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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's probably Tess.Das ist bestimmt Tess. Catch Me If You Can (2014)
Impeccable timing, as always.Es ist Tess. Ever After (2014)
Gabe...Tess. Ever After (2014)
Tess, I know that.Ja. Danke, Tess. Das weiß ich selbst. Ever After (2014)
Yes, it's Tess.- Ja, Tess. Hier. Cat and Mouse (2014)
This isn't a game, Tess.Das ist kein Spiel, Tess. Cat and Mouse (2014)
We are way past the point of no return here, Tess.Es gibt schon lange kein Zurück mehr, Tess. Cat and Mouse (2014)
I can't protect her, Tess. I can't protect you, either.Ich kann sie nicht schützen, Tess. Cat and Mouse (2014)
Find her, Tess, talk to her. Tell her she's running out of time.Finde sie und sprich mit ihr, Tess. Cat and Mouse (2014)
Cut the crap, Tess;Inwiefern? Hör auf, Tess. Cat and Mouse (2014)
Look at you.- Tess. Cold Case (2014)
No, I'm not.- Sei bitte nicht sauer auf Tess. Cold Case (2014)
Beth, hi.- Tess. Beth, hi. Operation Fake Date (2014)
I mean, what if we're sexually mismatched?Die passen zu Tess. Operation Fake Date (2014)
He kidnapped Heather.- Tess. Operation Fake Date (2014)
Well, neither are you, Tess!Du auch nicht, Tess. Operation Fake Date (2014)
You were right, Tess.Du hattest recht, Tess. Operation Fake Date (2014)
- Tess.- Tess. Exposure (2014)
- Yes, Tess.- Ja, Tess. Exposure (2014)
That's my Tess.Das ist meine Tess. Halloween 3: AwesomeLand (2014)
An official portrait, Countess.Ein offizielles Porträt, Komtess. The Girl King (2015)
You said they were triggered when you saw the stuff the victim saw, heard or smelled, so I made an appointment with Tatiana's friend Tess.Sie sagten, sie würden reagieren, wenn sie das Zeug sehen, das das Opfer sah, hörte oder roch, also vereinbarte ich einen Termin mit Tatianas Freundin Tess. Pilot (2015)
We don't even have a full name for Tatiana, Tess.Wir haben nicht mal Tatianas vollständigen Namen, Tess. Pilot (2015)
Uh, friend of Tess'.Eine Freundin von Tess. Pilot (2015)
- I am Tess.- Ich bin Tess. Heart of the Matter (2015)
I will, Tess.Das werde ich tun, Tess. Cat's Out of the Bag (2015)
Tess...Tess... Cat's Out of the Bag (2015)
No, no, no, Tess.Nein, nein, nein. Tess. Tricksters (2015)
Tess, Tess.Tess. Tess! Tricksters (2015)
Tess, Tess.Tess. Tess. Tricksters (2015)
Give me a break.Hör doch auf damit, Tess. Primal Fear (2015)
BOTH: Tess.- Tess. Primal Fear (2015)
- It's Tess.- Es ist Tess. Primal Fear (2015)
Do not give me that look, Tess.Sieh mich nicht so an, Tess. Chasing Ghosts (2015)
It's Tess.Ich bin es, Tess. Chasing Ghosts (2015)
Look at what it's cost him, Tess.Du weißt, was es ihn gekostet hat, Tess. Chasing Ghosts (2015)
Tess.Tess. Both Sides Now (2015)
Trust me, Tess.Vertrau mir, Tess. Both Sides Now (2015)
- I'm Tess.- Ich bin Tess. Shotgun Wedding (2015)
You know, J.T.'s pretty lucky to have you, Tess.J.T. hat Glück, dich zu haben, Tess. Shotgun Wedding (2015)
I just spoke to Tess.Ich sprach mit Tess. Shotgun Wedding (2015)
And besides, if this is anyone's responsibility, it's me and Tess.Und wenn irgendjemand dafür verantwortlich ist, dann ich und Tess. Shotgun Wedding (2015)
This is all on you, Tess.Das geht auf Sie, Tess. Shotgun Wedding (2015)
Her name is Tess.Ihr Name ist Tess. Seed Money (2015)
Morning, Tess.Morgen, Tess. Seed Money (2015)
I know he's your father, Tess.Ich weiß, er ist dein Vater, Tess. Seed Money (2015)
No, I'm serious, Tess.Nein, ich meine es ernst, Tess. Patient X (2015)
And please don't tell Tess.Und bitte kein Wort zu Tess. Unbreakable (2015)
He is trying to hurt them, Tess.Er will ihnen etwas antun, Tess. Unbreakable (2015)
I'm dying, Tess.Ich sterbe, Tess. Unbreakable (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
tess.He got married an air hostess.


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