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Longdo Dictionary จีน (ZH) - ไทย (TH)
商量[shāng liang, ㄕㄤ ㄌㄧㄤ˙,  ] (vi) ปรึกษา หารือ คุย ระวังเสียงคำอ่านที่ถูกต้องของพยางค์หลัง คือ เสียงเบา จะเป็น shang1 liang ไม่ใช่ shang1 liang2

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
商量[shāng liáng, ㄕㄤ ㄌㄧㄤˊ,  ] to consult; to talk over; to discuss; also pr. shang1 liang5 #5,640 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
商量[しょうりょう, shouryou] (n, vs) consideration; deliberation; discussion [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'll try[CN] 好,我跟她商量商量 Hong Kong Nocturne (1967)
If you don't mind, I could see you tomorrow... and we can discuss the formalities of the funeral.[CN] 如果你不介意的话 我明天去找你 我们可以商量一下葬礼的仪式 Cries & Whispers (1972)
I was afraid you still have to take some rest so I dared not ask[CN] 我怕兄长远道而来气力未足 所以不敢商量 The Delightful Forest (1972)
It's about my department, I'd like to talk to you.[CN] 其实是关于我教室的事 想找你商量一下 The Great White Tower (1966)
The folly of this thinking was shown up in 1936 when, without consulting the French, the Belgian King Leopold opted for neutrality and closed his borders, even to French military observers.[CN] 这种想法的愚蠢在1936年显露无遗 当时, 在没跟法国商量的情况下, 比利时国王里奥波德就选择中立 France Falls: May-June 1940 (1973)
You two can discuss with dad[CN] 你跟他可以跟爸爸慢慢商量 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
I was hoping to talk to you.[CN] 太好了,我刚好有事找你们商量 The Great White Tower (1966)
"For if we fail to approach them now and merely negotiate with them having this weapon rather ostentatiously on our hip, their suspicions and their distrust of our purposes and motives will increase."[CN] "因为如果我们现在没有找他们商量 而只是在把这件武器炫耀地挂在我们 的屁股上之后 才同他们谈判的话, 他们对我们的目的和动机的怀疑和不信任将加深" The Bomb: February-September 1945 (1974)
Come here and I have a plan to talk to you[CN] 过来有计划要和你商量 The Last Adventure (1967)
She consulted her trusted neighbour and friend Carl Langbehn, another conspirator.[CN] 她找她信任的邻居和朋友, 也是 另一个密谋者卡尔·兰本恩商量 Inside the Reich: Germany - 1940-1944 (1974)
There is no way out.[CN] 这里没有商量的余地 The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)
We'II discuss it later[CN] 我们慢慢商量一下 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
Actually, we've come here and the main reason that we're here today is to consult you about our show[CN] 老貫說 我們今天 就是想來跟你商量這件事情的 Hong Kong Nocturne (1967)
Sandra, I invited the doctor here after a talk with...[CN] 桑德拉 我邀请医生来 是在跟先生商量了之后 Sandra (1965)
Well, you have a word with Tim tonight.[CN] 这嘛,你今晚跟蒂姆商量下。 10 Rillington Place (1971)
The company says, "Get on up there and make a deal with McCabe, and don't come back till you done it."[CN] 公司说,去那儿跟麦凯比商量... ... 没有结果就别回来 McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
I want his advice... I'm looking for someone, and that guy's my only friend here.[CN] 我在找人 想和那个人商量一下 Dear Summer Sister (1972)
You have the time to talk with master Deodato, the blacksmith...[CN] 你有时间跟铁匠迪达托商量 Quel gran pezzo della Ubalda tutta nuda e tutta calda (1972)
It's for the sake of our son that we've come here[CN] 我們是為了子青的前途 所以才這樣低聲下氣來跟你商量 Hong Kong Nocturne (1967)
Manager Yueh![CN] 我有一點事情想跟你商量商量 Hong Kong Nocturne (1967)
You see, [CN] 我想跟你姐姐商量... Hong Kong Nocturne (1967)
Well, let's get our heads together.[CN] 我们来商量 Deliverance (1972)
Wait, gentlemen, we can talk this thing over.[CN] 俩位 我们可以商量一下吧 Deliverance (1972)
May I speak to you now... alone?[CN] 我并不想跟您到贵府处 我有急事要和你商量 Dear Summer Sister (1972)
I've consulted with some of my officers...[CN] 是, 卑职刚才和几个头目商量了一下 A Touch of Zen (1971)
If we could work together ... I'm open to discussions[CN] 我们两个合作的话 大家还有个商量 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
You seem like a reasonable man[CN] 事情一定好商量 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
I figured you'd tell lndio... to do just exactly the opposite of what we agreed... and he's suspicious enough to figure out somethin' else.[CN] 我想你会告诉 lndio... 与我们商量的完全 相反的计划... 而他十分多疑,又会想其他的办法 For a Few Dollars More (1965)
Sir, perhaps you should confer with His Excellency.[CN] 副指挥, 你还和大人商量商量 A Touch of Zen (1971)
Both parties have decided that it will be to first blood.[CN] 由雙方商量的結果而定 出血的話,就算分出勝負 Tristana (1970)
We can discuss it[CN] 有事好商量 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }We can discuss it Kidnap (1974)
Calm down, everyone[CN] 大家不要劳气,有话慢慢商量 The Way of the Dragon (1972)
We'll have to bring it in, but I'd like to go over this with Frank and get on to Mission Control.[CN] 看样子我们必须把它拿进来 不过我得先和富兰克商量 然后再与任务控制中心联络 请复印一份资料给我 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
I think maybe we can work out a deal. Come on.[CN] 我想咱们也许有得商量 McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
Yes, sure. Come on in. There's something I wanted to talk to you about.[CN] 當然 請進 我有事想跟你商量 Death Lends a Hand (1971)
Soon as she's gone, you play a prearranged tune, and Antoine will know she's on her way down.[CN] 她一下去 你就拉一段商量好的旋律 这样安托万就知道她下来了 Bed & Board (1970)
Yet, I don't know what to take up, I need some advice from you.[CN] 我正想跟您商量 War and Peace (1966)
Who's at the top, Zimin?[CN] 要不要我和你们的州委书记商量一下? Ukroshcheniye ognya (1972)
We're not here to worry about other clubs. We're here to decide whether we want him.[CN] 我们不是来商量其他俱乐部的事 而是商议到底需不需要他 This Sporting Life (1963)
We've discussed everything, and we're very sorry about what we did today.[CN] 我们已经商量过了 对今天的所做作为 我们感到非常抱歉 Mary Poppins (1964)
If you agree to perform we'll ask the boss to reconsider[CN] 假使你能夠參加的話 我們可以跟公司去商量 Hong Kong Nocturne (1967)
- There's no way out.[CN] -这里没有商量的余地 The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)
To hell with discussing.[CN] 我最痛恨跟人商量 Zatoichi's Pilgrimage (1966)
We've a Iot to discuss[CN] 这种事情的确需要慢慢的商量 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
All your planning and talking damn near got us shot over a few lousy bags of washers.[CN] 你所有的计划的和商量差点让我们... 死在几袋可恶的垫圈上 The Wild Bunch (1969)
I was chatting with Prof. Ugai about the specialist.[CN] 刚才和鹈饲教授商量鉴定人的事 The Great White Tower (1966)
Now, now, when it comes to matters of this kind, it's always best to discuss things in an amicable fashion.[CN] 关于这点还是好好商量再说 凡事最重要的就是要好好商量 Zatoichi's Pilgrimage (1966)
Uh, let me talk it over with my wife.[CN] 先讓我和我太太商量一下 Death Lends a Hand (1971)
- Come along. I'm not having any of this.[CN] - 快走 没有任何商量余地 Carry On Camping (1969)
Would raising the sale price help you to reconsider?[CN] 我们价格还可以再商量 A Bay of Blood (1971)


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