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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -dollar-, *dollar*
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
dollar(n) ดอลลาร์ (หน่วยเงินตรา), See also: สกุลเงินดอลลาร์, Syn. coin, legal tenden, currency
dollarfish(n) ปลาจะละเม็ด

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
dollar(ดอล'ละ) n. ดอลลาร์

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
dollar(n) เงินดอลลาร์, เหรียญ, ธนบัตร

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Suicide number 1 37 of this year, in this city was neither a destitute, nor a lonely man but a successful executive with a loving family and 40 million dollars in the bank.ลองดุพี่เค้าดีดีสิครับ เค้าดูเป็นพี่สำหรับนายใช่มั้ย ห๊า อ่า พี่นี่ตาถึงนะครับ ดูเธอสิครับ Hero (1992)
Forty million dollars in the bank, happily married, good health.คุณอยู่นี่เอง เงินๆๆๆ ดูวุค ดูวุด Hero (1992)
Ninety-five dollars, that's it. I got to get out of here.เราไม่มีเวลากันมากแล้วนะ รีบหน่อยๆ ไปเขียนบทความกันเลย ด่วนๆๆ Hero (1992)
-A million dollars?-อะไรจะเกิดขึ้นถ้าตอนที่พวกเธอเดินอยู่แล้ว.. Hero (1992)
One million dollars to anonymous hero!นี่ลุงของพวกเธอเคยโกหกป่ะล่ะ Hero (1992)
-Four hundred dollars for dinner?placed an interrogation drum outside the palace. Hero (1992)
I sure will. I'll have 30 more dollars the time you guys is ready to quit.แน่นอน ฉันยังมีเงินอีก 30 ดอลลาร์ ตอนที่พวกนายพร้อมจะออกจากงาน Of Mice and Men (1992)
I'll pay you a dollar to shut up.ข้าจะให้ 1 ดอลล่า แล้วหุบปากซะ Cool Runnings (1993)
Sounds like a two-dollar hooker. How you come up with that?ชื่อเหมือนอีตัวราคา 2 ดอลล่าว่ะ คิดได้ไงวะเนี่ย? Cool Runnings (1993)
One million dollars, and the walls are still crooked.จ่ายไปหนึ่งล้านเหรียญ แต่กำแพงพวกนี้ก็ยังไม่ตรง The Joy Luck Club (1993)
I'm selling limited-edition prints. 20 dollars.ฉันขายภาพถ่าย ที่มีจำนวนจำกัด นี่ 20 ดอลล่าร์ Squeeze (1993)
- Forget it. - Ten dollars... a month.- ช่างมันเถอะ นายคิดเท่าไหร่ล่ะ Léon: The Professional (1994)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
dollar10000 dollars was paid to him.
dollar5 dollars and 65 cents an hour.
dollar5 dollars in quarters and a dollar in dimes.
dollarAbout one hundred and fifty dollars altogether.
dollarAbout one hundred dollars.
dollarAdmission to the museum is thirty dollars.
dollarA dollar does not go very far these days.
dollarA dollar is equal to a hundred cents.
dollarAfter she filled out the application, the records clerk told her that the fee was eight dollars.
dollarAs expectation increases that the dollar will weaken, the foreign exchange market's reaction to US economic indicators has been fairly muted.
dollarA thousand dollars is a large sum.
dollarA trip to Hawaii will cost you about 200 dollars.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ดอลลาร์(clas) dollar, Example: การสร้างพิพิธภัณฑ์แห่งใหม่ต้องใช้เงินทุนไม่ต่ำกว่า 500, 000 ดอลลาร์, Thai Definition: ชื่อหน่วยเงินตราที่ใช้เรียกในบางประเทศ เช่น สหรัฐอเมริกา แคนาดา ออสเตรเลีย, Notes: (อังกฤษ)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ดอลลาร์[dønlā] (n) EN: dollar ; American dollar ; buck (Am. - inf.)  FR: dollar [ m ] ; dollar américain [ m ]
ดอลลาร์ฮ่องกง[dønlā Hǿng Kong] (n, exp) EN: Hong Kong dollar ; HK$  FR: dollar de Hong Kong [ m ]
ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย[dønlā Østrelīa] (n, exp) EN: Australian dollar  FR: dollar australien [ m ]
ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ[dønlā Saharat] (n, exp) EN: American dollar  FR: dollar américain [ m ]
ค่าเงินดอลลาร์[khā ngoen dønlā] (n, exp) EN: dollar rate  FR: cours du dollar [ m ]
ค่าเงินยูโร[khā ngoen yūrō] (n, exp) EN: cours du dollar [ m ]  FR: cours de l'euro [ m ]
แลกเงินดอลลาร์เป็นเงินบาท[laēk ngoen dønlā pen ngoen bāt] (v, exp) EN: change dollars for Thai baht  FR: changer des dollars en bahts
เงินดอลลาร์[ngoen dønlā] (n, exp) EN: dollar ; American dollar ; buck (Am. - inf.)  FR: dollar [ m ] ; dollar américain [ m ]
นกตะขาบดง[nok takhāp dong] (n, exp) EN: Dollarbird  FR: Rolle oriental [ m ]
เหรียญ[rīen] (n) EN: dollar ; piaster  FR: dollar [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
dollar(n) the basic monetary unit in many countries; equal to 100 cents
dollar(n) a piece of paper money worth one dollar, Syn. buck, dollar bill, one dollar bill, clam
dollar(n) a United States coin worth one dollar
dollar(n) a symbol of commercialism or greed, Syn. dollar sign, dollar mark
dollarfish(n) small food fish of Atlantic coast, Syn. Poronotus triacanthus

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ D. daalder, LG. dahler, G. thaler, an abbreviation of Joachimsthaler, i. e., a piece of money first coined, about the year 1518, in the valley (G. thal) of St. Joachim, in Bohemia. See Dale. ] 1. (a) A silver coin of the United States containing 371.25 grains of silver and 41.25 grains of alloy, that is, having a total weight of 412.5 grains. (b) A gold coin of the United States containing 23.22 grains of gold and 2.58 grains of alloy, that is, having a total weight of 25.8 grains, nine-tenths fine. It is no longer coined. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Previous to 1837 the silver dollar had a larger amount of alloy, but only the same amount of silver as now, the total weight being 416 grains. The gold dollar as a distinct coin was first made in 1849. The eagles, half eagles, and quarter eagles coined before 1834 contained 24.75 grains of gold and 2.25 grains of alloy for each dollar. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A coin of the same general weight and value as the United States silver dollar, though differing slightly in different countries, formerly current in Mexico, Canada, parts of South America, also in Spain, and several other European countries. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]

3. The value of a dollar; the unit of currency, differing in value in different countries, commonly employed in the United States and a number of other countries, including Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, parts of the Carribbean, Liberia, and several others. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]

Chop dollar. See under 9th Chop. --
Dollar fish (Zool.), a fish of the United States coast (Stromateus triacanthus), having a flat, roundish form and a bright silvery luster; -- called also butterfish, and Lafayette. See Butterfish. --
Trade dollar, a silver coin formerly made at the United States mint, intended for export, and not legal tender at home. It contained 378 grains of silver and 42 grains of alloy.

dollar bill

A paper note printed by the Treasury, or by one of the Federal Reserve Banks under authority of the treasury, having the value of one dollar. Also five dollar bill, ten dollar bill, etc.: notes with the value of five, ten, etc. dollars. Prior to 1964 such notes could be redeemed for the equivalent dollar value in silver coins, but in that year the backing of the currency with silver was discontinued. Such notes not convertible into precious metals at a fixed rate are called "fiat money", receiving their value solely from the good faith of the issuing government and the confidence of those using the currency. [ PJC ]


n. (Zool.) A species of sunfish (Lepomis pallidus), common in the United States; -- called also blue sunfish, and copper-nosed bream. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. small food fish (Poronotus triacanthus) of the Atlantic coast.
Syn. -- Poronotus triacanthus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. any of several silvery marine fishes with very flat bodies.
Syn. -- moonfish, Atlantic moonfish, horsefish, horsehead, Selene setapinnis. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
Dollar(n) |der, pl. Dollars| เงินดอลล่าร์

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Dollar { m } | Dollars { pl }dollar | dollars [Add to Longdo]
Dollar { m }buck [ slang ] [Add to Longdo]
Dollar-Zeichen { n }dollar sign ($) [Add to Longdo]
Dollarvogel { m } [ ornith. ]Eastern Broad-billed Roller [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
ドル[doru] (n) (1) (was 弗) dollar; (2) doll; (P) #1,670 [Add to Longdo]
米ドル[べいドル, bei doru] (n) (abbr) US dollar #5,569 [Add to Longdo]
換算[かんさん(P);かんざん, kansan (P); kanzan] (n, vs) conversion (e.g. yen to dollars); change; exchange; translation (numerical); (P) #9,132 [Add to Longdo]
バックス[bakkusu] (n) (1) backs; (2) VAX; (3) dollars (from bucks); (P) #10,998 [Add to Longdo]
アジアダラー[ajiadara-] (n) Asia dollar [Add to Longdo]
アメリカドル;アメリカ・ドル[amerikadoru ; amerika . doru] (n) American dollar; United States dollar; US dollar [Add to Longdo]
オイルダラー[oirudara-] (n) oil dollar [Add to Longdo]
シェークダラー[shie-kudara-] (n) sheik dollar [Add to Longdo]
シンガポールドル[shingapo-rudoru] (n) Singapore dollar [Add to Longdo]
ダラー[dara-] (n) { comp } dollar (symbol) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
ドル記号[ドルきごう, doru kigou] dollar sign ($) [Add to Longdo]
ダラー[だらー, dara-] dollar (symbol) [Add to Longdo]


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