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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: pixie, -pixie-
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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
pixie(n) ภูตฝรั่ง (ตัวเล็กกว่ามนุษย์), Syn. pixy

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
For eons, we Pixies have been a proud community, and so it has been for generations... whomsoever performs a misdeed against us, suffers the fate of the Pixie Curse.Hört! Seit Äonen sind wir Pixies ein stolzes Volk. Und so ist es seit vielen Generationen üblich, dass jeder, der ein Verbrechen gegen uns begeht, mit dem Fluch der Pixies belegt wird. Pixies (2015)
Follow that human back to his home, and insure that he lives a life of misfortune for all of eternity, so say I, king of the Pixies!Folgt diesem Menschen nach Hause und sorgt dafür, dass er bis in alle Ewigkeit ein Leben in Pech und Missgeschicken führt. Das befehle ich, der König der Pixies. Pixies (2015)
Pixie Tom, you know, the slug farmer?Pixie Tom, der Schneckenfarmer, zerreißt vor Wut den Hut. Pixies (2015)
I want to mingle with my Pixies for once.Ich möchte gerne mal mit meinen Pixies rumhängen. Pixies (2015)
I'm a Pixie, okay, see the wings?Ich bin ein Pixie. Okay? Die Flügel. Pixies (2015)
We Pixies do not reason with our enemies.Wir Pixies reden nicht mit unseren Feinden. Pixies (2015)
We the Pixies declare war on Joe!Wir, die Pixies, erklären dem Menschen Joe den Krieg. Pixies (2015)
Brothers! Sisters! Prepare yourselves for war!Pixies, Brüder, Schwestern, macht euch bereit zum Krieg! Pixies (2015)
All hail King Pixie!Begrüßt alle König Pixie! Pixies (2015)
But no more, my Pixie warriors! No more!Doch das ist vorbei, meine Pixie-Krieger. Pixies (2015)
For the glory of Pixies!Zum glorreichen Sieg der Pixies! Pixies (2015)
- Pixies.- Pixies. Pixies (2015)
- Pixies?- Pixies? Pixies (2015)
It's this whole curse thing.Pixies. Es ist dieser blöde Fluch. Pixies (2015)
You think you can win me over by blaming Pixies for your problems?- Was? Du willst mich beschwichtigen, indem du Pixies für alles verantwortlich machst? Pixies (2015)
Pixies, our war is over!Pixies, der Krieg ist zu Ende. Pixies (2015)
We could send half of our Pixies to join another colony.- Der Hälfte der Pixies schließen sich einem anderen Stamm an. Pixies (2015)
Pixies are not great builders.- Pixies können gar nicht gut bauen. Pixies (2015)
Listen, just because I might not be what you call a small Pixie, doesn't mean you can pick on me.- Hör zu! Ich weiß, ich bin nicht gerade das, was du einen schlanken Pixie nennst, aber deswegen musst du mich nicht hänseln. Pixies (2015)
I can't look like the Pixies in those magazines.Ich sehe eben nicht aus wie die Pixies in den Zeitschriften. Pixies (2015)
Pixies may be small, but we're feisty.- Pixies sind zwar klein, aber hart im Nehmen. Pixies (2015)
You all right, Pixie? Yeah, come on.Alles gut, Pixie! Far from the Madding Crowd (2015)
Black Francis, the Pixies' leader.Black Francis, der Pixies' Führer. Parisienne (2015)
The Pixies, Cure, Joy Division?The Pixies? Cure? Joy Division? Nashville (2015)
Pixie, perhaps as well as medicine for your poor, worn-out chuff, the lady may have something to repair a faulty memory.Pixie, vielleicht kann sie deinem schlaffen Hintern und deinem Gedächtnis auf die Sprünge helfen. Episode #1.8 (2017)
Fairies lost the war to the pixies centuries ago.Die verloren vor Jahrhunderten den Krieg gegen die Pixies. Return of the Trollhunter (2016)
Pixies.Pixies. Where Is My Mind? (2016)
You dare attempt to distort my mind with a pixie?Du willst mich mit einem Pixie aufs Glatteis führen? Where Is My Mind? (2016)
Pixies?-Pixies? Where Is My Mind? (2016)
Pixie Swallow?Pixie Swallow? The Chopsocky Special (2017)
It says the finish line's up ahead in a town called Pixie Swallow.Hier steht, die Ziellinie ist da vorn, in einer Stadt namens Pixie Swallow. Welcome to Pixie Swallow (2017)
We don't see too many cops around Pixie Swallow.Hier in Pixie Swallow sehen wir nicht viele Cops. Welcome to Pixie Swallow (2017)
Now we got to get the fuck out of Pixie and set up shop somewhere else.Jetzt verschwinden wir aus Pixie und machen woanders einen Laden auf. Welcome to Pixie Swallow (2017)
- Oh, yes, yes, the pixies.- Oh, ja, ja, den Pixies. Golden Earrings (1947)
Pixie voices!เสียงนางฟ้า! The Russia House (1990)
(d "Where ls My Mind" by The Pixies)จิตใจฉันอยู่ไหน จิตใจฉันหายไปไหน Fight Club (1999)
Cornish pixies?พิกซี่ จากคอร์นวอล Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Freshly caught Cornish pixies.เพิ่งจับได้สด ๆ ร้อน ๆ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters.หัวเราะไปเถอะ คุณฟินนิกัน พิกซี่อาจจะฉลาดแกมโกง และชั่วร้ายอย่างนึกไม่ถึง Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Come on now, round them up. They're only pixies.สนุกละทีนี้ ช่วยกันจับเร็วสิ แค่พิกซี่เอง Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Hey, Pixie.He, Pixie. The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990)
Pixie!Pixie! Spring-A-Ding-Fling (2014)
Means either you thought it was a chance worth taking, making you a hypocrite, or you thought he'd fail, making you a cutthroat little pixie.นั่นหมายความว่า คุณคิดว่ามันคุมค่าที่จะใช้ประโยชน์จากมัน/nนั่นทำให้คุณเป็นพวกเสแสร้ง หรือคุณคิดว่าความล้มเหลวของเค้าจะทำให้คุณดูดีอย่างนั้นสิ The Right Stuff (2007)
There's pixies everywhere.โลกหมนุนไปหมด Surf's Up (2007)
Oh, I borrowed this pixies box set from rufus. I, um, I was gonna return it.ผมขอยืมบ๊อกเซตของพิกซี่จากรูฟัสไป The Magnificent Archibalds (2008)
You think you can bring him back to life with that pixie dust?คิดว่ามันจะเป็นผงวิเศษ ชุบชีวิตได้งั้นเหรอ Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Pixie's lip reading. I'm telling you what she says.หรอ หรอ เจ๋งดี Everyone (2009)
The Pixies. The Pixies.วงพิกซีส์ วงพิกซีส์ Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (2010)
Barry lost his job for taking me to a Pixies concert.แบรี่ตกงานเลยพาผม ไปดูคอนเสิร์ตวงพิกซีส์ Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (2010)
No, actually I like The Pixies.ไม่. อันที่จริงฉันรักพิกซี่ Piranha 3D (2010)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
elf(n) (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous, Syn. gremlin, brownie, imp, pixie, pixy, hob
pyxie(n) creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers; of the pine barrens of New Jersey and the Carolinas, Syn. pixy, Pyxidanthera barbulata, pixie

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

{ } n.; pl. Pixies [ For Pucksy, from Puck. ] 1. An old English name for a fairy; an elf. [ Written also picksy. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Bot.) A low creeping evergreen plant (Pyxidanthera barbulata), with mosslike leaves and little white blossoms, found in New Jersey and southward, where it flowers in earliest spring. [ 1913 Webster ]

Pixy ring, a fairy ring or circle. [ Prov. Eng. ] --
Pixy stool (Bot.), a toadstool or mushroom. [ Prov. Eng. ]
[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Pixy

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Elfe { f }pixie [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
ピクシー;ピグシ;ピスキー[pikushi-; pigushi ; pisuki-] (n) pixie (mythical creatures from Cornish folklore) [Add to Longdo]
小鬼[こおに, kooni] (n) imp; elf; pixie; goblin; devilkin [Add to Longdo]


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