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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
驿马[yì mǎ, ㄧˋ ㄇㄚˇ, 驿  /  ] relay horse; to change horses at a relay station [Add to Longdo]

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It's...more like the pony express, but it's up and running, and I'm not willing to put that at risk.[CN] 更像是 驿马快信的速度 但确实能够运行了 所以我不愿意拿它冒险 At All Costs (2013)
The carriage held but just ourselves. And Immortality.[CN] 死神的驿马车只有我和他 以及永生不死的灵魂 The Brave One (2007)
"The Travel Star advances. Fire Conquers Gold. Fortune lies West. "[CN] "驿马动 火逼金行 大利西方" Ashes of Time (1994)
Also, double the guard in order to watch the stagecoach there.[CN] 同时加派卫兵看守驿马 A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
I still keep wondering what was in that stagecoach.[CN] 我还在想 那辆驿马车到底载了什麽 A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
Born in the year of tiger, he's fated to become a powerful leader, but the evil energy surrounding his soul will lead him...[CN] 出生于庚寅年甲申月丁巳日辛亥之时 带有寅申巳亥和驿马是四孟格的命盘 他命中带有寅巳申三刑杀 Kundo: Age of the Rampant (2014)
The stagecoach to Sudro's Wells has been discontinued.[CN] 到索 士韦尔斯的驿马车停了 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
Even while North and South were being torn apart East and West had been drawn together by the Pony Express the most daring mail route in history.[CN] 正当北部和南部成分裂局势时... 东部和西部却慢慢统合 透过《驿马快递》... 有史以来最危险的通邮服务 How the West Was Won (1962)
By stagecoach to the 100 settlements and the 1000 farms... standing under threat of an Indian uprising.[CN] 坐在驿马车上穿过 100个部落以及1000个农场 印第安人的起义 仍然威胁着这些地区 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
And stagecoaches are an uncomfortable way to travel.[CN] 而驾驿马车旅行挺难受的 A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
The James Gang committed over 25 bank, train and stagecoach robberies from 1867 to 1881.[CN] 杰西一伙人干下二十五宗抢案 包括银行, 火车及驿马车 时间是1867年 到1881年之间 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
Please give these to a woman named Gai'e[CN] 交给城东... 30里驿马 The Sword Identity (2011)


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