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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
指针[zhǐ zhēn, ㄓˇ ㄓㄣ,   /  ] pointer on a gauge; clock hand; cursor #19,996 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
指針[ししん, shishin] แนวทาง

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
指針[ししん, shishin] (n) (1) needle (of a compass, etc.); indicator; pointer; index; (2) guiding principle; guideline; guide; (P) #7,308 [Add to Longdo]
自主指針[じしゅししん, jishushishin] (n) independent guideline [Add to Longdo]
防止指針[ぼうしししん, boushishishin] (n) prevention guideline [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I know it isn't explicitly stated in the rules, but... you can't fall in love with the lead, you know that, right?[JP] 〈行動指針にはないけど〉 〈主役に恋しちゃダメだよ〉 Episode #1.3 (2016)
"bureaucratic guidepost", got a man you respect shot.[JP] でも今回 官僚的指針に沿ったやり方から 逸脱を好むあなたの手法が Tremors (2013)
That he doesn't want to remove the soul of the company.[JP] 会社の指針を外したくないって The Intern (2015)
Every athlete, no matter what sport, needs structure, needs direction, and this is something that a coach can offer.[JP] 指針が必要なのだ それが出来るのは コーチだけ Foxcatcher (2014)
Well, they wanted me to do whatever it takes to get in here.[JP] 」のどんな指針で、 キミを送り込んだのか、正確にね。 さぁ、私が潜入するのに必要な事は何でも望んだわ。 The Asset (2013)
It offers powerful guidance on how to respond effectively and non-aggressively to the global domination agenda.[JP] 合気道は、世界支配計画に対して効果的で、 非攻撃的な対処をする上で、強力な指針となります。 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011)
I'we come to recognize that our primary compass is our own inner guidance.[JP] 多くの価値があるのです。 しかし、第一の羅針盤は 自身の内面の指針です。 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011)
Whether it's direction, or discipline, or glory and fame and fortune.[JP] 指針や規律 あるいは栄光 名声や富かもしれない CounterPunch (2017)
The rules are what make us better.[JP] 規則は我々の指針なんだ Day 7: 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (2009)
Words are living things, they have personality, point of view, agenda.[JP] 言葉は生きていて 個性がある 視点や指針 Sorbet (2013)
You stay with us, there's no secrets, no lies, and no agenda.[JP] キミはここに滞在する、秘密も、嘘も、そして指針も無い。 The Asset (2013)
In addition to the laws of Dramaworld, there are also some rules to facilitation.[JP] 〈公式の次は 裏方の行動指針だ〉 Episode #1.3 (2016)
You ought to see my new mind. ..[JP] あなたは、私の指針を 見るべきだ・・ Forbidden Planet (1956)
Not to mention the patient's privacy.[JP] 医療保険の運用性と説明責任に 関する指針の紛れも無い違反行為だ Lesser Evils (2012)
But this time your fondness for blowing past bureaucratic guideposts got a man you respect shot.[JP] でも今回 官僚的指針に沿ったやり方から 外れたあなたの手法が あの男を発砲させたのよ Internal Audit (2013)
Bret Stiles was a guide and a beacon for Chad, as he is for all of us.[JP] ブレット・スタイルズは 我々全員にとってそうであるように チャドにとっても 指導者であり指針だった The Red Tattoo (2013)
But you mistake the support group ethos for a complete system for living.[JP] だが君は 支援グループの行動指針が 完璧なやり方だと誤解している A Giant Gun, Filled with Drugs (2013)
Its dial pointed at me.[CN] 指針指向了我 Miss Mystic Falls (2010)
This may be difficult for you to near, but, you are a hand on a clock, understand?[CN] 可能匪夷所思,但你只不過是時鐘上的指針,懂嗎? Source Code (2011)
Let's go there![CN] 哈哈哈 我們就去指針指向的那個島吧 One Piece Film Z (2012)
You know I'm close, so at least help me get it right.[JP] ここまで調べるんです 指針くらいは The Smile (2012)
An Eternal Pose? ![CN] 永久指針 One Piece Film Z (2012)
It says right here, "it establishes guidelines to ensure the safety and well being of the wesen community."[JP] "凶獣社会の安全と存続を 確保する為の指針が制定された" Natural Born Wesen (2013)
Anyway, we have to avoid at all cost, the island the needle was pointing at.[CN] 總之 這個指針指向的島 無論如何都要避開的 One Piece Film Z (2012)
The country has lost their morals and values, and the kids are lost and they don't have role models, and I agreed with him. Hm.[JP] 国は美徳を失い 子供達には指針がない Foxcatcher (2014)
You are now off the clock.[CN] - 你不用再做指針 Source Code (2011)
Hey! Move the cursor![CN] 現在移動指針 Simon, the Magician (1999)
And when the hands of the clock strike 12, that precious little pretender to my throne will be gone![CN] 當時鐘的指針到了12點的時候 那個要偷我王冠的小妄想者 就會消失了 Enchanted (2007)
There is someone we can't show that pointer by any means.[CN] 而且這個指針絕對不可以給某個男人看 One Piece Film Z (2012)
Coolant indicator's all over the map.[CN] 冷卻液的指針不停亂晃 Red Tails (2012)
The needle that pointed to the direction that came the volcanic ashes began rotating randomly.[CN] 火山灰出現之後指針就開始 極速的混亂擺動著 One Piece Film Z (2012)
Hey, that needle is moving very interestingly![CN] 喂 這個指針晃動地好有趣啊 One Piece Film Z (2012)
I authorized this operation with very clear guidelines.[JP] 私は非常に明確な指針で この活動を許可した Ride Along (2014)
These are the four basic rules to facilitation.[JP] 〈これが行動指針さ〉 Episode #1.3 (2016)
If the pointer is crazy, how will we know where the island is...[CN] 你知不知道指針所指的那座島在哪... One Piece Film Z (2012)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
指針[ししん, shishin] compass needle (cursor) [Add to Longdo]


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