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Longdo Dictionary จีน (ZH) - ไทย (TH)
商量[shāng liang, ㄕㄤ ㄌㄧㄤ˙,  ] (vi) ปรึกษา หารือ คุย ระวังเสียงคำอ่านที่ถูกต้องของพยางค์หลัง คือ เสียงเบา จะเป็น shang1 liang ไม่ใช่ shang1 liang2

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
商量[shāng liáng, ㄕㄤ ㄌㄧㄤˊ,  ] to consult; to talk over; to discuss; also pr. shang1 liang5 #5,640 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
商量[しょうりょう, shouryou] (n, vs) consideration; deliberation; discussion [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- We can discuss this calmly. - Don't come any closer.[CN] 哥哥会帮你,现在还有商量 别过来... Tactical Unit - Partners (2009)
Tobe, tobe, tobe, we talked about this.[CN] Tobe, tobe, tobe, 我们商量过这事的 Homer the Whopper (2009)
It is nonnegotiable.[CN] 这事没得商量 The Wrath of Con (2009)
Don't you think you should consult with me first?[CN] 你不觉得应该先跟我商量下吗 The Top Hat Job (2009)
Your Highness has to get permission from His Majesty.[CN] 还是跟皇上和西宫商量之后 再从长计议吧 On His Majesty's Secret Service (2009)
So I'm working with scientists in the Netherlands I'm working with people in California, I'm working with Swarovski.[CN] 我们和荷兰的科学家研究 和加州的部门商量 用施华洛世奇水晶 This Is It (2009)
That is why I come to discuss it with you two.[CN] 所以才请你和国舅一起来商量 On His Majesty's Secret Service (2009)
Okay, Ericcson, how flexible are you on confidentiality?[CN] 好的 Ericcson 关于保密协议 还有可商量的余地吗? Stripped (2009)
Let me talk to her again, see what they come back with.[CN] 我再和她商量下 看看他们怎么说 Crash (2009)
- We can discuss this calmly. - Don't come any closer.[CN] 有事慢慢来,现在还有商量 别过来... Tactical Unit - Partners (2009)
But the threat to your lives is explicit. We need to set up a security plan with the marshal.[CN] 我们得跟法警那边商量保护措施 Carnelian, Inc. (2009)
It's nonnegotiable.[CN] 没得商量 Stripped (2009)


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