26 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ tonsure
/เทาะ น เฉิ่ร/     /tˈɒnʃər/
หรือค้นหา: -tonsure-, *tonsure*
Possible hiragana form: とんすれ

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
tonsure(n) การตัดผม, See also: การโกนผม, Syn. shave

Hope Dictionary
tonsure(เทน'เชอะ) n. การตัดผม, การโกนผม, การปลงผม, ศรีษะ, ศรีษะที่โกนผมแล้ว (เช่นของพระ) , ส่วนของศรีษะที่โกนผมออก, หัวโล้น, ภาวะหัวโล้น. vt. โกนผม, ปลงผม

Nontri Dictionary
tonsure(n) การโกนผม, กระหม่อม, หัวจุก, พิธีโกนจุก
tonsure(vt) ปลงผม, บวช, โกนผม

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
บรรพชา[banphachā = bapphachā] (n) EN: tonsure  FR: noviciat [ m ] ; tonsure [ f ]
บรรพชา[banphachā = bapphachā] (v) EN: enter the priesthood ; take the tonsure ; become a monk  FR: entrer dans les ordres ; tonsurer
บวช[būat] (v) EN: ordain ; be ordained ; go into priesthood ; become a monk ; take the tonsure  FR: ordonner ; être ordonné ; consacrer ; prendre l'habit
ผนวช[phanūat] (v) EN: ordain ; enter Buddhist priesthood ; tonsure  FR: prendre l'habit
วันโกน[wan kōn] (n, exp) EN: head-shaving day ; tonsure day ; the day before the new moon/full moon  FR: jour de la tonsure [ m ]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (vt, n) /t o1 n sh @ r/ /เทาะ น เฉิ่ร/ /tˈɒnʃər/
 (vt, vt) /t o1 n sh @ d/ /เทาะ น เฉอะ ดึ/ /tˈɒnʃəd/
 (vt, n) /t o1 n sh @ z/ /เทาะ น เฉอะ สึ/ /tˈɒnʃəz/

WordNet (3.0)
tonsure(n) the shaved crown of a monk's or priest's head
tonsure(n) shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order
tonsure(v) shave the head of a newly inducted monk

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n. [ F., fr. L. tonsura a shearing, clipping, from tondere, tonsum, to shear, shave; cf. Gr. &unr_; to gnaw; perhaps akin to Gr. &unr_; to cut, and E. tome. ] 1. The act of clipping the hair, or of shaving the crown of the head; also, the state of being shorn. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (R. C. Ch.) (a) The first ceremony used for devoting a person to the service of God and the church; the first degree of the clericate, given by a bishop, abbot, or cardinal priest, consisting in cutting off the hair from a circular space at the back of the head, with prayers and benedictions; hence, entrance or admission into minor orders. (b) The shaven corona, or crown, which priests wear as a mark of their order and of their rank. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Having the tonsure; shaven; shorn; clipped; hence, bald. [ 1913 Webster ]

A tonsured head in middle age forlorn. Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
剃度[tì dù, ㄊㄧˋ ㄉㄨˋ,  ] tonsure (shaved head of Buddhist monk) #61,743 [Add to Longdo]

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Tonsur { f } | Tonsuren { pl }tonsure | tonsures [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
円顱[えんろ, enro] (n) tonsure; shaven head [Add to Longdo]
剃り捨てる[そりすてる, sorisuteru] (v1) to cut off the hair; take the tonsure [Add to Longdo]
剃髪[ていはつ, teihatsu] (n, vs) tonsure; cutting off the hair [Add to Longdo]
頭を丸める[あたまをまるめる, atamawomarumeru] (exp, v1) (1) to be tonsured; to have one's head shaved; (2) to become a monk [Add to Longdo]
有髪[うはつ, uhatsu] (n) untonsured (monk or priest or nun) [Add to Longdo]
落飾[らくしょく, rakushoku] (n, vs) cutting one's hair before entering a monastery; tonsure [Add to Longdo]
落髪[らくはつ, rakuhatsu] (n, vs) cutting one's hair before entering a monastery; tonsure [Add to Longdo]

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