22 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ cudgel
/คะ เจิ่ล/     /K AH1 JH AH0 L/     /kˈʌdʒəl/
หรือค้นหา: -cudgel-, *cudgel*

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
cudgel(vt) ตีด้วยไม้กระบอง, Syn. beat, strike
cudgel(n) ไม้กระบอง, Syn. stick, bat, club

Hope Dictionary
cudgel(คัด'เจิล) { cudgeled, cudgeling, cudgels } n. ตะบอง vt. ตีด้วยตะบอง

Nontri Dictionary
cudgel(n) ดิ้ว, กระบอง, ตะบอง
cudgel(vt) ตีด้วยดิ้ว, นวด, ตีด้วยกระบอง

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I will hunt him down and beat him senseless with a cudgel. ฉันจะตามล่าเขาและจะตีเขาให้ไม่มีความีความรู้สึก ด้วยบองเลยละ Big Brother (2012)

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
กระบอง[krabøng] (n) EN: club ; bludgeon ; truncheon ; lathi ; stick ; rod ; cane ; baton ; staff ; pole ; cudgel ; bat  FR: gourdin [ m ] ; massue [ f ] ; trique [ f ] ; matraque [ f ] ; bâton [ m ]
ไม้ตะบอง[māi tabøng] (n) EN: club ; cudgel
ไม้ยาว[māi yāo] (n, exp) EN: cane ; stick ; club ; cudgel ; rod  FR: canne [ f ] ; bâton [ m ]

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
 /K AH1 JH AH0 L/
/คะ เจิ่ล/
 /K AH1 JH AH0 L Z/
/คะ เจิ่ล สึ/

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (vt, n) /k uh1 jh @ l/ /คะ เจิ่ล/ /kˈʌdʒəl/
 (vt, n) /k uh1 jh @ l z/ /คะ เจิ่ล สึ/ /kˈʌdʒəlz/
 (vt, vt) /k uh1 jh @ l d/ /คะ เจิ่ล ดึ/ /kˈʌdʒəld/
 (vt) /k uh1 jh @ l i ng/ /คะ เจอะ หลิ่ง/ /kˈʌdʒəlɪŋ/

WordNet (3.0)
cudgel(n) a club that is used as a weapon
cudgel(v) strike with a cudgel, Syn. fustigate

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n. [ OE. kuggel; cf. G. keule club (with a round end), kugel ball, or perh. W. cogyl cudgel, or D. cudse, kuds, cudgel. ] A staff used in cudgel play, shorter than the quarterstaff, and wielded with one hand; hence, any heavy stick used as a weapon. [ 1913 Webster ]

He getteth him a grievous crabtree cudgel and . . . falls to rating of them as if they were dogs. Bunyan. [ 1913 Webster ]

Cudgel play, a fight or sportive contest with cudgels. --
To cross the cudgels, to forbear or give up the contest; -- a phrase borrowed from the practice of cudgel players, who lay one cudgel over another when the contest is ended. --
To take up cudgels for, to engage in a contest in behalf of (some one or something).
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Cudgeled or Cudgelled p. pr. & vb. n. Cudgeling or cudgelling. ] To beat with a cudgel. [ 1913 Webster ]

An he here, I would cudgel him like a dog. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

To cudgel one's brains, to exercise one's wits.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who beats with a cudgel. [ Written also cudgeller. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
棒術[ぼうじゅつ, boujutsu] (n) bojutsu (art of using a stick as a weapon); cudgels [Add to Longdo]
棍棒;こん棒[こんぼう, konbou] (n) stick; club; cudgel; bludgeon [Add to Longdo]

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