
in turn

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -in turn-, *in turn*
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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
in turn(adv) เป็นลำดับ, See also: ตามลำดับ, Syn. alternately, by turns

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
On Earth as it is in turn seven.บนโลกนี้ในโค้ง 7... Cool Runnings (1993)
...and I'll see each and every one of them... in turn...และผมจะพบพวกเขาทุกคน... เรียงตามลำดับ Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
The mansion where we found you... and through which we gained access to the train... which, in turn, brought us to the Hive.เป็นตึกที่พวกเราพบคุณ จากนี้เราต้องเข้าไปทางรถไฟ ซึ้งจะนำเราเข้าไปยังรังผึ้ง Resident Evil (2002)
I think it provokes us because it provoked the painter and in turn, he's kind of sending that message to us.เรารู้สึกเพราะรูปนี้ กระตุ้นความรู้สึกจิตรกร แล้วส่งความรู้สึกนั้นต่อมาให้เรา Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
These in turn fold space-time, consistent with Weyl tensor dynamics, until the space-time curvature becomes infinitely large and you produce a singularity.แล้วม้วนหวงเวลาในอากาศเข้าด้วยกัน -แล้วเราก็จะสร้างเอกภาพ Event Horizon (1997)
I, in turn, have tried to teach him. You have to savour life while you can.คุณควรหาความสุขกับชีวิตบ้างในขณะที่ทำได้ Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
Fortune Apartment residents in turns have taken care of orphaned Yoo-yeon like their own child.Fortune Apartment residents in turns have taken care of orphaned Yoo-yeon like their own child. Apt. (2006)
Let's copy the key to her place, and visit her in turns.เร็วก๊อปปี้กุญแจห้องของเธอ แล้วเปลี่ยนกันมาเยี่ยมเธอ Apt. (2006)
A hot one, and a cold one... consume them in turns.อันนึงร้อน อันนึงเย็น มันจะได้สมดุลกันไงฮะ The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince (2007)
The living dead started to attack people, and they became zombies who, in turn, attacked others.ศพทั้งหลายเริ่มโจมตีมนุษยชาติ พวกมันกลายเป็นซอมบี้ คืนชีพและสังหารทุกคน Oneechanbara: The Movie (2008)
In turn, Sir Wolf gave his bride a unicorn.เช่นเดียวกัน, เซอร์ วูลฟ์ ได้มอบม้ายูนิคอร์นให้เจ้าสาวของเขา The Secret of Moonacre (2008)
In turn, they exacerbate global warming.นั่นยิ่งทำให้, ภาวะโลกร้อนหนักขึ้นไปอีก Home (2009)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
in turnAll the boys spoke each in turn.
in turnAll the boys spoke, each in turn.
in turnAll the boys spoke in turn.
in turnAll the villagers in turn saluted the priest.
in turnDetachment provides perspective, which in turn permits a certain amount of pattern recognition.
in turnEach man stood up in turn and introduced himself.
in turnEach of us read the book in turn.
in turnEach student received his diploma in turn.
in turnGet on the bus in turn.
in turnHe who helps other, in turn shall be helped by them.
in turnHe who helps others, in turn shall be helped by them.
in turnI lied to him and he lied to me in turn.

WordNet (3.0)
successively(adv) in proper order or sequence, Syn. in turn

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
陆续[lù xù, ㄌㄨˋ ㄒㄩˋ,   /  ] in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit #3,683 [Add to Longdo]
轮番[lún fān, ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄈㄢ,   /  ] in turn; one after another #17,525 [Add to Longdo]
轮次[lún cì, ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄘˋ,   /  ] in turn; lap number (in a race) #62,041 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
一方[ひとかた, hitokata] (n) (1) one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party; (conj) (2) (See 他方・2) on the one hand; on the other hand; (3) whereas; although; but at the same time; meanwhile; in turn; (n-adv, n-suf) (4) (after noun, adjective-stem or plain verb) just keeps; being inclined to ...; tending to be ...; tending to do ...; continuously ...; just keeps on ...ing; only; (P) #802 [Add to Longdo]
次第に[しだいに, shidaini] (adv) (1) gradually (progress into a state); (2) in sequence; in order; in turn; (P) #5,158 [Add to Longdo]
順に[じゅんに, junni] (adv) in order; in turn; one by one; (P) #13,340 [Add to Longdo]
連作[れんさく, rensaku] (n, vs) (1) planting a field with the same crop each year; repeated cultivation; (2) collaborative literary work; story made up by several writers working on it in turn; (P) #19,983 [Add to Longdo]
ところてん式に[ところてんしきに, tokorotenshikini] (adv) systematically; in turn [Add to Longdo]
スピンターン[supinta-n] (n) spin turn [Add to Longdo]
回し飲み[まわしのみ, mawashinomi] (n, vs) drinking in turn from one cup [Add to Longdo]
回し読み[まわしよみ, mawashiyomi] (n) reading a book in turn [Add to Longdo]
回読[かいどく, kaidoku] (n, vs) read in turn; circulate a book (among friends) [Add to Longdo]
間に合っている[まにあっている, maniatteiru] (exp, v1) (1) (See 間に合う・2) to already have enough (phrase often used in turning down an offer); to already have what one needs; (2) to be on time [Add to Longdo]


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