21 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ palanquin
หรือค้นหา: -palanquin-, *palanquin*

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
palanquin(n) เกี้ยว, See also: แคร่, เสลี่ยง, คานหาม, Syn. palankeen

Hope Dictionary
palanquin(แพล'แลงควีน, -คีน) n. เกี้ยวโดยสาร, See also: palanquiner n. palankeener n.

Nontri Dictionary
palanquin(n) แคร่, เกี้ยว, เสลี่ยง, คานหาม

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
One shoulder is to carry the bride's palanquin and.. ข้างหนึ่งไว้ห้ามเกี้ยวเจ้าสาว... Heyy Babyy (2007)
Has the palanquin arrived yet? เกี้ยวมาถึงหรือยัง Dong Yi (2010)
My monkey palanquin turned at a sweet-smelling bakery.. ลิงที่หามฉัน เปลี่ยนกลิ่นไปเป็นกลิ่นเบเกอร์รี่แล้ว... Paradise Kiss (2011)

NECTEC Lexitron-2 Dictionary (TH-EN)
วอ(n) palanquin, See also: sedan chair, litter, Count Unit: คัน, หลัง, Thai Definition: ยานที่มีลักษณะเป็นรูปเรือนหลังคาทรงจั่วสำหรับเจ้านายหรือข้าราชการฝ่ายในนั่ง ใช้คนหาม

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (n) /p a2 l @ n k ii1 n/ /แพ เหลิ่น คี้น/ /pˌælənkˈiːn/
 (n) /p a2 l @ n k ii1 n z/ /แพ เหลิ่น คี้น สึ/ /pˌælənkˈiːnz/

WordNet (3.0)
palanquin(n) a closed litter carried on the shoulders of four bearers, Syn. palankeen

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n. [ F. palanquin, Pg. palanquim, Javan. palangki, OJavan. palangkan, through Prakrit fr. Skr. parya&ndot_;ka, palya&ndot_;ka, bed, couch; pari around (akin to E. pref. peri-) + a&ndot_;ka a hook, flank, probably akin to E. angle fishing tackle. Cf. Palkee. ] An inclosed carriage or litter, commonly about eight feet long, four feet wide, and four feet high, borne on the shoulders of men by means of two projecting poles, -- used in India, China, etc., for the conveyance of a single person from place to place. [ Written also palankeen. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[てい;ひのと, tei ; hinoto] (ctr) (1) counter for sheets, pages, leaves, etc.; (2) counter for blocks of tofu; counter for servings in a restaurant; (3) (See 挺) counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.; (n) (4) (See 半・はん・3) even number; (5) (See 町・3) 109.09 m #2,197 [Add to Longdo]
挺;梃[ちょう, chou] (ctr) counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc. #16,451 [Add to Longdo]
お忍び;御忍び[おしのび, oshinobi] (n) (1) (abbr) travelling incognito (traveling); (2) (See 御忍び駕籠) special palanquin for carrying a daimyo or his wife incognito [Add to Longdo]
一丁[いっちょう, icchou] (n) (1) one sheet; one page; one leaf; (2) one block of tofu; one serving (in a restaurant); (3) (also written as 一挺, 一梃) one long and narrow thing (e.g. guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.); (4) one cho (unit of distance, 109.09 m); (5) one game; one task; (n-adv) (6) well then; come then; (P) [Add to Longdo]
雲助[くもすけ, kumosuke] (n) palanquin bearer; coolie; wandering robber [Add to Longdo]
玉の輿[たまのこし, tamanokoshi] (n) palanquin set with jewels [Add to Longdo]
後棒[あとぼう, atobou] (n) (See 先棒・1) rear carrier of a palanquin [Add to Longdo]
御忍び駕籠[おしのびかご, oshinobikago] (n) special palanquin for carrying a daimyo or his wife incognito [Add to Longdo]
御輿(P);神輿;神興(iK)[みこし, mikoshi] (n) (1) (esp. 神輿) (See お神輿・1) portable shrine (carried in festivals); (2) (hon) (esp. 御輿) (See 輿) palanquin; (3) (uk) (See 腰・1) buttocks; lower back; waist; hips; (P) [Add to Longdo]
御旅所;お旅所[おたびしょ, otabisho] (n) (See 旅所) place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival [Add to Longdo]

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