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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -sloth-, *sloth*
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
sloth(n) สัตว์เลี้ยงลูกด้วยนมตระกูล Bradypus Choloepus
sloth(n) ความขี้เกียจ, See also: ความเกียจคร้าน, ความเฉื่อยชา, Syn. idlenes, laziness, slouch, Ant. diligence, energy
slothful(adj) ขี้เกียจ
sloth bear(n) หมีพันธุ์หนึ่ง

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
sloth(สลอธ) n. ความขี้เกียจ, ความเกียจคร้าน, ความเฉื่อยชา, สัตว์เฉื่อยชา มีขนยาวและมีอุ้งเท้ายาวเหมือนตะขอสำหรับจับกิ่งไม้, ฝูงหมี, Syn. indolence, laziness, lethargy
slothbearn. หมีจมูกยาวขนหยาบจพวกMelursusur sinus พบในอินเดียและแหลมอินโดจีน
slothful(สลอธ'ฟูล) adj. ขี้เกียจ, เกียจคร้าน, เฉื่อยชา., See also: slothfully adv. slothfulness n., Syn. leisurely, lazy

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
sloth(n) ความเชื่องช้า, ความเกียจคร้าน, ความเฉื่อยชา
slothful(adj) เชื่องช้า, เกียจคร้าน, เฉื่อยชา

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth?ไม่มีใครสนใจ สล็อตชื่อซิดเลยเหรอ? Ice Age (2002)
OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya, you get the sloth.ตกลง, ถ้าคนไหนกล้าข้ามหลุมโคลนดูดนั่นมา ก็มาเอาสล็อทไป. Ice Age (2002)
I'm a sloth.ฉันเป็น สล็อท. Ice Age (2002)
Can't even find a sloth.หาสล็อทไม่เจอ. Ice Age (2002)
- Move, sloth!- ไปได้แล้ว, สล็อท! Ice Age (2002)
OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?ตกลง, ตกลง, ตกลง, แล้วสล็อทอยู่ไหน? Ice Age (2002)
You never see any sloths.เธอยังไม่เห็นสล็อท. Ice Age (2002)
- I'm putting sloths on the map.- ฉันใส่สล็อทลงไปในแผนที่. Ice Age (2002)
I see the sloth.ฉันเห็นสล็อท. Ice Age (2002)
Make me, sloth.บังคับฉันสิ สล็อต Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
- Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth. - Mine.เฮ้ ตาฉันตี สล็อต มั่ง ตาฉัน Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
Hey, whoa. Who said you kids could torture the sloth?เฮ้ๆ ใครบอกว่าเด็กๆ จะทรมาน สล็อตได้ Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
sloth(n) a disinclination to work or exert yourself, Syn. slothfulness
sloth(n) any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits, Syn. tree sloth
sloth(n) apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins), Syn. laziness, acedia

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ OE. slouthe, sleuthe, AS. sl&unr_;w&unr_;, fr. slāw slow. See Slow. ] 1. Slowness; tardiness. [ 1913 Webster ]

These cardinals trifle with me; I abhor
This dilatory sloth and tricks of Rome. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Disinclination to action or labor; sluggishness; laziness; idleness. [ 1913 Webster ]

[ They ] change their course to pleasure, ease, and sloth. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. Franklin. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Zool.) Any one of several species of arboreal edentates constituting the family Bradypodidae, and the suborder Tardigrada. They have long exserted limbs and long prehensile claws. Both jaws are furnished with teeth (see Illust. of Edentata), and the ears and tail are rudimentary. They inhabit South and Central America and Mexico. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The three-toed sloths belong to the genera Bradypus and Arctopithecus, of which several species have been described. They have three toes on each foot. The best-known species are collared sloth (Bradypus tridactylus), and the ai (Arctopitheus ai). The two-toed sloths, consisting the genus Cholopus, have two toes on each fore foot and three on each hind foot. The best-known is the unau (Cholopus didactylus) of South America. See Unau. Another species (Cholopus Hoffmanni) inhabits Central America.
Various large extinct terrestrial edentates, such as Megatherium and Mylodon, are often called sloths. [ 1913 Webster ]

Australian sloth, or
Native sloth
(Zool.), the koala. --
Sloth animalcule (Zool.), a tardigrade. --
Sloth bear (Zool.), a black or brown long-haired bear (Melursus ursinus, or Melursus labiatus), native of India and Ceylon; -- called also aswail, labiated bear, and jungle bear. It is easily tamed and can be taught many tricks. --
Sloth monkey (Zool.), a loris.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To be idle. [ Obs. ] Gower. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Addicted to sloth; inactive; sluggish; lazy; indolent; idle. [ 1913 Webster ]

He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. Prov. xviii. 9. [ 1913 Webster ]

-- Sloth"ful*ly, adv. -- Sloth"ful*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See Slot a track, and cf. Sleuthhound. ] (Zool.) See Sleuthhound. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
树獭[shù tǎ, ㄕㄨˋ ㄊㄚˇ,   /  ] sloth (family Bradypodidae) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
怠惰(P);怠情(iK)[たいだ, taida] (adj-na, n) laziness; idleness; sloth; (P) #9,603 [Add to Longdo]
三指樹懶[みゆびなまけもの;ミユビナマケモノ, miyubinamakemono ; miyubinamakemono] (n) (uk) three-toed sloth [Add to Longdo]
樹懶[なまけもの;ナマケモノ, namakemono ; namakemono] (n) (uk) (See 怠け者) sloth (Sth. Am. tree-dwelling mammal) [Add to Longdo]
怠け者(P);懶け者[なまけもの, namakemono] (n) (See 樹懶) lazy person; lazy fellow; slothful person; (P) [Add to Longdo]
二指樹懶[ふたゆびなまけもの;フタユビナマケモノ, futayubinamakemono ; futayubinamakemono] (n) (uk) two-toed sloth [Add to Longdo]
貧歯類[ひんしるい, hinshirui] (n, adj-no) edentates (i.e. anteaters, sloths, armadillos) [Add to Longdo]
無精(P);不精[ぶしょう, bushou] (adj-na, n) indolence; laziness; sloth; (P) [Add to Longdo]
懶熊[なまけぐま;ナマケグマ, namakeguma ; namakeguma] (n) (uk) sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) [Add to Longdo]
懶惰;嬾惰[らんだ;らいだ(懶惰)(ik), randa ; raida ( ran da )(ik)] (adj-na) (1) lazy; idle; (n) (2) indolence; laziness; sloth; idleness [Add to Longdo]


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