*defection* แปลว่าอะไร ดูความหมาย ตัวอย่างประโยค หมายความว่า พจนานุกรม Longdo Dictionary แปลภาษา คำศัพท์
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21 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *defection*
หรือค้นหา: defection, -defection-

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
defection(n) การเอาใจออกห่าง, See also: การละทิ้ง

Hope Dictionary
defection(ดีเฟค'เชิน) n. การละทิ้ง, การเอาใจออกห่าง, การไม่ปฏิบัติตาม, การหลบหนีออกนอกประเทศ, Syn. desertion

Nontri Dictionary
defection(n) การปลีกตัวออกจาก, การเอาใจออกห่าง, การละทิ้ง, การหนีออกนอกประเทศ

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
ออกจากพรรค[øk jāk phak] (v, exp) EN: defect  FR: quitter un parti ; faire défection
ทรยศ[thørayot] (v) EN: betray ; be a traitor ; stab s.o. in the back ; be treacherous ; forsake ; defect  FR: trahir ; faire défection

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

WordNet (3.0)
apostasy(n) the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes), Syn. defection, renunciation
desertion(n) withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility, Syn. abandonment, defection

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n. [ L. defectio: cf. F. défection. See Defect. ] Act of abandoning a person or cause to which one is bound by allegiance or duty, or to which one has attached himself; desertion; failure in duty; a falling away; apostasy; backsliding. “Defection and falling away from God.” Sir W. Raleigh. [ 1913 Webster ]

The general defection of the whole realm. Sir J. Davies. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who advocates or encourages defection. [ 1913 Webster ]

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
投诚[tóu chéng, ㄊㄡˊ ㄔㄥˊ,   /  ] defection #48,159 [Add to Longdo]

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Überlaufen { n }; Abtrünnigkeit { f }defection [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
亡命[ぼうめい, boumei] (n, vs) flight from one's country; seeking asylum; defection; emigration (for political reasons); (going into) exile; becoming a (political) refugee; (P) #6,355 [Add to Longdo]
脱落[だつらく, datsuraku] (n, vs) (1) loss; dropping out; falling by the wayside; (2) omission; lacuna; gap; hiatus; (3) desertion; defection; (4) apostasy; (P) #11,481 [Add to Longdo]
棄教[ききょう, kikyou] (n, vs) (See 背教) apostasy; renunciation (e.g. of a religion); defection [Add to Longdo]
脱党[だっとう, dattou] (n, vs) defection from or leaving a (political) party [Add to Longdo]
背教[はいきょう, haikyou] (n, adj-no) apostasy; renunciation (e.g. of a religion); defection [Add to Longdo]
離散集合[りさんしゅうごう, risanshuugou] (n, vs) meeting and parting; gathering and scattering; alignment and realignment; alternating alliance and rupture; alternating cooperation and defection [Add to Longdo]

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