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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
园丁[yuán dīng, ㄩㄢˊ ㄉㄧㄥ,   /  ] gardener #40,417 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
園丁[えんてい, entei] (n) gardener [Add to Longdo]

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We lived right behind the Thurman Public Rose Garden in the house where they used to keep the gardeners back in the fifties.[CN] 我們就住在瑟曼公共玫瑰園的後面 屋子以前是給公園一個五十多歲的園丁住的 Frailty (2001)
He gave you a rose?[CN] 你的園丁 Ah, But Underneath (2004)
A florist?[CN] 園丁 Police Academy (1984)
That's how she came to start an affair with her teenage gardener, which was cut short by a tragic accident, so once again, Gabrielle was in need of a great idea.[CN] 所以她開始和那個年輕園丁混在一起 但因為一次意外而結束 所以Gabrielle又有了一個新的主意 Suspicious Minds (2004)
Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement.[CN] 當然,Gabrielle只是找到了她年輕的園丁 給她的生活中注入新鮮血液 Ah, But Underneath (2004)
Gardener, where does the ringing tree grow?[CN] 園丁,請問哪里長會唱歌的樹? The Singing Ringing Tree (1957)
Look at this kid out there, the gardener's son.[CN] 瞧瞧外頭那孩子,園丁的兒子 All Due Respect (2004)
We're getting a real gardener.[CN] 我們需要一個真正的園丁. Pilot (2004)
You can't exactly afford A gardener right now, [CN] 你現在沒錢請園丁 Impossible (2005)
We got A new gardener today.[CN] 我們今天有了一個新的園丁 Impossible (2005)
I talk about God knows what, I let my eyes drift across the room.[CN] 於是我談論著園丁,目光卻穿過房間 The Rules of Attraction (2002)
Just the gardener and his wife living on the grounds.[CN] 只有園丁夫婦住在那裡 North by Northwest (1959)


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