37 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ akku
หรือค้นหา: -akku-, *akku*
Possible hiragana form: あっく

Longdo Approved DE-TH
Akku(n) |der, pl. Akkus| แบตเตอรีแบบที่เก็บไฟฟ้าและถูกชาร์จไฟใหม่ได้ เช่น Nikon hat für die betroffenen Akkus nun eine Rückruf-Aktion gestartet., See also: die Batterie, Syn. der Akkumulator

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Akkuladeschaltung { f }charging circuit [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulation { f }accumulation [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulator { m }; Akku { m } | alkalischer Akkumulatoraccumulator; battery; power pack; rechargeable battery | alkaline storage battery [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulator { m }; Register { n } zur Ergebnisaufnahme [ comp. ]accumulator [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulatorfahrzeug { n }accumulator vehicle [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulatorkasten { f }accumulator box [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulatorladung { f }accumulator charge [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulatorleistungsanzeige { f }accumulator capacity indicator [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulatorrechner { m }accumulator computer [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulatorsäure { f }electrolyte; battery acid [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulatorzelle { f }accumulator cell [Add to Longdo]
Akkumulierungsfeld { n }accumulation field [Add to Longdo]
Akkusativ { m }; vierter Fall [ gramm. ]accusative [Add to Longdo]
Akkusativobjekt { n } [ gramm. ]direct object [Add to Longdo]
akkurat (Handschrift) { adj }neat [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
トラック[torakku] (n, adj-no) (1) truck; (2) track (running, CD, DVD, etc.); (P) #2,187 [Add to Longdo]
バック[bakku] (n) (1) back; (vs) (2) to go backwards; to reverse; (3) to refund a customer; (P) #2,456 [Add to Longdo]
ブラック[burakku] (n) black; (P) #2,581 [Add to Longdo]
学区[がっく, gakku] (n) school district (area); (P) #3,220 [Add to Longdo]
ジャック[jakku] (n) jack; (P) #3,577 [Add to Longdo]
サウンドトラック[saundotorakku] (n) soundtrack #4,084 [Add to Longdo]
発掘[はっくつ, hakkutsu] (n, vs) (1) excavation; exhumation; (2) discovery (e.g. new talent); (P) #4,493 [Add to Longdo]
パック[pakku] (n, vs) (1) pack; (2) puck; (P) #5,142 [Add to Longdo]
マックス[makkusu] (n) (1) (abbr) (See マキシマム) maximum; max; (2) (See マルチプレクサ) mux (multiplexor); (P) #6,892 [Add to Longdo]
フィードバック[fi-dobakku] (n) feedback; (P) #8,129 [Add to Longdo]

アタックパターン[あたっくぱたーん, atakkupata-n] attack pattern [Add to Longdo]
アンパック[あんぱっく, anpakku] unpack (vs) [Add to Longdo]
アンパック10進表記法[あんぱっく10しんひょうきほう, anpakku 10 shinhyoukihou] unpacked decimal notation [Add to Longdo]
インクリメンタルバックアップ[いんくりめんたるばっくあっぷ, inkurimentarubakkuappu] incremental backup [Add to Longdo]
インデックストラック[いんでっくすとらっく, indekkusutorakku] index track [Add to Longdo]
キャンパスバックボーン[きゃんぱすばっくぼーん, kyanpasubakkubo-n] campus backbone [Add to Longdo]
クランクバック[くらんくばっく, kurankubakku] crankback [Add to Longdo]
クロックトラック[くろっくとらっく, kurokkutorakku] clock track [Add to Longdo]
コアックス[こあっくす, koakkusu] coax, coaxial cable [Add to Longdo]
コマンドシンタックス[こまんどしんたっくす, komandoshintakkusu] command syntax [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
蓄電池[ちくでんち, chikudenchi] Akkumulator [Add to Longdo]

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