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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: ungain, -ungain-
Possible hiragana form: うんがいん
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ungainly(adv) อย่างไม่สง่างาม, See also: อย่างเทอะทะ, อย่างอุ้ยอ้าย, อย่างเก้ๆ กังๆ, อย่างงุ่มง่าม, Syn. clumsily
ungainly(adj) ไม่สง่างาม, See also: งุ่มง่าม, ไม่น่าดู, Syn. awkward

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
ungainly(อันเกน'ลี) adj., adv. ไม่น่าดู, ไม่งดงาม, เก้งก้าง, อุ้ยอ้าย, เทอะทะ., See also: ungainliness n., Syn. awkward, clumsy

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
ungainly(adj) งุ่มง่าม, เทอะทะ, อุ้ยอ้าย, ไม่งาม, ไม่น่าดู

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
เก้กัง(adv) unsteadily, See also: awkwardly, clumsily, ungainly, gawkily, gawkishly, Syn. เก้ๆ กังๆ, Example: เธอยืนเก้กัง ราวกับไม่รู้ว่าจะเอาแขนขาที่ยาวยืดไปทำอะไร, Thai Definition: ไม่คล่องแคล่วเพราะขาดความชำนาญ ขาดความคล่องตัว
เก้งก้าง(adj) awkward, See also: clumsy, ungainly, Syn. โย่งเย่ง, เกะกะ, Example: ตั้งแต่แมวตัวนั้นเมื่อมาอยู่ที่นี่ใหม่ๆ เขาเคยนึกขำรูปร่างที่เก้งก้างผิดพวกพ้องและลายสีดำที่พาดตามตัวนั้นก็ทำให้ชวนหัวเราะ, Thai Definition: มีลักษณะหรือกิริยาท่าทางเกะกะไม่เรียบร้อย
เคอะ(adv) clumsily, See also: awkwardly, ungainly, Syn. เขิน, เก้อเขิน, เคอะเขิน, ประหม่า, เขินอาย, Ant. กล้า, มั่นใจ, Thai Definition: มีท่าทีไม่แนบเนียน
เทอะทะ(adj) bulky, See also: awkward, clumsy, unwieldy, ungainly, massive, big, cumbersome, Example: เขาสวมรองเท้าส้นหนาเทอะทะ

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
เก้งก้าง[kēngkāng] (adj) EN: awkward ; clumsy ; ungainly  FR: dégingandé ; gauche
กงโก้กงกก = กงโก้-กงกก[kongkōkongkok] (adj) EN: ungainly ; awkwardly ; gawky ; shabbily
เทอะทะ[thoetha] (adj) EN: rough ; awkward ; ungainly ; unwieldy ; clumsy

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
awkward(adj) difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape, Syn. clumsy, bunglesome, ungainly
gawkiness(n) the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are extremely ungainly and inelegant, Syn. ungainliness
gawky(adj) lacking grace in movement or posture, Syn. clumsy, ungainly, clunky, unwieldy

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ OE. ungein. See Ungainly. ] Ungainly; clumsy; awkward; also, troublesome; inconvenient. [ Obs. or Prov. Eng. ] Beau. & Pl. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The state or quality of being ungainly; awkwardness. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ OE. ungeinliche, adv., fr. ungein inconvenient; un- + Icel. gegn ready, serviceable; adv., against, opposite. See Un- not, and Gain, a., Again. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Not gainly; not expert or dexterous; clumsy; awkward; uncouth; as, an ungainly strut in walking. [ 1913 Webster ]

His ungainly figure and eccentric manners. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Unsuitable; unprofitable. [ Obs. ] Hammond. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an ungainly manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


See drainable.
See dramatic.
See drinkable.
See durable.
See duteous.
See dutiful.
See earnest.
See eatable.
See ecclesiastical.
See edible.
See elaborate.
See elective.
See elusive.
See emotional.
See emphatic. See employable.
See employable.
See endurable.
See -English.
See entire.
See enviable.
See envious.
See episcopal.
See equable.
See errable.
See escapable.
See evangelical.
See eventful.
See evident.
See exact.
See examinable.
See exceptionable.
See exclusive.
See exemplary.
See exempt.
See exhaustible.
See existent.
See expectable.
See expectant.
See explainable.
See express.
See expressible.
See expugnable.
See extinct.
See factious.
See fadable.
See fain.
See familiar.
See famous.
See fashionable.
See fast.
See fatherly.
See fathomable.
See faulty.
See fearful.
See feasible.
See felicitous.
See felt.
See feminine.
See fermentable.
See festival.
See fine.
See fleshy.
See fluent.
See forcible.
See fordable.
See foreknowable.
See foreseeable.
See forgetful.
See forgivable.
See formal.
See framable.
See fraternal.
See friable.
See frightful.
See frustrable.
See full.
See gainable.
See gainful.
See gallant.
See genial.
See genteel.
See gentle.
See gentlemanlike.
See gentlemanly.
See geometrical.
See ghostly.
See glad.
See godlike.
See good.
See goodly.
See gorgeous.
See grammatical.
See grave.
See guidable.
See guilty.
See habile.
See habitable.
See hale.
See handy.
See hardy.
See harmful.
See hasty.
See hazardous.
See healable.
See healthful.
See healthy.
See heavenly.
See heedful.
See helpful.
See heritable.
[ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unhelpful, Unheedful, Unheavenly, Unhealthy, Unhealthful, Unhealable, Unhazardous, Unhasty, Unharmful, Unhardy, Unhandy, Unhale, Unhabitable, Unhabile, Unguilty, Unguidable, Ungrave, Ungrammatical, Ungorgeous, Ungoodly, Ungood, Ungodlike, Unglad, Unghostly, Ungeometrical, Ungentlemanly, Ungentlemanlike, Ungentle, Ungenteel, Ungenial, Ungallant, Ungainful, Ungainable, Unfull, Unfrustrable, Unfrightful, Unfriable, Unfraternal, Unframable, Unformal, Unforgivable, Unforgetful, Unforeseeable, Unforeknowable, Unfordable, Unforcible, Unfluent, Unfleshy, Unfine, Unfestival, Unfermentable, Unfeminine, Unfelt, Unfelicitous, Unfeasible, Unfearful, Unfaulty, Unfathomable, Unfatherly, Unfast, Unfashionable, Unfamous, Unfamiliar, Unfain, Unfadable, Unfactious, Unextinct, Unexpugnable, Unexpressible, Unexpress, Unexplainable, Unexpectant, Unexpectable, Unexistent, Unexhaustible, Unexempt, Unexemplary, Unexclusive, Unexceptionable, Unexaminable, Unexact, Unevident, Uneventful, Unevangelical, Unescapable, Unerrable, Unequable, Unepiscopal, Unenvious, Unenviable, Unentire, Un-English, Unendurable, Unemployable, Unemphatic, Unemotional, Unelusive, Unelective, Unelaborate, Unedible, Unecclesiastical, Uneatable, Unearnest, Undutiful, Unduteous, Undurable, Undrinkable, Undramatic, Undrainable

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Plumpheit { f }ungainliness [Add to Longdo]
unbeholfen { adv }ungainly [Add to Longdo]


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