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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -white-, *white*
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
white balance(n) โทนสีขาว การปรับอุณหภูมิสีของแสงสีขาว
wave the white flag(phrase) ยอมยกธงขาว ยอมแพ้ ยอมจำนน

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
white(adj) ขาว
white(adj) เกือบไม่มีสี, See also: จาง, ซีด, Syn. ashen, pale, pallid, wan, Ant. colorful
white(adj) (ไวน์) ซึ่งทำจากองุ่นขาว
white(n) สีขาว
white(n) สิ่งที่มีสีขาว
white(n) ชาวผิวขาว, Syn. Caucasian, Caucasoid
white(adj) (ลักษณะ) ที่สะอาดบริสุทธ์
whiten(vi) กลายเป็นสีขาว, See also: ขาว, Syn. pale, white
whiten(vt) ทำให้ขาว, See also: ทำให้เป็นสีขาว
whitey(n) คนผิวขาว (คำสแลงหยาบ)

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
white(ไวทฺ) adj. ขาว, หงอก, ขาวบริสุทธิ์, สีเผือก, ผิวขาว, สีเงิน, ขาวหิมะ, มีหิมะ, ไร้สี, โปร่งใส, ว่างเปล่า, สวมเสื้อขาว, โชคดี, ไม่ได้เขียนอะไร, สะอาด, มีเจตนาดี, ซื่อตรง, ยุติธรรม, ไร้เดียงสา, (กาแฟ) ใส่นมหรือครีม n. สีขาว, ความขาว, ผิวขาว, สิ่งที่มีสีขาว, ไข่ขาว, แอลบิวเมน
white antn. ปลวก, Syn. termite
white elephantn. ช้างเผือก, กระบวนการที่ยุ่งยากและสิ้นเปลือง
white goldn. ทองคำผสมนิกเกิลหรือแพลทินัม
white goodsn. เครื่องใช้ในครอบครัวที่สมัยก่อนเป็นสีขาว , เครื่องใช้ขนาดใหญ่ในครอบครัวเช่นตู้เย็น/เตาไฟ/เครื่องซักผ้า
white heatn. ความร้อนจัด, กิจกรรมที่รุนแรงหรือเร้าอารมณ์
white hopen. ผู้ที่คาดว่าจะอำนวยประโยชน์มาก
white housen. ทำเนียบประธานาธิบดีสหรัฐอเมริกาในกรุงวอชิงตัน , รัฐบาลสหรัฐอเมริกา
white lien. คำโกหกเล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ ที่สุภาพหรือให้อภัยได้
white papern. เอกสารทางราชการ, รายงานเป็นทางการของหน่วยงาน, กระดาษสีขาว

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
white(adj) ขาว, ซีด, หงอก, สะอาด, บริสุทธิ์, ซื่อตรง
white(n) สีขาว, ความซีด, ความบริสุทธิ์, คนผิวขาว, ไข่ขาว
WHITE white ant(n) ปลวก
WHITE white elephant(n) ช้างเผือก
WHITE white flag(n) ธงขาว
whiten(vi, vt) ขาวขึ้น, บริสุทธิ์ขึ้น, สะอาดขึ้น
whitesmith(n) ช่างดีบุก, ช่างชุบเหล็ก
whitewash(n) ปูนขาวทาผนัง
whitewash(vt) โบกปูนขาว, ล้างบาป, ล้างความผิด
BLACK AND black and white(n) ข้อเขียน, สิ่งพิมพ์, ตัวหนังสือ

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
whiteสีขาว [ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
white barsแท่งขาว [คอมพิวเตอร์ ๑๙ มิ.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
white blood corpuscle; leucocyteเม็ดเลือดขาว [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
white collar workerคนทำงานสำนักงาน [ ดู office worker ] [ประชากรศาสตร์ ๔ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
white earthสีดินขาว [ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
white lead; flake whiteสีจาดตะกั่ว [ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
white leg; leucophlegmasia; phlegmasia alba dolensภาวะขาขาวเหตุหลอดเลือดดำอักเสบ [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
white matter; substance, whiteเนื้อขาว [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ substance, medullary ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
white paperสมุดปกขาว [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
white papersสมุดปกขาว [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
white blood cellเซลล์เม็ดเลือดขาว, ดู leucocyte  [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]
White collar crimesอาชญากรรมปกขาว [TU Subject Heading]
White Collar Workerคนทำงานใช้สมอง, Example: กลุ่มของผู้ใช้แรงงานที่เป็นคนงานฝีมือ [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
White dewน้ำค้างขาว [อุตุนิยมวิทยา]
White dwarfดาวแคระขาว [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
White House (Washington D.C.)ไวท์เฮาส์ (วอชิงตัน ดี. ซี.) [TU Subject Heading]
white matterเนื้อสีขาว, บริเวณสีขาวของสมองและไขสันหลัง เป็นบริเวณที่มีใยประสาทอยู่เป็นจำนวนมาก [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]
White riceข้าวขาว [การค้าระหว่างประเทศ]
White spot syndrome virusไวรัสตัวแดงดวงขาว [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
White squallลมสควอลล์ฟ้ากระจ่าง [อุตุนิยมวิทยา]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
white-label(adj) สินค้าที่ถูกซื้อโดยบริษัทหนึ่งๆ แล้วถูกนำมา เปลี่ยนภาพลักษณ์(rebrand and/or repackage) ทำให้ดูเหมือนบริษัทนั้นๆเป็นผู้ผลิต
whitebait(n) ปลาไวท์เบท

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys! (He's got the monkeys, let's see the monkeys!เขามี ลิงเปอร์เซียนสีขาว กว่า 95 ตัว เขามีลิง มาดูลิงกันดีกว่า Aladdin (1992)
It was a big, white yacht.เปล่า เรือยอร์ชลำโตสีขาว The Bodyguard (1992)
Don't touch that. You know you're white. Your move.อย่ามั่ว แกสีขาว ตาแกเดิน! The Bodyguard (1992)
He's got white hair, Frank.ผมหงอกเด็มหัวเชืยว The Bodyguard (1992)
Assuming because something heroic was done, a white man done it.แล้ว คุณลุงขวานคู่ไปไหนสะล่ะ ห๊ะ Hero (1992)
George, can I have this white one?จอร์จ ฉันขอตัวสีขาวนี้ได้มั้ย Of Mice and Men (1992)
I like that puppy. It's white, like I wanted.ฉันชอบตัวนั้น ตัวสีขาว Of Mice and Men (1992)
White without sugar.ใส่ครีมแต่ไม่ใส่น้ำตาล The Cement Garden (1993)
- What a clever little white witch.- อะไรจะฉลาดขนาดนี้แม่มดน้อย. Hocus Pocus (1993)
Second Wife hair began to turn white.ผมของเมียที่สองก็กลายเป็นผมหงอกทั้งหัว The Joy Luck Club (1993)
What's this There's white things in the airนี่อะไร / สีขาวๆ ล่องลอยบนอากาศ The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
This part's red. The trim is white.ตรงนี้เป็นสีแดง ประดับริมด้วยสีขาว The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
whiteA beam of white light is split by a prism into rays of various colors.
whiteA black and white dog bit me.
whiteA blue suit, white shirt and red tie are essential for all male workers.
whiteA comparison of the case with white balance set to auto versus the case where white copy paper is used to preset it.
whiteA fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes.
whiteAfter having read the economic white paper, I am beginning to see the light on our financial standing.
whiteAgainst the snow, the white rabbit was invisible.
whiteAllow me to introduce you to Mr White.
whiteAll the other little rabbits came out to see how happy they both were, and they danced in a wedding circle around the little black rabbit and little white rabbit.
whiteA nurse wears white.
whiteA red and spotted white towel, please.
whiteA red and white flag was flying in the wind.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ไวน์ขาว(n) white wine, Syn. ไวน์, เหล้าองุ่น, Count Unit: ขวด
สมุดปกขาว(n) white book, Count Unit: เล่ม
ฟอกขาว(v) bleach, See also: whiten, Syn. ฟอก, Example: ประเทศสวีเดนเลิกจำหน่ายผ้าอนามัยชนิดสอดที่ฟอกขาวตั้งแต่ปลายปี 2532, Thai Definition: ทำให้เป็นสีขาว หรือมีลักษณะขาวขึ้นโดยใช้สารเคมี
ผิวขาว(adj) white, See also: fair (complexion), Example: เขาเป็นนายทหารผิวขาว ร่างกายสะโอดสะอง, Thai Definition: ที่มีผิวกายสีขาว
ผิวขาว(n) white races, See also: white man/woman, Example: พวกผิวขาวมีจำนวนมากเป็นสามเท่าของพวกนิโกร, Thai Definition: ผิวกายสีขาว
ขาว(adj) white, Example: ฉันไม่ชอบผู้ชายผิวขาวอย่างเขาหรอก, Thai Definition: ที่มีสีเหมือนสำลี
ขาวซีด(adj) pale, See also: white, pallid, colourless, wan, bleached, ashen, Example: ฉันมองเห็นหน้าอันขาวซีดของเขาแล้วใจไม่ค่อยดี กลัวเขาจะเป็นอะไรไปอีก, Thai Definition: ที่ขาวโดยไม่มีเลือดฝาด
ขาว(n) white, Syn. สีขาว, Example: ฉันชอบห้องที่ใช้สีขาวดูกว้างขวางสะอาดตาดี, Thai Definition: สีเหมือนสำลี
ฝรั่ง(n) westerner, See also: white man, European and American, Example: ฝรั่งเขาเรียกสาเหตุของอาการการปวดหัวตาลายหน้ามืดตาพร่ามัวรวมกันว่า RSI, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: ชนชาติผิวขาว
เพชรน้ำค้าง(n) white glass, See also: crystal, Example: หล่อนชอบเครื่องประดับที่ทำจากเพชรน้ำค้างมากเป็นพิเศษ, Thai Definition: แก้วสีขาว

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
โบก[bōk] (v) EN: apply ; whitewash  FR: appliquer
บุณฑริก[buntharik] (n) EN: white lotus  FR: lotus blanc [ m ]
บุษย์[but] (n) EN: white pearl
ฉลามขาวขนาดยักษ์[chalām khāo khanāt yak] (n, exp) EN: Great White Shark  FR: grand requin blanc [ m ]
ช้างเผือก[chāng pheūak] (n, exp) EN: white elephant   FR: éléphant blanc [ m ]
ช้างเผือก[Chāng Pheūak] (n, prop) EN: Order of the White Elephant (of Thailand) ; Medal of White Elephant  FR: Ordre de l'Éléphant blanc [ m ]
ชะนีมือขาว[chanī meū khāo] (n, exp) EN: White-handed Gibbon ; Lar Gibbon
ชะนีธรรมดา[chanī thammadā] (n, exp) EN: White-handed Gibbon ; Lar Gibbon
ชีปะขาว[chīpakhāo] (n) EN: ascetic ; white-robed ascetic  FR: ascète [ m ]
ช็อกโกแลตขาว[chǿkkōlaēt khāo] (n, exp) EN: white chocolate  FR: chocolat blanc [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
White(n) a member of the Caucasoid race, Syn. Caucasian, White person
White(n) United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921), Syn. Edward Douglas White Jr., Edward White, Edward D. White
White(n) Australian writer (1912-1990), Syn. Patrick Victor Martindale White, Patrick White
White(n) United States political journalist (1915-1986), Syn. Theodore Harold White, T. H. White
White(n) United States architect (1853-1906), Syn. Stanford White
White(n) United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985), Syn. Elwyn Brooks White, E. B. White
White(n) United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918), Syn. Andrew Dickson White, Andrew D. White
White(n) a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri, Syn. White River
white(n) the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black), Syn. whiteness, Ant. black
white(n) (board games) the lighter pieces, Ant. black

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Whited; p. pr. & vb. n. Whiting. ] [ AS. hwītan. ] To make white; to whiten; to whitewash; to bleach. [ 1913 Webster ]

Whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of . . . uncleanness. Matt. xxiii. 27. [ 1913 Webster ]

So as no fuller on earth can white them. Mark. ix. 3. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ 1913 Webster ]

1. The color of pure snow; one of the natural colors of bodies, yet not strictly a color, but a composition of all colors; the opposite of black; whiteness. See the Note under Color, n., 1. [ 1913 Webster ]

Finely attired in a of white. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Something having the color of snow; something white, or nearly so; as, the white of the eye. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Specifically, the central part of the butt in archery, which was formerly painted white; the center of a mark at which a missile is shot. [ 1913 Webster ]

'T was I won the wager, though you hit the white. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. A person with a white skin; a member of the white, or Caucasian, races of men. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. A white pigment; as, Venice white. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of butterflies belonging to Pieris, and allied genera in which the color is usually white. See Cabbage butterfly, under Cabbage. [ 1913 Webster ]

Black and white. See under Black. --
Flake white,
Paris white, etc.
See under Flack, Paris, etc. --
White of a seed (Bot.), the albumen. See Albumen, 2. --
White of egg, the viscous pellucid fluid which surrounds the yolk in an egg, particularly in the egg of a fowl. In a hen's egg it is alkaline, and contains about 86 per cent of water and 14 per cent of solid matter, the greater portion of which is egg albumin. It likewise contains a small amount of globulin, and traces of fats and sugar, with some inorganic matter. Heated above 60° C. it coagulates to a solid mass, owing to the albumin which it contains. Parr. --
White of the eye (Anat.), the white part of the ball of the eye surrounding the transparent cornea.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Compar. Whiter superl. Whitest. ] [ OE. whit, AS. hwīt; akin to OFries. and OS. hwīt, D. wit, G. weiss, OHG. wīz, hwīz, Icel. hvītr, Sw. hvit, Dan. hvid, Goth. hweits, Lith. szveisti, to make bright, Russ. sviet' light, Skr. çvēta white, çvit to be bright. √42. Cf. Wheat, Whitsunday. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Reflecting to the eye all the rays of the spectrum combined; not tinted with any of the proper colors or their mixtures; having the color of pure snow; snowy; -- the opposite of black or dark; as, white paper; a white skin. “Pearls white.” Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

White as the whitest lily on a stream. Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of blood color; pale; pallid; as, white with fear. [ 1913 Webster ]

Or whispering with white lips, “The foe!
They come! they come!” Byron. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Having the color of purity; free from spot or blemish, or from guilt or pollution; innocent; pure. [ 1913 Webster ]

White as thy fame, and as thy honor clear. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

No whiter page than Addison's remains. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Gray, as from age; having silvery hair; hoary. [ 1913 Webster ]

Your high engendered battles 'gainst a head
So old and white as this. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the like; fortunate; happy; favorable. [ 1913 Webster ]

On the whole, however, the dominie reckoned this as one of the white days of his life. Sir W. Scott. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. Regarded with especial favor; favorite; darling. [ 1913 Webster ]

Come forth, my white spouse. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

I am his white boy, and will not be gullet. Ford. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ White is used in many self-explaining compounds, as white-backed, white-bearded, white-footed. [ 1913 Webster ]

White alder. (Bot.) See Sweet pepper bush, under Pepper. --
White ant (Zool.), any one of numerous species of social pseudoneuropterous insects of the genus Termes. These insects are very abundant in tropical countries, and form large and complex communities consisting of numerous asexual workers of one or more kinds, of large-headed asexual individuals called soldiers, of one or more queens (or fertile females) often having the body enormously distended by the eggs, and, at certain seasons of numerous winged males, together with the larvae and pupae of each kind in various stages of development. Many of the species construct large and complicated nests, sometimes in the form of domelike structures rising several feet above the ground and connected with extensive subterranean galleries and chambers. In their social habits they closely resemble the true ants. They feed upon animal and vegetable substances of various kinds, including timber, and are often very destructive to buildings and furniture. --
White arsenic (Chem.), arsenious oxide, As2O3, a substance of a white color, and vitreous adamantine luster, having an astringent, sweetish taste. It is a deadly poison. --
White bass (Zool.), a fresh-water North American bass (Roccus chrysops) found in the Great Likes. --
White bear (Zool.), the polar bear. See under Polar. --
White blood cell. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte. --
White brand (Zool.), the snow goose. --
White brass, a white alloy of copper; white copper. --
White campion. (Bot.) (a) A kind of catchfly (Silene stellata) with white flowers. (b) A white-flowered Lychnis (Lychnis vespertina). --
White canon (R. C. Ch.), a Premonstratensian. --
White caps, the members of a secret organization in various of the United States, who attempt to drive away or reform obnoxious persons by lynch-law methods. They appear masked in white. Their actions resembled those of the Ku Klux Klan in some ways but they were not formally affiliated with the Klan, and their victims were often not black. --
White cedar (Bot.), an evergreen tree of North America (Thuja occidentalis), also the related Cupressus thyoides, or Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea, a slender evergreen conifer which grows in the so-called cedar swamps of the Northern and Atlantic States. Both are much valued for their durable timber. In California the name is given to the Libocedrus decurrens, the timber of which is also useful, though often subject to dry rot. Goodale. The white cedar of Demerara, Guiana, etc., is a lofty tree (Icica altissima syn. Bursera altissima) whose fragrant wood is used for canoes and cabinetwork, as it is not attacked by insect. --
White cell. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte. --
White cell-blood (Med.), leucocythaemia. --
White clover (Bot.), a species of small perennial clover bearing white flowers. It furnishes excellent food for cattle and horses, as well as for the honeybee. See also under Clover. --
White copper, a whitish alloy of copper. See German silver, under German. --
White copperas (Min.), a native hydrous sulphate of iron; coquimbite. --
White coral (Zool.), an ornamental branched coral (Amphihelia oculata) native of the Mediterranean. --
White corpuscle. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte. --
White cricket (Zool.), the tree cricket. --
White crop, a crop of grain which loses its green color, or becomes white, in ripening, as wheat, rye, barley, and oats, as distinguished from a green crop, or a root crop. --
White currant (Bot.), a variety of the common red currant, having white berries. --
White daisy (Bot.), the oxeye daisy. See under Daisy. --
White damp, a kind of poisonous gas encountered in coal mines. Raymond. --
White elephant (Zool.), (a) a whitish, or albino, variety of the Asiatic elephant. (b) see white elephant in the vocabulary. --
White elm (Bot.), a majestic tree of North America (Ulmus Americana), the timber of which is much used for hubs of wheels, and for other purposes. --
White ensign. See Saint George's ensign, under Saint. --
White feather, a mark or symbol of cowardice. See To show the white feather, under Feather, n. --
White fir (Bot.), a name given to several coniferous trees of the Pacific States, as Abies grandis, and Abies concolor. --
White flesher (Zool.), the ruffed grouse. See under Ruffed. [ Canada ] --
White frost. See Hoarfrost. --
White game (Zool.), the white ptarmigan. --
White garnet (Min.), leucite. --
White grass (Bot.), an American grass (Leersia Virginica) with greenish-white paleae. --
White grouse. (Zool.) (a) The white ptarmigan. (b) The prairie chicken. [ Local, U. S. ] --
White grub (Zool.), the larva of the June bug and other allied species. These grubs eat the roots of grasses and other plants, and often do much damage. --
White hake (Zool.), the squirrel hake. See under Squirrel. --
White hawk, or
White kite
(Zool.), the hen harrier. --
White heat, the temperature at which bodies become incandescent, and appear white from the bright light which they emit. --
White hellebore (Bot.), a plant of the genus Veratrum (Veratrum album) See Hellebore, 2. --
White herring, a fresh, or unsmoked, herring, as distinguished from a red, or cured, herring. [ R. ] Shak. --
White hoolet (Zool.), the barn owl. [ Prov. Eng. ] --
White horses (Naut.), white-topped waves; whitecaps. --
The White House. See under House. --
White ibis (Zool.), an American ibis (Guara alba) having the plumage pure white, except the tips of the wings, which are black. It inhabits tropical America and the Southern United States. Called also Spanish curlew. --
White iron. (a) Thin sheets of iron coated with tin; tinned iron. (b) A hard, silvery-white cast iron containing a large proportion of combined carbon. --
White iron pyrites (Min.), marcasite. --
White land, a tough clayey soil, of a whitish hue when dry, but blackish after rain. [ Eng. ] --
White lark (Zool.), the snow bunting. --
White lead. (a) A carbonate of lead much used in painting, and for other purposes; ceruse. (b) (Min.) Native lead carbonate; cerusite. --
White leather, buff leather; leather tanned with alum and salt. --
White leg (Med.), milk leg. See under Milk. --
White lettuce (Bot.), rattlesnake root. See under Rattlesnake. --
White lie. See under Lie. --
White light. (a) (Physics) Light having the different colors in the same proportion as in the light coming directly from the sun, without having been decomposed, as by passing through a prism. See the Note under Color, n., 1. (b) A kind of firework which gives a brilliant white illumination for signals, etc. --
White lime, a solution or preparation of lime for whitewashing; whitewash. --
White line (Print.), a void space of the breadth of a line, on a printed page; a blank line. --
White meat. (a) Any light-colored flesh, especially of poultry. (b) Food made from milk or eggs, as butter, cheese, etc. [ 1913 Webster ] Driving their cattle continually with them, and feeding only upon their milk and white meats. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ] --
White merganser (Zool.), the smew. --
White metal. (a) Any one of several white alloys, as pewter, britannia, etc. (b) (Metal.) A fine grade of copper sulphide obtained at a certain stage in copper smelting. --
White miller. (Zool.) (a) The common clothes moth. (b) A common American bombycid moth (Spilosoma Virginica) which is pure white with a few small black spots; -- called also ermine moth, and virgin moth. See Woolly bear, under Woolly. --
White money, silver money. --
White mouse (Zool.), the albino variety of the common mouse. --
White mullet (Zool.), a silvery mullet (Mugil curema) ranging from the coast of the United States to Brazil; -- called also blue-back mullet, and liza. --
White nun (Zool.), the smew; -- so called from the white crest and the band of black feathers on the back of its head, which give the appearance of a hood. --
White oak. (Bot.) See under Oak. --
White owl. (Zool.) (a) The snowy owl. (b) The barn owl. --
White partridge (Zool.), the white ptarmigan. --
White perch. (Zool.) (a) A North American fresh-water bass (Morone Americana) valued as a food fish. (b) The croaker, or fresh-water drum. (c) Any California surf fish. --
White pine. (Bot.) See the Note under Pine. --
White poplar (Bot.), a European tree (Populus alba) often cultivated as a shade tree in America; abele. --
White poppy (Bot.), the opium-yielding poppy. See Poppy. --
White powder, a kind of gunpowder formerly believed to exist, and to have the power of exploding without noise. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] A pistol charged with white powder. Beau. & Fl. [ 1913 Webster ] --
White precipitate. (Old Chem.) See under Precipitate. --
White rabbit. (Zool.) (a) The American northern hare in its winter pelage. (b) An albino rabbit. --
White rent, (a) (Eng. Law) Formerly, rent payable in silver; -- opposed to black rent. See Blackmail, n., 3. (b) A rent, or duty, of eight pence, payable yearly by every tinner in Devon and Cornwall to the Duke of Cornwall, as lord of the soil. [ Prov. Eng. ] --
White rhinoceros. (Zool.) (a) The one-horned, or Indian, rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Indicus). See Rhinoceros. (b) The umhofo. --
White ribbon, the distinctive badge of certain organizations for the promotion of temperance or of moral purity; as, the White-ribbon Army. --
White rope (Naut.), untarred hemp rope. --
White rot. (Bot.) (a) Either of several plants, as marsh pennywort and butterwort, which were thought to produce the disease called rot in sheep. (b) A disease of grapes. See White rot, under Rot. --
White sage (Bot.), a white, woolly undershrub (Eurotia lanata) of Western North America; -- called also winter fat. --
White salmon (Zool.), the silver salmon. --
White salt, salt dried and calcined; decrepitated salt. --
White scale (Zool.), a scale insect (Aspidiotus Nerii) injurious to the orange tree. See Orange scale, under Orange. --
White shark (Zool.), a species of man-eating shark. See under Shark. --
White softening. (Med.) See Softening of the brain, under Softening. --
White spruce. (Bot.) See Spruce, n., 1. --
White squall (Naut.), a sudden gust of wind, or furious blow, which comes up without being marked in its approach otherwise than by whitecaps, or white, broken water, on the surface of the sea. --
White staff, the badge of the lord high treasurer of England. Macaulay. --
White stork (Zool.), the common European stork. --
White sturgeon. (Zool.) See Shovelnose (d). --
White sucker. (Zool.) (a) The common sucker. (b) The common red horse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum). --
White swelling (Med.), a chronic swelling of the knee, produced by a strumous inflammation of the synovial membranes of the kneejoint and of the cancellar texture of the end of the bone forming the kneejoint; -- applied also to a lingering chronic swelling of almost any kind. --
White tombac. See Tombac. --
White trout (Zool.), the white weakfish, or silver squeteague (Cynoscion nothus), of the Southern United States. --
White vitriol (Chem.), hydrous sulphate of zinc. See White vitriol, under Vitriol. --
White wagtail (Zool.), the common, or pied, wagtail. --
White wax, beeswax rendered white by bleaching. --
White whale (Zool.), the beluga. --
White widgeon (Zool.), the smew. --
White wine. any wine of a clear, transparent color, bordering on white, as Madeira, sherry, Lisbon, etc.; -- distinguished from wines of a deep red color, as port and Burgundy. “White wine of Lepe.” Chaucer. --
White witch, a witch or wizard whose supernatural powers are supposed to be exercised for good and beneficent purposes. Addison. Cotton Mather. --
White wolf. (Zool.) (a) A light-colored wolf (Canis laniger) native of Thibet; -- called also chanco, golden wolf, and Thibetan wolf. (b) The albino variety of the gray wolf. --
White wren (Zool.), the willow warbler; -- so called from the color of the under parts.
[ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) The canvasback. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) (a) The young of several species of herrings, especially of the common herring, esteemed a great delicacy by epicures in England. (b) A small translucent fish (Salanx Chinensis) abundant at certain seasons on the coasts of China and Japan, and used in the same manner as the European whitebait. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Bot.) The common beam tree of England (Pyrus Aria); -- so called from the white, woolly under surface of the leaves. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. An old man; a graybeard. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) (a) The American widgeon, or baldpate. (b) The prairie chicken. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) The American coot. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See White-face. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[bái, ㄅㄞˊ, ] white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; blank; plain; clear; to make clear; in vain; gratuitous; free of charge; reactionary; anti-communist; funeral; to stare coldly; to write wrong character; to state; to explain; vernacular; spoken lines in opera; surname B #755 [Add to Longdo]
白色[bái sè, ㄅㄞˊ ㄙㄜˋ,  ] white; fig. reactionary #2,632 [Add to Longdo]
白领[bái lǐng, ㄅㄞˊ ㄌㄧㄥˇ,   /  ] white collar; business person #7,675 [Add to Longdo]
白宫[Bái gōng, ㄅㄞˊ ㄍㄨㄥ,   /  ] White House #8,366 [Add to Longdo]
白云[bái yún, ㄅㄞˊ ㄩㄣˊ,   /  ] white cloud #9,063 [Add to Longdo]
白细胞[bái xì bāo, ㄅㄞˊ ㄒㄧˋ ㄅㄠ,    /   ] white blood cell; leucocyte #11,097 [Add to Longdo]
白发[bái fà, ㄅㄞˊ ㄈㄚˋ,   /  ] white hair #12,377 [Add to Longdo]
白人[bái rén, ㄅㄞˊ ㄖㄣˊ,  ] white man and woman #17,998 [Add to Longdo]
白皮书[bái pí shū, ㄅㄞˊ ㄆㄧˊ ㄕㄨ,    /   ] white paper (e.g. containing proposals for new legislation); white book #18,949 [Add to Longdo]
银耳[yín ěr, ㄧㄣˊ ㄦˇ,   /  ] white mushroom; silver tree-ear fungus; Tremella fuciformis #21,276 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Informationsschrift { f }white paper [Add to Longdo]
Leerraum { m }white space; whitespace [Add to Longdo]
Mädchenhandel { m }white slavery [Add to Longdo]
Notlüge { f }white lie [Add to Longdo]
Schaumkrone { f } (auf Wellen)white crest [Add to Longdo]
Schimmel { m } (weißes Pferd)white horse [Add to Longdo]
Silberpappel { f } [ bot. ] | Silberpappeln { pl }white poplar | white poplars [Add to Longdo]
Testbenzin { m }white spirit [Add to Longdo]
Weißbrot { n } | Weißbrote { pl }white bread | white breads [Add to Longdo]
Weißbuch { n }; öffentliche Diskussionsschrift { f }White Paper [Add to Longdo]
Weißbuche { f } [ bot. ] | Weißbuchen { pl }white beech | white beeches [Add to Longdo]
Weißglut { f } | jdn. zur Weißglut bringen [ ugs. ]white heat | to make sb. livid [ Br. ] [ coll. ] [Add to Longdo]
Weißgold { n }white gold [Add to Longdo]
Weißkohl { m }; Weißkraut { n } [ bot. ] [ cook. ]white cabbage [Add to Longdo]
Weißmetall { n } | Weißmetalle { pl }white alloy | white alloys [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[しろ, shiro] (n) (1) white; (2) (uk) (m-sl) good guy; 'white hat'; (P) #1,307 [Add to Longdo]
白い[しろい, shiroi] (adj-i) white; (P) #3,290 [Add to Longdo]
ホワイト(P);ホワイド[howaito (P); howaido] (adj-na, n) white; (P) #3,764 [Add to Longdo]
白石[しろいし, shiroishi] (n) (1) (See 黒石) white stone; (2) white (go pieces) #4,172 [Add to Longdo]
紅白[こうはく, kouhaku] (n) red and white; colours for festive or auspicious occasions (colors); (P) #4,500 [Add to Longdo]
[そ, so] (adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) plain, white silk; (2) { math } (See 互いに素) prime; (P) #4,837 [Add to Longdo]
目黒[めぐろ;メグロ, meguro ; meguro] (n) (uk) Bonin white-eye (Apalopteron familiare) #5,187 [Add to Longdo]
白鳥[はくちょう(P);しろとり;しらとり, hakuchou (P); shirotori ; shiratori] (n) (1) swan (Cygnus Bechstein, Cygnus ssp.); (2) white-feathered bird; (P) #6,148 [Add to Longdo]
白紙[はくし, hakushi] (n, adj-no) blank paper; white paper; (P) #6,261 [Add to Longdo]
白人[はくじん, hakujin] (n, adj-no) white person; Caucasian; (P) #6,880 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
ホワイトページ[ほわいとぺーじ, howaitope-ji] White Pages (telephone book) [Add to Longdo]
空白デリミター[くウハくデリミター, ku uha ku derimita-] white space delimiter [Add to Longdo]
先頭の空白[せんとうのくうはく, sentounokuuhaku] leading whitespace [Add to Longdo]
非空白文字[ひくうはくもじ, hikuuhakumoji] nonwhite character [Add to Longdo]
加法性白色ガウス雑音[かほうせいはくしょくがうすざつおん, kahouseihakushokugausuzatsuon] AWGN, additive white gaussian noise [Add to Longdo]
白色雑音[はくしょくざつおん, hakushokuzatsuon] white noise [Add to Longdo]


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