13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 意外事故
หรือค้นหา: -意外事故-, *意外事故*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
意外事故[yì wài shì gù, ㄧˋ ㄨㄞˋ ㄕˋ ㄍㄨˋ,    ] accident [Add to Longdo]

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We got to figure out for Tommy to have an accident [CN] 想办法制造个意外事故 The Window (1949)
He has some funny misadventures and he makes all kinds of mistakes because he's from the city, right and now he's completely out of his element. [CN] 他有一些有趣的意外事故 他的错误,使各种... ...因为他是来自城市,右边... ...现在他完全 从他的元素。 Funny Farm (1988)
If you refuse, you'll have an accident, for example, in the elevator. [CN] 如果你拒绝,你将有一个意外事故 例如,在电梯中 The Professional (1981)
Make it look accidental. [CN] 把它整得像个意外事故 Union Station (1950)
It was an accident. [CN] 只是个意外事故. The Big Chill (1983)
Tell him we think that the accident that killed Johnny Sumpat... was caused by people who do not want Freedom Road. [CN] 告诉他素帕差死于意外事故 不想看到自由之路的 人炮制了这次事故 The Ugly American (1963)
Your Honor, since Mr. Miller is employed by the same insurance companies who wrote the Tremayne policies, and stand to save in excess of $300, 000 if murder rather than a simple accident can be proved... [CN] 法官大人,因为米勒先生 也为同一家保险公司工作 就是特里梅因投保的公司 而且关系到超过30万美元的保费 如果谋杀成立而不是简单的意外事故... Angel Face (1953)
If anything can possibly go wrong, it will. [CN] 现在社会上到处都有意外事故 Murphy's Law (1986)
- He's not a man, he's a casualty. [CN] - 他不是人了,他是个意外事故 Save the Tiger (1973)
Did you hear about the accident in the three-speed shop today? [CN] 听说了今天发生 在3速商店的意外事故吗. 父亲? Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960)
Some incident when you were babies, I imagine. [CN] 当你们是婴儿时的意外事故, 我猜 而你们俩个都不记得了 The Dark Mirror (1946)
Uh... that accident caused the trauma to the knee. [CN] 那次意外事故把我的膝盖给撞伤了 Nobody's Fool (1994)

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