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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
消息不明[しょうそくふめい, shousokufumei] (n) untraceable; long lost; one's whereabouts being unknown [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yeah, he's been off the radar.[JP] ええ 彼は消息不明になってるわ Red Dawn (2012)
Well, she went to work, left to go home, and hasn't been heard from since.[JP] 仕事先から家に向かった後 消息不明です The Hour of Death (2012)
Prime Minister Yamamoto, en route for China... is also reported missing over the island of Kyushu.[CN] 另有消息说 为访问中国从羽田机场起飞的政府专机 在九州上空消息不明 Nihon chinbotsu (2006)
This man has been off the radar the past 12 hours, in the company of known terrorists.[JP] 消息不明の12時間は テロリストのお仲間と Two Hats (2012)
I know, and now there's talk of some missing campers.[JP] 何人かのキャンパーも 消息不明らしい The Night of the Comet (2009)
Because the news earlier from Yankton and the fucking commissioners wasn't adequately confusing.[CN] 要不是扬克顿和行政专员的消息不明不白 A Lie Agreed Upon: Part II (2005)
We never saw him again.[JP] 消息不明です The Stewmaker (No. 161) (2013)
If we don't hear from agent keen in five minutes, we're going in.[JP] "5分待っても 消息不明なら突入する" Wujing (No. 84) (2013)
They told me he's missing, but I think he's dead, too.[JP] 消息不明て言われたんだ でも、死んだんだと思うんだ Episode #1.2 (2003)
MIA. Every last one of them.[JP] MIA (作戦中消息不明) 国境を越え しばらく経つ Machete Kills (2013)
It says here 2, 300 Americans were reported missing everyday.[JP] 2, 300のアメリカ人が 毎日、消息不明だって Abduction (2011)
They found his car, but he'd vanished. Completely M.I.A.[JP] 彼の車は見つかったけど、男は消息不明 Pilot (2005)

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