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Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] rare beast; strange; elegant
Radical: , Decomposition:     亠 [tóu, ㄊㄡˊ]  凶 [xiōng, ㄒㄩㄥ]  禸 [róu, ㄖㄡˊ]
Etymology: [pictographic] An animal standing straight; 亠 is the head
Variants: , Rank: 418
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] rare beast; strange; elegant
Radical: , Decomposition:   离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]  隹 [zhuī, ㄓㄨㄟ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] bird
Variants: , Rank: 5997
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] glass; colored glaze
Radical: , Decomposition:   王 [wáng, ㄨㄤˊ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] jade
Rank: 1894
[, qín, ㄑㄧㄣˊ] birds, fowl; to capture; surname
Radical: , Decomposition:   人 [rén, ㄖㄣˊ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [ideographic] A legendary beast 离 captured by a man 人
Rank: 2562
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] bamboo fence; fence, hedge
Radical: , Decomposition:   ⺮ [zhú, ㄓㄨˊ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] bamboo
Variants: , Rank: 3158
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] dripping water; a river in Guangxi province
Radical: , Decomposition:   氵 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] water
Rank: 3413
[, chī, ] a mountain demon resembling a tiger
Radical: , Decomposition:   鬼 [guǐ, ㄍㄨㄟˇ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] demon
Rank: 4792
[, chī, ] cruel; a young dragon
Radical: , Decomposition:   虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] worm
Rank: 5509
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] bridal veil; to tie, to bind
Radical: , Decomposition:   纟 [, ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] silk
Variants: , Rank: 5913
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] bridal veil; to tie, to bind
Radical: , Decomposition:   糹 [, ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] silk
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] red algae; Gracilaria verrucosa
Radical: , Decomposition:   艹 [cǎo, ㄘㄠˇ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] plant
Variants: , Rank: 7598
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] bridal veil
Radical: , Decomposition:   衤 [, ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] clothes
Rank: 7979
[, lí, ㄌㄧˊ] rowan, mountain ash
Radical: , Decomposition:   木 [, ㄇㄨˋ]  离 [, ㄌㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] tree

[] Meaning: rare beast; strange; elegant
On-yomi: チ, リ, chi, ri
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: detach; separation; disjoin; digress
On-yomi: リ, ri
Kun-yomi: はな.れる, はな.す, hana.reru, hana.su
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 555
[] Meaning: bird; captive; capture
On-yomi: キン, kin
Kun-yomi: とり, とりこ, tori, toriko
Radical: , Decomposition:   𠆢  
[] Meaning: mountain spirits
On-yomi: チ, chi
Kun-yomi: すだま, sudama
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: dragon whose horns have not grown; cruel
On-yomi: チ, chi
Kun-yomi: みずち, mizuchi
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: dropping; soak in
On-yomi: リ, ri
Kun-yomi: うす.い, usu.i
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: glassy; lapis lazuli
On-yomi: リ, ri
Radical: , Decomposition:     

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[lí, ㄌㄧˊ, / ] to leave; to depart; to go away; from #1,272 [Add to Longdo]
离开[lí kāi, ㄌㄧˊ ㄎㄞ,   /  ] to depart; to leave #915 [Add to Longdo]
距离[jù lí, ㄐㄩˋ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] distance; to be apart #1,571 [Add to Longdo]
分离[fēn lí, ㄈㄣ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] to separate #3,279 [Add to Longdo]
离婚[lí hūn, ㄌㄧˊ ㄏㄨㄣ,   /  ] to divorce; to be divorced from (one's wife or husband) #3,984 [Add to Longdo]
脱离[tuō lí, ㄊㄨㄛ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] separate; break away #4,605 [Add to Longdo]
远离[yuǎn lí, ㄩㄢˇ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] removed from #5,301 [Add to Longdo]
离子[lí zǐ, ㄌㄧˊ ㄗˇ,   /  ] ion #5,330 [Add to Longdo]
离去[lí qù, ㄌㄧˊ ㄑㄩˋ,   /  ] to leave; to exit #6,079 [Add to Longdo]
离不开[lí bu kāi, ㄌㄧˊ ㄅㄨ˙ ㄎㄞ,    /   ] inseparable; inevitably linked to #6,853 [Add to Longdo]
隔离[gé lí, ㄍㄜˊ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] to separate; to isolate #6,962 [Add to Longdo]
撤离[chè lí, ㄔㄜˋ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] withdraw from; evacuate #8,359 [Add to Longdo]
游离[yóu lí, ㄧㄡˊ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] to disassociate; to drift away; to leave (a collective); free (component) #11,296 [Add to Longdo]
剥离[bō lí, ㄅㄛ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] (of tissue, skin, covering etc) come off; peel off; be stripped #12,425 [Add to Longdo]
偏离[piān lí, ㄆㄧㄢ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] deviate; diverge; wander #13,141 [Add to Longdo]
离别[lí bié, ㄌㄧˊ ㄅㄧㄝˊ,   /  ] to leave (on a long journey); to part from sb #13,521 [Add to Longdo]
离职[lí zhí, ㄌㄧˊ ㄓˊ,   /  ] retire; leave office; quit a job #13,668 [Add to Longdo]
背离[bèi lí, ㄅㄟˋ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] deviate from; depart from #14,590 [Add to Longdo]
离心[lí xīn, ㄌㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄣ,   /  ] centrifugal (force) #15,360 [Add to Longdo]
离奇[lí qí, ㄌㄧˊ ㄑㄧˊ,   /  ] odd #16,786 [Add to Longdo]
离谱[lí pǔ, ㄌㄧˊ ㄆㄨˇ,   /  ] excessive; beyond reasonable limits; irregular #17,410 [Add to Longdo]
迷离[mí lí, ㄇㄧˊ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] blurred; hard to make out distinctly #21,635 [Add to Longdo]
离休[lí xiū, ㄌㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄡ,   /  ] to retire; to leave work and rest (euphemism for compulsory retirement of old cadres) #21,693 [Add to Longdo]
离任[lí rèn, ㄌㄧˊ ㄖㄣˋ,   /  ] to leave office; to leave one's post #22,539 [Add to Longdo]
离异[lí yì, ㄌㄧˊ ㄧˋ,   /  ] divorce #23,803 [Add to Longdo]
离散[lí sàn, ㄌㄧˊ ㄙㄢˋ,   /  ] discrete; scatter; disperse #24,100 [Add to Longdo]
别离[bié lí, ㄅㄧㄝˊ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] take leave of; leave #24,763 [Add to Longdo]
离队[lí duì, ㄌㄧˊ ㄉㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] leave one's post #28,662 [Add to Longdo]
支离破碎[zhī lí pò suì, ㄓ ㄌㄧˊ ㄆㄛˋ ㄙㄨㄟˋ,     /    ] scattered and smashed (成语 saw) #30,950 [Add to Longdo]
离合器[lí hé qì, ㄌㄧˊ ㄏㄜˊ ㄑㄧˋ,    /   ] clutch #31,622 [Add to Longdo]
离心机[lí xīn jī, ㄌㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄐㄧ,    /   ] centrifuge #33,792 [Add to Longdo]
离合[lí hé, ㄌㄧˊ ㄏㄜˊ,   /  ] clutch (in car gearbox) #34,103 [Add to Longdo]
等离子体[děng lí zǐ tǐ, ㄉㄥˇ ㄌㄧˊ ㄗˇ ㄊㄧˇ,     /    ] plasma (phys.) #34,287 [Add to Longdo]
悲欢离合[bēi huān lí hé, ㄅㄟ ㄏㄨㄢ ㄌㄧˊ ㄏㄜˊ,     /    ] joys and sorrows; partings and reunions; the vicissitudes of life #34,483 [Add to Longdo]
形影不离[xíng yǐng bù lí, ㄒㄧㄥˊ ㄧㄥˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧˊ,     /    ] inseparable (as form and shadow) #34,621 [Add to Longdo]
电离[diàn lí, ㄉㄧㄢˋ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] ion; ionized (e.g. gas) #36,068 [Add to Longdo]
负离子[fù lí zǐ, ㄈㄨˋ ㄌㄧˊ ㄗˇ,    /   ] negative ion (phys.) #36,937 [Add to Longdo]
阳离子[yáng lí zǐ, ㄧㄤˊ ㄌㄧˊ ㄗˇ,    /   ] cation (chem.); positive ion #38,953 [Add to Longdo]
短距离[duǎn jù lí, ㄉㄨㄢˇ ㄐㄩˋ ㄌㄧˊ,    /   ] short distance; a stone's throw away #39,180 [Add to Longdo]
阴离子[yīn lí zǐ, ㄧㄣ ㄌㄧˊ ㄗˇ,    /   ] negative ion #42,704 [Add to Longdo]
背井离乡[bèi jǐng lí xiāng, ㄅㄟˋ ㄐㄧㄥˇ ㄌㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄤ,     /    ] to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will (成语 saw) #44,280 [Add to Longdo]
流离失所[liú lí shī suǒ, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄌㄧˊ ㄕ ㄙㄨㄛˇ,     /    ] destitute and homeless (成语 saw); forced from one's home and wandering about; displaced #44,408 [Add to Longdo]
挑拨离间[tiǎo bō lí jiàn, ㄊㄧㄠˇ ㄅㄛ ㄌㄧˊ ㄐㄧㄢˋ,     /    ] to sow dissension (成语 saw); to drive a wedge between #44,883 [Add to Longdo]
流离[liú lí, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄌㄧˊ,   /  ] homeless and miserable; forced to leave home and wander from place to place; to live as a refugee #46,709 [Add to Longdo]
颠沛流离[diān pèi liú lí, ㄉㄧㄢ ㄆㄟˋ ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄌㄧˊ,     /    ] homeless and miserable (成语 saw); to wander about in a desperate plight; to drift #49,912 [Add to Longdo]
光怪陆离[guāng guài lù lí, ㄍㄨㄤ ㄍㄨㄞˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄌㄧˊ,     /    ] monstrous and multicolored; grotesque and variegated #54,008 [Add to Longdo]
种族隔离[zhǒng zú gé lí, ㄓㄨㄥˇ ㄗㄨˊ ㄍㄜˊ ㄌㄧˊ,     /    ] apartheid #54,421 [Add to Longdo]
离弃[lí qì, ㄌㄧˊ ㄑㄧˋ,   /  ] abandon #56,144 [Add to Longdo]
离岛[lí dǎo, ㄌㄧˊ ㄉㄠˇ,   /  ] outlying islands #56,684 [Add to Longdo]
离心力[lí xīn lì, ㄌㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄌㄧˋ,    /   ] centrifugal force #57,112 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You must be two feet away from the pot 2 feet? [CN] 一定要离开两尺 真的是两尺? An Autumn's Tale (1987)
She's divorced. [CN] 她离过婚萝 Wood Job! (2014)
Keep away from the body! [CN] 离尸体远点! 28 Days Later... (2002)
So, naturally, they chose me, and I selected some more barbers which I know of them,  [CN] 专业的理发师? 是的,都是专业的, 当时我们在等候 然后命令我们跟他们一起离开 Shoah (1985)
- Get out of here. [CN] - 离开这里。 Road to Paloma (2014)
No one ever left here again. [CN] 甚至没人能够逃离这里 Shoah (1985)
We parted. [CN] 它被分离。 Born to Race: Fast Track (2014)
My father... he ever tell you about how he feel when I leave? [CN] 我爸... 我离开时,他有说什么吗? The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
They took us into the gas chamber, to the second... part of the camp in Treblinka. [CN] 离第一营区远吗? 不太远,但是... 到处都是门,还有带刺的铁丝网 Shoah (1985)
Your father was killed near Vyazma, not far from Moscow. [CN] 你的父亲是在维亚济马牺牲的 那里距离莫斯科不远 I Remember You (1985)
Stay away from him! [CN] 离他远点! 28 Days Later... (2002)
I do not remember leaving the Nome Kingdom. [CN] 我不记得我离开了诺姆国. Return to Oz (1985)
I fled like a swift wind [JP] 300)blur2 }疾风一般逃离 Bite: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 3 (2013)
I can't calculate that because the sections came one after another, and people flooded in constantly, understand? [CN] 通常男人会坐在那里等待 或者有些直接通过'烟囱' 女人最后才离开 Shoah (1985)
- Stay away from me. [CN] - 远离我。 Funny Farm (1988)
Forget the rifle. Get out. [CN] 别管枪了,马上离开! Assassins (1995)
-I give up. [CN] 好了 真是够了 我先离开吧 Natsumi & Fuyumi (2016)
- Keep away from me! [CN] - 离我远点! 28 Days Later... (2002)
I'm always underwater. [CN] 我未离开过水底 为什么? The City of Lost Children (1995)
I'm out of here. [CN] 我离开这里。 Pride (2014)
I'm out of here! [CN] 我离开这里! Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (2015)
Don't get the head out of the fridge [CN] 头不要离开冰箱 Qu mo jing cha (1990)
- Keep away from me. [CN] - 离我远点 28 Days Later... (2002)
I escaped for my life [JP] 300)blur2 }疾风一般逃离 Special Operations Squad: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 2 (2013)
No, no, stay away from town. [CN] 不,不,远离城镇。 Funny Farm (1988)
Babe's run away. Rex? [CN] 宝贝离家出走了,雷斯 Babe (1995)
I'd like you to describe in detail the whole process. [CN] 火车离开马尔基尼亚车站 向特雷布林卡车站出发 Shoah (1985)
I found out just after you left. [CN] 你刚离开我就知道这消息 A Tale of Springtime (1990)
Fear is why you leave. [CN] 你是因为害怕才离开 The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
Come on. [CN] 恐怕我必须请你离开 The Possession of Michael King (2014)
- I've got to get out of here. [CN] -我真的得离开这里 Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995)
Have you left? [CN] 你离开了吗? Assassins (1995)
Keep away from me! [CN] 离我远点! 28 Days Later... (2002)
I fled like a swift wind [JP] 300) }疾风一般逃离 Can't Look Into His Eyes: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 1 (2013)
- We're out of here at first light. [CN] -我们大清早就离开 Congo (1995)
Next day leave Okinawa forever. [CN] 我隔天就离开琉球了 The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
It explain why I leave. [CN] 所以我才离开 The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
Why did your boyfriend leave? [CN] 你男朋友为什么事情离开的? A Tale of Springtime (1990)
You want to run away. [CN] 你想逃离家里 Orange County (2002)
[ Suchomel ] The trains left Malkinia station, for Treblinka station. [CN] 特雷布林卡和马尔基尼亚之间的 距离是多远? Shoah (1985)
Get out now. [CN] 听着,马上离开 Assassins (1995)
You must leave! [CN] 你必须离开 The Last Kiss (2001)
How far is the station? [CN] 火车站离这里还有多远? Zerograd (1988)
Alright! Just take off! [CN] 算啦,快点离开 An Autumn's Tale (1987)
I should have given David his divorce. [CN] 我早应该和大卫离婚 Awakenings (1990)
So? Why'd you leave? [CN] 那你为什么离开? The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
I escaped for my life [JP] 300)blur2 }深い闇オレは抜け出した 300)blur2 }疾风一般逃离 300)blur2 }疾風みたいに逃げ出した Mercy: Raid on Stohess District, Part 2 (2013)
I don't want to leave you. [CN] 我不想离开你! The Five (1995)
You will never leave our town. [CN] 你永远离开不了我们的城镇 Zerograd (1988)
I fled like a swift wind [JP] 300)blur2 }疾风一般逃离 Female Titan: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 1 (2013)

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