6 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ alewife
/เอ๊ล วาย ฝึ/     /EY1 L W AY2 F/     /ˈeɪlwˌaɪf/
หรือค้นหา: -alewife-, *alewife*

Hope Dictionary
alewife(เอล' ไวฟ) n. (pl. -wives) ปลาชนิดหนึ่งในอเมริกาเหนือ จำพวก Pomlobus pseudoharengus, หญิงที่ขายเครื่องดื่ม ale

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
 /EY1 L W AY2 F/
/เอ๊ล วาย ฝึ/

WordNet (3.0)
alewife(n) flesh of shad-like fish abundant along the Atlantic coast or in coastal streams
alewife(n) shad-like food fish that runs rivers to spawn; often salted or smoked; sometimes placed in genus Pomolobus, Syn. Alosa pseudoharengus, Pomolobus pseudoharengus

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n.; pl. Alewives. [ This word is properly aloof, the Indian name of a fish. See Winthrop on the culture of maize in America, “Phil Trans.” No. 142, p. 1065, and Baddam's “Memoirs, ” vol. ii. p. 131. ] (Zool.) A North American fish (Clupea vernalis) of the Herring family. It is called also ellwife, ellwhop, branch herring. The name is locally applied to other related species. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Alewives A woman who keeps an alehouse. Gay. [ 1913 Webster ]

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