152 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ bluffly
/บล๊ะ ฝลี่/     /blˈʌfliː/
หรือค้นหา: -bluffly-, *bluffly*, bluff

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Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (adv) /b l uh1 f l ii/ /บล๊ะ ฝลี่/ /blˈʌfliː/
 (v, n, adj) /b l uh1 f/ /บละ ฝึ/ /blˈʌf/
 (v, n) /b l uh1 f s/ /บละ ฝึ สึ/ /blˈʌfs/
 (v, v) /b l uh1 f t/ /บละ ฝึ ถึ/ /blˈʌft/
 (n) /b l uh1 f @ r/ /บล๊ะ เฝิ่ร/ /blˈʌfər/
 (n) /b l uh1 f @ z/ /บล๊ะ เฝอะ สึ/ /blˈʌfəz/
 (v) /b l uh1 f i ng/ /บล๊ะ ฝิ่ง/ /blˈʌfɪŋ/
 (n) /b l uh1 f n @ s/ /บล๊ะ ฝึ เหนอะ สึ/ /blˈʌfnəs/

WordNet (3.0)
bluffly(adv) in a blunt direct manner, Syn. flat out, bluntly, brusquely, roundly
bluff(n) a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)
bluff(n) pretense that your position is stronger than it really is
bluff(n) the act of bluffing in poker; deception by a false show of confidence in the strength of your cards, Syn. four flush
bluff(v) deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand, Syn. bluff out
bluff(v) frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is
bluff(adj) very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front, Syn. sheer, bold
bluff(adj) bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured
bluffer(n) a person who tries to bluff other people, Syn. four-flusher
bluffness(n) good-natured frankness

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
bluff(vt) แกล้งตั้งใจทำบางสิ่งเพื่อหลอกคนอื่น, Syn. deceive
bluff(n) การแกล้งตั้งใจทำบางสิ่ง, Syn. deception
bluff(n) ตลิ่งกว้างและชัน, See also: หน้าผาที่กว้างและสูงชัน, Syn. cliff
bluff(adj) กว้างและสูงชัน
bluff(adj) เป็นมิตรแต่พูดตรงโดยไม่สนใจความรู้สึกของคนอื่น, See also: เป็นมิตรแต่โผงผาง, Syn. outspoken
bluff into(phrv) ลวงให้หลงเชื่อ, See also: หลอกให้หลงกล
bluff it out(phrv) หลุดพ้นจากปัญหา, Syn. brave out, brazen out
bluff one's way out of something(idm) รอดพ้นด้วยการเสแสร้งหรือหลอกลวง

Hope Dictionary
bluff(บลัฟ) vt., vi., n. (การ) หลอกลวง, ขู่ขวัญให้กลัว, แสร้งทำ adj. ตรงไปตรงมา, โผงผาง, หน้าตรงดิ่ง -n. ผาชัน, ตลิ่งชัน, ศพ -bluffer n.

Nontri Dictionary
bluff(adj) ตรงไปตรงมา, โผงผาง
bluff(n) ตลิ่งชัน, ผาชัน, ศพ, การพูดลวง
bluff(vi, vt) ขู่ให้กลัว, หลอกลวง, ลวง

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
White Bluff. - Eine. White Bluff. Capricorn One (1977)
He's not bluffing, Captain. Er blufft nicht. The Cage (1986)
He's bluffing. Er blufft. Die Hard 2 (1990)
Pascal was bluffing. Pascal hat geblufft. Revolution (2014)
I would have known you were bluffing. Ich würde wissen, wann sie bluffen. Revolution (2014)
He's saying Stemple bluffed, so now we're gonna bluff. Er meint, dass Stemple geblufft hat, also werden jetzt wir bluffen. Moot Point (2014)
I knew that camcorder wouldn't pick it up, just like I knew you would bluff to get that data. Ich habe gewusst, dass der Camcorder es nicht aufnehmen würde genauso wie ich gewusst habe, dass du bluffen würdest, um an die Daten zu kommen. Moot Point (2014)
You're proposing a bluff? Du schlägst einen Bluff vor? The Man with the Twisted Lip (2014)
You're bluffing. Sie bluffen. Know When to Fold 'Em (2014)
You can't tell a bluff when you hear it? Er hat doch nur geblufft, nichts weiter. Mercy Moment Murder Measure (2014)
Man needs food and water to survive. Er blufft. Catch Me If You Can (2014)
- Time to bluff. Wir bluffen. Up Helly Aa (2014)
Joe's too smart for that. What happens when he calls your bluff and realizes you don't have the stomach to go through with it? Was, wenn er merkt, dass du nur bluffst und nicht die Eier hast, es durchzuziehen? 1984 (2014)
You think I'm bluffing? Sie meinen, ich würde bluffen? Yesterday's Gone (2014)
You've been bluffing since you set foot in the Hamptons. Du hast geblufft seit du die Hamptons betratst. Warum jetzt aufhören? Addiction (2014)
They were pretending to go out and rescue cats and I called their bluff. Sie haben vorgegeben, rumzufahren und Katzen zu retten... und ich habe ihren Bluff durchschaut. Charlie, Lacey & the Dangerous Plumber (2014)
You're bluffing. Du bluffst. Wanted Man (2014)
And I'm like, "Damn, is she bluffing?" Und ich dachte mir: "Verdammt, blufft sie?" Cairo (2014)
This isn't a bluff, Harvey. Das ist kein Bluff, Harvey. Pound of Flesh (2014)
He knew what I was trying to do, and he called my bluff right there. Er hat gewusst, was ich vorgehabt habe, und er hat meinen Bluff sofort erkannt. Pound of Flesh (2014)
All hail the Prince of flipping Israel! Bluffing his way to the promised land. Ehre sei dem verdammten Prinzen Israels, der sich ins gelobte Land blufft. Tangier (2014)
Maybe he knows you're bluffing. Vielleicht weiß es, dass Sie bluffen. A New World (2014)
I'm not bluffing. Ich bluffe nicht. A New World (2014)
He straight-up bluffed you into folding. Er hat schlecht geblufft und Sie haben nachgegeben. Penguin's Umbrella (2014)
Okay, so it wasn't a bluff. Ok, war doch kein Bluff. Penguin's Umbrella (2014)
He's not bluffing. Er blufft nicht. The Writing on the Wall (2014)
In any case... I think you're bluffing. Auf jeden Fall... glaube ich, Sie bluffen. Bella (2014)
It was one of the greatest bluffs in modern history. Es war einer der größten Bluffs der modernen Geschichte.
I'll kill him. - Er blufft nicht. Waterworld (1995)
- He's not bluffing. Er blufft nie. Waterworld (1995)
We are risking everything on a bluff, Abby. Wir riskieren alles für einen Bluff, Abby. Long Into an Abyss (2014)
- I am authorized to kill US citizens on the battlefield, you motherfucker. - Sie bluffen. - Ich bin autorisiert, U.S.-Bürger auf dem Schlachtfeld zu töten, Sie Wichser. There's Something Else Going On (2014)
- What do you think, he's bluffing? Denken Sie, er blufft? Spotlight (2015)
Robby say Macleish thinks he's bluffing. - Bin dran. MacLeish denkt, der bluffe, sagte Robby. Spotlight (2015)
She is bluffing. Sie blufft. Home (2015)
Oh, you're not going to call the cops. Das ist doch nur ein Bluff. Momentum (2015)
Nothing doesn't suit you. - Das Bluffen steht Ihnen nicht. Momentum (2015)
You're bluffing. Du bluffst doch. Spectre (2015)
Right now, you're thinking it's a bluff. Sie denken jetzt, es ist ein Bluff. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)
- I hope you're good at bullshitting. - OK-- Ich hoffe, Sie können bluffen. Explosivos (2015)
You suck at poker, Shia, so I didn't want to put you in the position of having to bluff. Poker liegt dir nicht, Shia. Du solltest nicht in die Lage geraten, bluffen zu müssen. Savior (2015)
I don't believe in bluffing. Ich glaube nicht an Bluffs. The Battle Creek Way (2015)
We bluff. Wir bluffen. The Battle Creek Way (2015)
You are a fraud, Lena! Du bist ein Bluff! Heaven on Earth (2015)
You know it's a bluff on their part. Sie wissen, dass es ein Bluff von ihnen ist. Chapter 31 (2015)
Their bluff trumps your bluff. Deren Bluff schlägt euren Bluff. Man's Best Friend (2015)
You're bluffing. Du bluffst doch nur. Ring of the Magi (2015)
Oh, you're bluffing. Du bluffst nur. Trust No Bitch (2015)
If you're going to bluff with a fake virus sample, let me in on it. Wenn du vorhast, mit einer gefälschten Virus-Probe zu bluffen, dann sag mir das. Midnight City (2015)
I wasn't bluffing. - Das war kein Bluff. Midnight City (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
bluffHa-ha-ha-hah! No worry! I brazenly bluffed.
bluffHanako called his bluff.

NECTEC Lexitron-2 Dictionary (TH-EN)
ขี้ฉ้อตอแหล(v) deceive, See also: be deceitful, wheedle, bluff, Syn. ปลิ้นปล้อน, ตลบตะแลง, Ant. ซื่อตรง, Example: เธอขี้ฉ้อตอแหลเอาเงินเขาไปจนเขาเกือบหมดตัว, Thai Definition: พลิกแพลงด้วยเล่ห์เหลี่ยมให้หลงเชื่อ
ขู่(v) intimidate, See also: threaten, menace, bluff, terrorize, Syn. ข่มขู่, ขู่กรรโชก, ขู่ขวัญ, ข่มขวัญ, Ant. ปลอบโยน, ปลอบใจ, Example: คนร้ายขู่ว่าจะฆ่าตัวประกันถ้าไม่ยอมทำตามข้อตกลง, Thai Definition: แสดงอาการโดยการพูดหรือการกระทำให้ผู้อื่นเกรงกลัว
ขู่เข็ญ(v) coerce, See also: intimidate, threaten, bluff, terrorize, force, compel, Syn. ขู่, บังคับ, บีบบังคับ, ข่มขู่, Ant. ปลอบโยน, ปลอบใจ, Example: ตำรวจขู่เข็ญให้ผู้ต้องหาสารภาพความจริง, Thai Definition: ทำให้กลัวโดยบังคับกดขี่
ซ้อมค้าง(v) bluff somebody into telling the truth, See also: coax a secret out of somebody, Thai Definition: พูดทึกทักเอาราวกับเป็นจริง

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
อำ[am] (v) EN: hide ; cover up ; keep silent ; suppress ; conceal ; hush something up ; suppress ; bluff  FR: cacher ; dissimuler ; couvrir ; bluffer
เกทับ[kēthap] (v) EN: match and raise (in cards) ; bluff
ขี้ฉ้อตอแหล[khīchø tølaē] (v, exp) EN: deceive ; be deceitfu l; wheedle ; bluff
ขี้โม้[khīmō] (adj) EN: boastful ; bragful ; given to exaggeration  FR: vantard ; fanfaron ; hâbleur ; bluffeur
ขู่เข็ญ[khūkhen] (v) EN: coerce ; intimidate ; threaten ; bluff ; terrorize ; force ; compel  FR: terroriser ; contraindre
ลักไก่[lak kai] (v, exp) EN: bluff  FR: profiter ; abuser
หลอก[løk] (v) EN: hoodwink ; bluff  FR: tromper ; duper ; bluffer
ตบตา[toptā] (v) EN: deceive ; fool ; bluff ; trick ; beguile ; mislead ; delude ; put the wool over s.o.'s eyes  FR: bluffer ; duper ; tromper

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
 /B L AH1 F/
/บละ ฝึ/
 /B L AH1 F S/
/บละ ฝึ สึ/
 /B L AH1 F T/
/บละ ฝึ ถึ/
 /B L AH1 F ER0/
/บล๊ะ เฝ่อ (ร)/
 /B L AH1 F IH0 NG/
/บล๊ะ ฝิ่ง/
 /S K AA1 T S B L AH2 F/
/สึ ก๊า ถึ สึ บละ ฝึ/

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (v, n, adj) /b l uh1 f/ /บละ ฝึ/ /blˈʌf/
 (v, n) /b l uh1 f s/ /บละ ฝึ สึ/ /blˈʌfs/
 (v, v) /b l uh1 f t/ /บละ ฝึ ถึ/ /blˈʌft/
 (n) /b l uh1 f @ r/ /บล๊ะ เฝิ่ร/ /blˈʌfər/
 (adv) /b l uh1 f l ii/ /บล๊ะ ฝลี่/ /blˈʌfliː/
 (n) /b l uh1 f @ z/ /บล๊ะ เฝอะ สึ/ /blˈʌfəz/
 (v) /b l uh1 f i ng/ /บล๊ะ ฝิ่ง/ /blˈʌfɪŋ/
 (n) /b l uh1 f n @ s/ /บล๊ะ ฝึ เหนอะ สึ/ /blˈʌfnəs/

WordNet (3.0)
bluff(n) a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)
bluff(n) pretense that your position is stronger than it really is
bluff(n) the act of bluffing in poker; deception by a false show of confidence in the strength of your cards, Syn. four flush
bluff(v) deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand, Syn. bluff out
bluff(v) frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is
bluff(adj) very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front, Syn. sheer, bold
bluff(adj) bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured
bluffer(n) a person who tries to bluff other people, Syn. four-flusher
bluffly(adv) in a blunt direct manner, Syn. flat out, bluntly, brusquely, roundly
bluffness(n) good-natured frankness

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

a. [ Cf. OD. blaf flat, broad, blaffaert one with a broad face, also, a boaster; or G. verblüffen to confuse, LG. bluffen to frighten; to unknown origin. ] 1. Having a broad, flattened front; as, the bluff bows of a ship. “Bluff visages.” Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Rising steeply with a flat or rounded front. “A bluff or bold shore.” Falconer. [ 1913 Webster ]

Its banks, if not really steep, had a bluff and precipitous aspect. Judd. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Surly; churlish; gruff; rough. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Abrupt; roughly frank; unceremonious; blunt; brusque; as, a bluff answer; a bluff manner of talking; a bluff sea captain. “Bluff King Hal.” Sir W. Scott. [ 1913 Webster ]

There is indeed a bluff pertinacity which is a proper defense in a moment of surprise. I. Taylor. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. A high, steep bank, as by a river or the sea, or beside a ravine or plain; a cliff with a broad face. [ 1913 Webster ]

Beach, bluff, and wave, adieu. Whittier. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An act of bluffing; an expression of self-confidence for the purpose of intimidation; braggadocio; as, that is only bluff, or a bluff. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A game at cards; poker. [ U.S. ] Bartlett. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Bluffed p. pr. & vb. n. Bluffing. ] 1. (Poker) To deter (an opponent) from taking the risk of betting on his hand of cards, as the bluffer does by betting heavily on his own hand although it may be of less value. [ U. S. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To frighten or deter from accomplishing a purpose by making a show of confidence in one's strength or resources; as, he bluffed me off. [ Colloq. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To act as in the game of bluff. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Naut.) Built with the stem nearly straight up and down. [ 1913 Webster ]


pos>n. One who bluffs. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Naut.) Built with the stem nearly straight up and down. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The quality or state of being bluff. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Having bluffs, or bold, steep banks. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Inclined to bo bluff; brusque. [ 1913 Webster ]

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
虚张声势[xū zhāng shēng shì, ㄒㄩ ㄓㄤ ㄕㄥ ㄕˋ,     /    ] bluff #45,104 [Add to Longdo]
讹诈[é zhà, ㄜˊ ㄓㄚˋ,   /  ] extort under false pretences; blackmail; bluff; defraud #48,221 [Add to Longdo]
空城计[kōng chéng jì, ㄎㄨㄥ ㄔㄥˊ ㄐㄧˋ,    /   ] empty city strategy (成语 saw), cf Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 playing the guqin 古琴 zither over the open gate to his empty fort, fooling Sima Yi 司馬懿|司马懿 into suspecting an ambush; a bold front hides a weak defense; double bluff #64,043 [Add to Longdo]
诈唬[zhà hu, ㄓㄚˋ ㄏㄨ˙,   /  ] to threaten and deceive; bluff; bluster #168,139 [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Approved DE-TH
verblüffen(vi, vt) |verblüffte, hat verblüfft| ทำให้ประหลาดใจ โดยที่เขาไม่ได้คาดคิดมาก่อน เช่น Ich habe Mama und Papa mit Informationen über Länder und Leute in Afrika verblüfft. พ่อและแม่ประหลาดใจที่ผมรู้เรื่องเกี่ยวกับประเทศและผู้คนในทวีปแอฟริกา, Syn. überraschen
verblüfft(adj) ตกตะลึง, งงงัน เช่น Ich war höchst verblüfft, als ich ihn sagen hörte. ฉันตะลึงงันตอนที่ได้ยินสิ่งที่เขาพูด, Syn. erstaunt

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Bluff { m }bluff [Add to Longdo]
Bluffer { m }bluffer [Add to Longdo]
täuschento bluff [Add to Longdo]
Zwingen wir ihn, Farbe zu bekennen..Let's call his bluff. [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
はったり[hattari] (n) bluff [Add to Longdo]
擬勢[ぎせい, gisei] (n, vs) bluff; deceiving an enemy [Add to Longdo]
虚仮威し;コケ威し[こけおどし(虚仮威し);コケおどし(コケ威し), kokeodoshi ( kyo kari i shi ); koke odoshi ( koke i shi )] (n) bluff; showing off [Add to Longdo]
虚勢[きょせい, kyosei] (n) bluff [Add to Longdo]
虚勢を張る[きょせいをはる, kyoseiwoharu] (exp, v5r) to bluff; to act brave [Add to Longdo]
強がり[つよがり, tsuyogari] (n) show of courage; bluff [Add to Longdo]
強がる[つよがる, tsuyogaru] (v5r, vi) to cry sour grapes; to bluff; to whistle in the dark; to pretend to be tough [Add to Longdo]
空威張り[からいばり, karaibari] (n, vs) bluffing; bluster; bravado [Add to Longdo]
力む(P);勉む;努む[りきむ, rikimu] (v5m, vt) (1) to strain; to bear up; to exert one's strength; (2) to swagger; to bluff; to boast; (P) [Add to Longdo]

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