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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
ジャガ芋[じゃがいも, jagaimo] (n) มันฝรั่ง
邪魔[じゃま, jama] (n, adj) กีดขวาง, เกะกะ, เสือก

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
[じゃく, jaku] (adj) น้อยกว่า, ต่ำกว่า
じゃ[jaane, jaane] (vt) ไปแล้วนะ
じゃ[じゃね'jaane'จะ เนะ, jane jaane] (vi) ไปแล้วนะ, ลาก่อน, bye

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
若干(P);幾許[じゃっかん(若干)(P);そこばく;そくばく;そこば(若干)(ok), jakkan ( jakkan )(P); sokobaku ; sokubaku ; sokoba ( jakkan )(ok)] (n, adj-no) (1) some; few; a number of; a little (bit); (n-adv) (2) somewhat; to a certain extent; (adj-no, n-adv, n) (3) (そこばく, そくばく, そこば only) (arch) many; a lot; (P) #5,080 [Add to Longdo]
[じゃく, jaku] (n, n-suf) (1) weakness; the weak; (n-suf) (2) (See 小・こ・2) little less than; fewer than; under; (P) #6,325 [Add to Longdo]
邪魔[じゃま, jama] (adj-na, n, vs) hindrance; intrusion; (P) #8,833 [Add to Longdo]
弱点[じゃくてん, jakuten] (n) weak point; weakness; (P) #10,193 [Add to Longdo]
じゃ[jan] (aux-v) (sl) (contraction of じゃない) isn't it #12,015 [Add to Longdo]
若年(P);弱年[じゃくねん, jakunen] (n, adj-no) youth; (P) #13,457 [Add to Longdo]
弱体[じゃくたい, jakutai] (adj-na, n) weak (organization, organisation); (P) #16,886 [Add to Longdo]
邪悪[じゃあく, jaaku] (adj-na, n) wicked; evil #17,437 [Add to Longdo]
邪神[じゃしん, jashin] (n) an evil god #17,789 [Add to Longdo]
じゃあ(P);じゃ(P)[jaa (P); ja (P)] (conj, int) (1) (See では) then; well; so; well then; (2) (See で・1, で・2, で・3, で・4, は) combination of 'de' and 'wa' particles; (aux) (3) (じゃ only) (ksb #18,314 [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
She said, "It's not funny! How would you like it if someone did that to you - what would you do?"「おかしいことなんかじゃないわ。誰かがあなたにそんなことをしたら、あなたどう思う。どうする?」と彼女は言った。 [ F ]
"Don't say such rubbish!" said the farmer.「おんどりゃー馬鹿言ってんじゃねー」農家は言った。
"That's fine," replied the girl. "I'll take ten yards."「安いですね。じゃあ10ヤードください。」小娘が答えた。
"Aw, come on, son!" the farmer insisted.「気にすんじゃねーべさ!」農家はしつこく誘った。
I thought you had to get up by 7:30.7時半には起きなければいけなかったんじゃないの。
He lives a freewheeling life. I think he ought to settle down a little.あいつって自由気ままに暮らしてるよな。ちょっとは落ち着いた方がいいんじゃないかな。
I don't live in his pocket.あいつの手先じゃない。
I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow.あした雨が降るんじゃないかと心配だ。
I'm afraid the job I've got for you won't be easy.あなたの仕事は楽じゃないわよ。 [ F ]
You are no longer a baby.あなたはもう赤ちゃんじゃないんですよ。
Have you finished knitting that sweater?あのセーターもう編んじゃった?
She isn't so against the idea.あの娘だってまんざらじゃないさ。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If I'd known as much this morning, I should never have called on him.[JP] 彼を訪問すべきじゃ なかったかな Pride and Prejudice (1995)
If, by chance, I'm not me then who's to say that you're you?[CN] 300)\blur2 }如果我不是我 300)\blur2 }例えばオレがオレじゃないとして 300)\blur2 }你还能够说是你吗 Female Titan: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 1 (2013)
Yes.[JP] そうじゃ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
500) } Publish By Ehsan777[CN] 300)\blur2 }如果我不是我 300)\blur2 }例えばオレがオレじゃないとして 300)\blur2 }你还能够说是你吗 The Defeated: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 6 (2013)
Bye.[JP] じゃあな A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards (2012)
No.[JP] そうじゃない Day 7: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (2009)
Okay.[JP] じゃ Fast (2016)
- Bye.[JP] じゃ Previews (2012)
Then there is nothing wrong, is there?[JP] それじゃ、 具合の悪い所はないのか? Grand Prix (1966)
The snake went back to the one who placed the curse. In order to take the curse back. Koyomi onii-chan...[CN] 200) }これじゃひとりぼっち Bakemonogatari (2009)
He was 75![JP] 75歳じゃ Creepshow (1982)
Onward! the Survey Corps advances beyond the walls.[CN] 前进 300)\blur2 }如果我不是我 300)\blur2 }例えばオレがオレじゃないとして What Needs to Be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 3 (2013)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
ジャーナル[じゃーなる, ja-naru] journal, log [Add to Longdo]
ジャギー[じゃぎー, jagi-] jaggies [Add to Longdo]
ジャケット[じゃけっと, jaketto] jacket, book jacket, dust cover [Add to Longdo]
ジャック[じゃっく, jakku] jack [Add to Longdo]
ジャバ制御[じゃばせいぎょ, jabaseigyo] jabber control [Add to Longdo]
ジャム信号[じゃむしんごう, jamushingou] jam signal [Add to Longdo]
ジャンパ[じゃんぱ, janpa] jumper [Add to Longdo]
ジャンパオプション[じゃんぱおぷしょん, janpaopushon] strapping option, jumper option [Add to Longdo]
ジャンパピン[じゃんぱぴん, janpapin] jumper pin [Add to Longdo]
ジャンプ[じゃんぷ, janpu] jump [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
じゃが芋[じゃがいも, jagaimo] Kartoffel [Add to Longdo]
弱体[じゃくたい, jakutai] schwach [Add to Longdo]
弱冠[じゃっかん, jakkan] 20_Jahre (alt), jugendliches_Alter [Add to Longdo]
弱点[じゃくてん, jakuten] Schwaeche, schwacher_Punkt [Add to Longdo]
砂利[じゃり, jari] -Kies, Schotter [Add to Longdo]
若干[じゃっかん, jakkan] einige, mehrere, etwas [Add to Longdo]
蛇の目[じゃのめ, janome] (altjapanischer) Oelpapierregenschirm [Add to Longdo]
蛇腹[じゃばら, jabara] -Balg (Kamera), Gesims (Gebaeude) [Add to Longdo]
邪宗[じゃしゅう, jashuu] Ketzerei, Irrglaube [Add to Longdo]
邪推[じゃすい, jasui] Argwohn, Misstrauen [Add to Longdo]


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