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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -学歴-, *学歴*
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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
学歴[がくれき, gakureki] (n) ประวัติการศึกษา

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
学歴[がくれき, gakureki] (n) academic background; (P) #6,234 [Add to Longdo]
学歴による差別[がくれきによるさべつ, gakurekiniyorusabetsu] (n) discrimination on the basis of educational level (background) [Add to Longdo]
学歴詐称[がくれきさしょう, gakurekisashou] (n) false statement (misrepresentation) of one's academic career [Add to Longdo]
学歴社会[がくれきしゃかい, gakurekishakai] (n) academic meritocracy; education-conscious society; society that places (excessive) emphasis on academic records [Add to Longdo]
学歴難民[がくれきなんみん, gakurekinanmin] (n) someone with a high level of education who is unable to find a job corresponding with his qualifications (lit [Add to Longdo]
学歴偏重[がくれきへんちょう, gakurekihenchou] (n) overstressing academic background [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Pay will be based on experience and educational background.給料は、経験と学歴に基づいて決まります。
We have many things in common: hobbies, educational backgrounds, for instance.私たちは趣味、学歴など、いろいろと共通したものを持っている。
He boasts of his education.彼は学歴を鼻にかけている。
She always prides herself on her academic background.彼女はいつも自分の学歴を自慢している。
His poor educational background was not a bar to his advancement.貧しい学歴が彼の出世の妨げとはならなかった。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Education?[JP] 学歴は? Taxi Driver (1976)
I ask you, is this a job for intelligent men? Show me one.[JP] ちょいと聞くが、 これが学歴のあるヤツがする仕事か? Tremors (1990)
And honestly, I don't see myself... going to school for to or 15 years just to end up unemployed.[JP] 正直な気持ちを言うと 長々と勉強して気づけば 高学歴で職が無いなんて Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013)
Then I pulled your personnel file, and lo and behold, under education, you listed Olesky University.[JP] それから 君の人事ファイルを 取り出してみて 驚いた 学歴欄に オレスキー大学とある Lesser Evils (2012)
What do you think it was they were all doing before they graduated to shooting meth in their...?[JP] メスはドラッグ界の 最終学歴みたいなものだ ...And the Bag's in the River (2008)
Why? I ask myself, would a man with such training want to take a job outside his line?[JP] 君ほどの学歴がありながら... Kansas City Confidential (1952)
Did it mention that on my transcripts?[JP] 学歴に書いてあった? The Harvest (1997)
Some were quiet, educated, with dark, mysterious past.[JP] 静かな奴もいる 学歴もあって 暗くてミステリアスな過去もある Red Dog (2011)
I've got no A-levels, no job.[JP] 学歴もナシ 仕事もナシ Rose (2005)
I know my transcripts are a little... colorful.[JP] 学歴はちょっと 派手かも Welcome to the Hellmouth (1997)
Interesting record.[JP] 面白い学歴 Welcome to the Hellmouth (1997)
Never made it past the 7th grade. But he knew his tools.[JP] 学歴はないが 道具に詳しかった Search and Recover (2013)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
学歴[がくれき, gakureki] Bildungsgang [Add to Longdo]


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