4 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ cellaret
หรือค้นหา: -cellaret-, *cellaret*

Hope Dictionary
cellaretn. ตู้ใส่เหล้า, หิ้งใส่เหล้า
cellaretten. ตู้ใส่เหล้า, หิ้งใส่เหล้า

WordNet (3.0)
minibar(n) sideboard with compartments for holding bottles, Syn. cellaret

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n. [ Dim of cellar. ] A receptacle, as in a dining room, for a few bottles of wine or liquor, made in the form of a chest or coffer, or a deep drawer in a sideboard, and usually lined with metal. [ 1913 Webster ]

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