5 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ benumbed
/บิ้ นั้ม ดึ/     /bˈɪnˈʌmd/
หรือค้นหา: -benumbed-, *benumbed*, benumb, benumbe

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
benumbedMy hand are benumbed with cold.

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (adj) /b i1 n uh1 m d/ /บิ้ นั้ม ดึ/ /bˈɪnˈʌmd/

WordNet (3.0)
asleep(adj) lacking sensation, Syn. benumbed, numb

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

a. Made torpid; numbed; stupefied; deadened; as, a benumbed body and mind. -- Be*numbed"ness, n. [1913 Webster]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
縮かむ[ちぢかむ, chidikamu] (v5m, vi) (1) to be benumbed (e.g. with cold); (2) to shrink; to contract; to diminish (in size) [Add to Longdo]

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