
come off

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -come off-, *come off*
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
Come off it!(phrase,, colloq) อย่าล้อเล่นน่า, เลิกพูดเล่นได้แล้ว, Syn. Don't be ridiculous!

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But the East Germans, they're coming off the gold medal win in 1984.แต่ทีมเยอรมันตะวันออก พวกเขาคว้าเหรียญทองในปี 1984 Cool Runnings (1993)
Where does he come off calling me a public avenger, a sadist?ที่เขาออกมาเรียกผมล้างแค้นสาธารณะซาดิสม์? 12 Angry Men (1957)
Come off!หลุดออกมา Help! (1965)
It's a great gamble for a great stake and I pray to God that it comes off.มันเป็นที่ดีสำหรับการเล่นการ พนันสัดส่วนการถือหุ้นที่ดี และฉันอธิษฐานต่อพระเจ้าว่า มันออกมา ฉันชอบเกมคริกเก็ตตัวเอง How I Won the War (1967)
See, it's coming off.เห็นไหม เริ่มขาวแล้ว Blazing Saddles (1974)
Hey, hey! Her head don't come off.เฮ้ เฮ้ หัวของเธอไม่ยักกะหลุดออกมาแฮะ Labyrinth (1986)
Don't buy wigs that come off at the wrong time.อย่าซื้อวิกที่ชอบหลุด ต่อหน้าคนอื่น Goodfellas (1990)
Morrie's wigs don't come off!วิกมอรี่ไม่มีวันหลุด! Goodfellas (1990)
- Ready to come off?เอาออกเลย City of Angels (1998)
- Ready. Let's come off.เรากำลังลงมา City of Angels (1998)
The image of him in an open field strumming his guitar was fixed in my mind like a picture in a frame that was screwed to the wall and wouldn't come off.ฉันนึกถึงภาพของเขาบรรเลงกีตาร์อยู่กลางทุ่งกว้าง... ...มันยังติดอยู่ในใจฉันแน่นเหมือนภาพถ่าย ...ที่ถูกขันสกรูติดกำแพงไม่มีทางเอาออก April Story (1998)
- Any faster, we'll come off the rails!-เร็วมากเลย, เราจะหลุดออกจากทางรถไฟ! Resident Evil (2002)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
come offA button has come off my coat.
come offA button has come off my raincoat.
come offChildren enjoying making a splash in water as they come off a waterslide.
come offCome off it!
come offHe goes on duty at 9 a.m. and come off duty at 6 p.m.
come offI don't think these ink stains will come off.
come offMy father uses an old dictionary whose cover has come off.
come offOh, come off it.
come offOne of the buttons has come off my coat.
come offOne of your buttons has come off.
come offThe baseball match will come off next week.
come offThe decayed tooth has come off of itself.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ร่วงหล่น(v) fall, See also: come off, drop, Syn. หล่น, หลุดล่วง, Example: บ้านของพ่อมีต้นไม้ร่มครึ้มก็จริง แต่ไม่มีใบไม้ร่วงหล่นอยู่ที่พื้นดินเลย

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ล้มเหลว[lomlēo] (v) EN: fail to come off ; fail ; go bankrupt ; come to naught ; fall through  FR: échouer ; avorter ; capoter ; s'effondrer
ล่อน[lǿn] (v) EN: come off easily ; be stripped naked  FR: se détacher facilement
ล่อนหลุด[lǿnlut] (v, exp) EN: crack ; peel off ; flake off ; come off
หลุด[lut] (v) EN: come off ; become undone ; slip off ; come apert ; be disjoined  FR: se détacher ; se défaire ; se déboîter ; se déconnecter
ผิดนัด[phit nat] (adv) EN: if the worst comes to the worst ; even if it does not come off  FR: dans le pire des cas
ร่วง[ruang] (v) EN: drop ; fall off ; come off  FR: tomber ; se détacher
ร่วงหล่น[rūang-lon] (n) EN: fall ; come off ; drop ; collapse  FR: s'effondrer

WordNet (3.0)
chip(v) break off (a piece from a whole), Syn. come off, break away, break off, chip off
detach(v) come to be detached, Syn. come off, come away, Ant. attach

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Jetzt mach mal einen Punkt!Come off it! [Add to Longdo]
Nun mach aber mal einen Punkt!Come off it! [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
落ちる(P);堕ちる;墜ちる;落る(io)[おちる, ochiru] (v1, vi) (1) to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money); (2) to be omitted; to be missing; (3) to decrease; to sink; (4) to fail (e.g. exam or class); to lose (contest, election, etc.); (5) to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; (6) to become indecent (of a conversation); (7) to be ruined; to go under; (8) (See 狐が落ちる・きつねがおちる) to fade; to come out (e.g. a stain); to come off (e.g. makeup); to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); (9) to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; (10) to fall (into a trap); to fall (for a trick); (11) to give in; to give up; to confess; to flee; (12) to fall; to be defeated; to surrender; (13) to come to (in the end); to end in; (14) (See 恋に落ちる・こいにおちる, 眠りに落ちる・ねむりにおちる) to fall (in love, asleep, etc.); (15) to swoon (judo); (16) (See 腑に落ちない・ふにおちない) to consent; to understand; (17) { comp } to crash; to freeze; (18) (of animals) to die; (19) (of fish when it gets cold) to move to the depths; (P) #11,304 [Add to Longdo]
取れる[とれる, toreru] (v1, vi, vt) (1) to come off; to be removed; (2) (of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear; (3) (See 獲れる・1, 捕れる・1) to be caught; to be harvested; (4) to be interpreted (as); to be taken as; (5) (of balance, etc.) to be attained; (6) (potential form of 取る) (See 取る・1) to be obtainable; (P) #13,130 [Add to Longdo]
捥げる[もげる, mogeru] (v1, vi) (uk) to be torn off; to come off [Add to Longdo]
脱げる[ぬげる, nugeru] (v1, vi) to come off; to slip down; to slip off [Add to Longdo]
剥ける[むける, mukeru] (v1, vi) to peel off; to come off; to be taken off; (P) [Add to Longdo]
剥げる[はげる, hageru] (v1, vi) to come off; to be worn off; to fade; to discolor; to discolour; (P) [Add to Longdo]
剥れる[むくれる, mukureru] (v1, vi) (1) (uk) to become angry or sullen; to take offense; to be miffed; (2) to come unstuck from; to peel off; to come off; to be taken off [Add to Longdo]


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