng hua, ㄍㄨㄤ ㄏㄨㄚ˙,  ] glossy; sleek; smooth #9,525 [Add to Longdo]
润滑[rùn huá, ㄖㄨㄣˋ ㄏㄨㄚˊ,   /  ] smooth; oily; sleek; to lubricate #20,834 [Add to Longdo]
[biāo, ㄅㄧㄠ, ] fat; gross, sleek #342,755 [Add to Longdo]

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Glätte { f }sleekness [Add to Longdo]
elegant; gepflegt { adj }sleek [Add to Longdo]
glätten | glättend | geglättet | glättetto sleek | sleeking | sleeked | sleeks [Add to Longdo]
glatt; geschmeidig { adj }sleek [Add to Longdo]
glatt { adv }sleekly [Add to Longdo]
lecken (Katze)to sleek (cat) [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
さらり[sarari] (adv, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) sleek; smooth; (2) thin (of a liquid); (3) without hesitation or delay [Add to Longdo]
ぬめっと[numetto] (adv) (on-mim) glistening; shiny; sleek; slippery [Add to Longdo]
スレーキ[sure-ki] (n) sleek (fabric) [Add to Longdo]
テングハギモドキ[tenguhagimodoki] (n) sleek unicornfish (Naso hexacanthus, species of Indo-Pacific tang); sleek unicorn; blacktongue unicorn; blacktounge unicornfish; Thorpe's unicornfish; nohorn unicorn [Add to Longdo]

ทราบความหมายของคำศัพท์นี้? กด [เพิ่มคำศัพท์] เพื่อใส่คำนี้พร้อมความหมาย เพื่อเป็นวิทยาทานแก่ผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น ๆ

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เราทราบดีว่าท่านผู้ใช้คงไม่ได้อยากให้มีโฆษณาเท่าใดนัก แต่โฆษณาช่วยให้ทาง Longdo เรามีรายรับเพียงพอที่จะให้บริการพจนานุกรมได้แบบฟรีๆ ต่อไป ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม