*hobby* แปลว่าอะไร ดูความหมาย ตัวอย่างประโยค หมายความว่า พจนานุกรม Longdo Dictionary แปลภาษา คำศัพท์
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152 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *hobby*
หรือค้นหา: hobby, -hobby-

Longdo Approved EN-TH
take up an hobby(phrase) ทำอะไรเป็นงานอดิเรก เช่น I'm not very fit nowadays so I decided to take up an active hobby such as badminton.

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
hobby(n) งานอดิเรก, Syn. avocation, pastime

Hope Dictionary
hobby(ฮอบ'บี) n. งานอดิเรก, ม้าไม้โยกที่เด็กเล่น, ม้าเล็ก ๆ , เหยี่ยว
hobbyist(ฮอบ'บีอิสทฺ) n. ผู้มีงานอดิเรกทำ, ผู้ชอบทำงานอดิเรก

Nontri Dictionary
hobby(n) งานอดิเรก

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
A hobby? Ein Hobby? Same Time, Next Year (1978)
Oh, it's good to have a hobby. Es ist gut, ein Hobby zu haben. Whatever It Takes (2014)
So y'all need to get some hobbies. - Ihr solltet euch ein Hobby suchen. Stuck (2014)
Just as a hobby". time killer... to kill some time. Nein, nur als Hobby, als Zeitvertreib. Um was zu tun zu haben. Mommy (2014)
Well if it's a "hobby", like you said... you were always such a sweet neighbour! Wenn es nur ein Hobby ist, wie du gesagt hast, hilft man sich unter alten Nachbarn. Mommy (2014)
Programming was a hobby. Programmieren war ein Hobby. Page Not Found (2014)
Your mom loves Zumba now. Deine Mutter hat ein neues Hobby. Sie macht jetzt Zumba. A Lovebirds' Divorce (2014)
I restore boats as a hobby. Ich restauriere als Hobby Boote. Charlie Catches Jordan in the Act (2014)
And I still don't have time for a hobby. Und ich habe immer noch keine Zeit für ein Hobby. Miss Me x100 (2014)
Look, Hanna, I really hope that you find a hobby. Schau, Hanna, ich hoffe wirklich, dass du ein Hobby findest. Miss Me x100 (2014)
I'm a bit of a shade tree mechanic. Ich bin Hobbymechaniker. A New Approach to Nuclear Cosmology (2014)
Oh, that'll probably phase in to a Sunday afternoon hobby kind of thing. Das wird wohl ein... Sonntagnachmittag Hobby. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them (2014)
You're not my boss, you're one of my hobbies. Du bist nicht mein Boss, du bist eines meiner Hobbys. Into the Dalek (2014)
Detective Murphy having an alpha male hobby like hunting is a total shock. Dass Detective Murphy ein Hobby wie Jagen hat, ist ja so ungewöhnlich. Episode #2.6 (2014)
Okay, I'm gonna think of a hobby for you 'cause you need to get out in the world. OK, ich überlege mir ein Hobby für dich. Flowers (2014)
Politics have always been a hobby of his. Politiker sind schon immer sein Hobby gewesen. Plunge (2014)
Just for fun. Als Hobby. 40-Love (2014)
Hey, Rice, is it just me, or does the shutterbug outside seem interested in us? Hey Rice, kommt es mir nur so vor, oder ist der Hobbyfotograf da draußen an uns interessiert? Quicksand (2014)
Hell, seen raccoons in rec rooms, bears in swimming pools, but this? Ich habe schon Waschbären in Hobbykellern und Bären in Swimmingpools gesehen, Paper Moon (2014)
And hobby mocking is not an attractive color on you. Und Hobby-Verspottung steht dir überhaupt nicht. A Chic Bar in Ibiza (2014)
Hobby mocker. Hobby-Verspotter. A Chic Bar in Ibiza (2014)
- You have your hobbies. - Du hast deine Hobbys. Plastique (2014)
Today, genetic engineering is a hobby; Heutzutage ist Gentechnik ein Hobby. Single Point of Failure (2014)
Hobbies, pet peeves, favorite color? Hobbys, Lieblingsärgernis, Lieblingsfarbe? The Flash Is Born (2014)
Unless you join some club or get into some bullshit hobby or something. Außer du trittst einem Club bei oder suchst dir ein beschissenes Hobby. Eat Your Own Cooking (2014)
Could you find a hobby or take up a sport? Können Sie sich kein Hobby suchen oder Sport treiben? Prophets (2014)
I have a hobby, shooting people. Ich habe ein Hobby, Leute erschießen. Prophets (2014)
It's a hobby. Ist ein Hobby. Risky Business (2014)
Maybe you should find a hobby. - Vielleicht sollten Sie sich ein Hobby suchen. The Cold War (2014)
All of my hobbies include a gun. - All meine Hobbys beinhalten eine Waffe. The Cold War (2014)
I should've tipped off the police when he began his hobby. Ich hätte die Polizei informieren sollen, als er mit seinem Hobby begonnen hat. The Mombasa Cartel (No. 114) (2014)
I guess you could say that science is a hobby of mine. Ich denke, Sie könnten sagen, dass die Wissenschaft ein Hobby von mir ist. The 200th in the 10th (2014)
The picking up girls thing was a hobby. Diese Billige-Mädels-Sache war ein Hobby. White Christmas (2014)
Well, I suppose as hobbies go, this is a damn sight better than grilling yourself like a bloody pork chop. Nun, was das Thema Hobbys anbetrifft, ist das hier sicher besser als sich selbst zu grillen wie ein Schweinekotelett. Viper (2014)
Everybody has a hobby. Jeder hat ein Hobby. Face My Enemy (2014)
Apparently stalking isn't her only hobby, either. Scheinbar war Stalking nicht ihr einziges Hobby. Draw Back Your Bow (2014)
- Yeah, it's my new hobby. Ja, das ist mein neues Hobby. Charlie Plays Hide and Go Cheat (2014)
Gave up that hobby and sold it to an anonymous buyer several months ago. Gab das Hobby auf und verkaufte es vor mehreren Monaten an einen anonymen Käufer. Terra Pericolosa (2014)
It's more like a hobby. Das hier ist doch eher wie ein Hobby. The Boxtrolls (2014)
The stuffy guy can cook. Ich wusste nicht, dass ein Hobbykoch in dir steckt, Jigen. Lupin the 3rd (2014)
And this is the den. Und hier ist der Hobbyraum. Poltergeist (2015)
Looks like you picked the wrong leisure activity, buddy. Da hast du dir das falsche Hobby ausgesucht. Daddy's Home (2015)
I was a math major in college, and in my spare time I developed an algorithm for analyzing climate data, but my roommate figured out that it could also be used to make economic forecasts. Ich habe Mathe studiert, und als Hobby habe ich einen Algorithmus für die Analyse von Klimadaten entwickelt. Mein Mitbewohner entdeckte, dass man damit auch Wirtschaftsdaten vorhersagen kann. The Age of Adaline (2015)
I asked if he had any hobbies, you know, like drawing, or if he ever talked about baseball. Ich habe nach Hobbys gefragt, na ja, Zeichnen und so. Oder ob er je über Baseball sprach. Secret in Their Eyes (2015)
You know, it's too bad you don't spend as much time on your Spanish homework as you do online finding passive-aggressive ways of using my hobbies against me. Es ist zu schade, dass du nicht so viel Zeit für deine Spanisch-Aufgaben verbringst wie online, um passiv-aggressive Wege zu finden, meine Hobbys gegen mich zu verwenden. Queer Eyes, Full Hearts (2014)
Hobbies? Hobbys? Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)
My hobbies are decoupage and needlepoint. Meine Hobbys sind Däcoupage und Sticken. Spy (2015)
I am, by disposition, a hobbyist. Es ist eine Veranlagung, mein Hobby. Mr. Holmes (2015)
In fact, if I may, there is one particular hobby... of mine that might amuse you. Genau genommen... Wenn Sie erlauben... Eines meiner Hobbys könnte Sie interessieren. Mr. Holmes (2015)
Get a hobby. - Such dir ein Hobby. Momentum (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
hobbyMy hobby is collecting old coins.
hobbyResearch, it can hardly ... just an amateur's hobby, I'm ashamed to say.
hobbyIs it any of your business what someone's hobby is?
hobbyHis hobby is painting pictures of flowers.
hobbyMy hobby is reading comics.
hobbyThey call women who make a hobby out of collecting Chanel goods "Chanellers".
hobbyMy hobby is collecting coins.
hobbyMaking model planes is his only hobby.
hobbyMy hobby is skiing.
hobbyMy hobby is collecting stamps.
hobbyMy hobby is to collect beautiful butterflies.
hobbyYumi's hobby is singing popular songs.
hobbyHer handicraft is more than a hobby, It's more like a profession.
hobbyMy hobby is to read.
hobbyThe important thing is to have your own hobby.
hobbyMy father spends a lot of time on his hobby.
hobbyMy father's hobby is growing roses.
hobbyHer hobby was collecting old coins.
hobbyThey have a common hobby.
hobbyTheir hobby is fishing.
hobbyMy hobby is playing golf.
hobbyHis hobby is going fishing on Sundays.
hobbyBird watching is a nice hobby.
hobbySwimming is my hobby.
hobbyMy hobby is visiting old temples.
hobbyHer only hobby is collecting stamps.
hobbyHer hobby is collecting stamps.
hobbyHis hobby is painting pictures.
hobbyMy hobby is listening to music.
hobbyMy hobby is music.
hobbyHis hobby is collecting strange butterflies.
hobbyI collect stamps as a hobby.
hobbyI don't know if you'd call it a hobby, but to stretch it a little, you could say music appreciation is my hobby.
hobbyAoi's hobby is dancing.
hobbyMy hobby is to play the piano.
hobbyHis hobby is collecting stamps.
hobbyIf one does not have a hobby, his life may be desolate.
hobbySailing a boat, his chief hobby, costs him most of his salary.
hobbyMy hobby is collecting insects.
hobbyMy hobby is to collect old toy.
hobbyMy hobby is reading novels.
hobbyYou ought not to have spent so much money on your hobby.
hobby"That's an unusual hobby she's got, the transfer student." "She's cute so it's fine with me."
hobbyDoes she have a hobby?
hobbyMy hobby is taking pictures of wild flowers.
hobbyDo you have a hobby - for example, painting?
hobbyMy hobby is collecting foreign stamps.
hobbyDid you talk about your hobby?
hobbySmokers are as aware as anybody else of the disadvantages of their hobby but manage to live with that knowledge for two main reasons.
hobbyHis hobby is collecting old stamps.

NECTEC Lexitron-2 Dictionary (TH-EN)
งานอดิเรก(n) hobby, See also: avocation, Syn. งานว่าง, Example: งานอดิเรกของผมคือการสะสมนาฬิกา, Thai Definition: กิจกรรมที่ทำเป็นพิเศษในเวลาว่าง
อดิเรก(n) hobby, Syn. งานพิเศษ, งานอดิเรก, Example: เขาสะสมแฮนด์บิลเป็นงานอดิเรก, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต)

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
อดิเรก[adirēk] (n) EN: hobby  FR: hobby [ m ]
งานอดิเรก[ngān adirēk] (n) EN: hobby ; pastime  FR: hobby [ m ] ; passe-temps [ m ] ; violon d'Ingres [ m ]
เหยี่ยวฮอบบี้พันธุ์เอเซีย[yīo høpbī phan Ēsīa] (n, exp) EN: Oriental Hobby  FR: Faucon aldrovandin [ m ] ; Hobereau à poitrine rousse [ m ]
เหยี่ยวฮอบบี้พันธุ์ยุโรป[yīo høpbī phan Yurōp] (n, exp) EN: Northern Hobby ; Eurasian Hobby  FR: Faucon hobereau [ m ] ; Hobereau commun [ m ] ; Émouchet à gorge blanche [ m ] ; Petit Émouchet noir [ m ]

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

WordNet (3.0)
hobby(n) a child's plaything consisting of an imitation horse mounted on rockers; the child straddles it and pretends to ride, Syn. rocking horse, hobbyhorse
hobby(n) small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds, Syn. Falco subbuteo
hobbyhorse(n) a topic to which one constantly reverts
hobbyism(n) a devotion to hobbies
hobbyist(n) a person who pursues an activity in their spare time for pleasure
avocation(n) an auxiliary activity, Syn. by-line, hobby, spare-time activity, pursuit, sideline

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n.; pl. Hobbies [ OE. hobi; cf. OF. hobe, hobé, F. hobereau a hobby, a species of falcon. OF. hober to move, stir. Cf. Hobby a horse. ] (Zool.) A small, strong-winged European falcon (Falco subbuteo), formerly trained for hawking.


{ } n. [ OE. hobin a nag, OF. hobin hobby; cf. hober to stir, move; prob. of German or Scand. origin; cf. Dan. hoppe a mare, dial. Sw. hoppa; perh. akin to E. hop to jump. ] 1. A strong, active horse, of a middle size, said to have been originally from Ireland; an ambling nag. Johnson. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A stick, often with the head or figure of a horse, on which boys make believe to ride. [ Usually under the form hobbyhorse. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A subject or plan upon which one is constantly setting off; a favorite and ever-recurring theme of discourse, thought, or effort; that which occupies one's attention unduly, or to the weariness of others; a ruling passion. [ Usually under the form hobby. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Not one of them has any hobbyhorse, to use the phrase of Sterne. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Hobby

n. Pertaining to, or having, a hobby or whim; eccentric; whimsical.[ Colloq. ] Sterne. [ 1913 Webster ]

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
爱好[ài hào, ㄞˋ ㄏㄠˋ,   /  ] to like; to be fond of; to be keen on; interest; hobby #5,470 [Add to Longdo]
副业[fù yè, ㄈㄨˋ ㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] sideline; partime business; hobby #15,603 [Add to Longdo]
嗜好[shì hào, ㄕˋ ㄏㄠˋ,  ] fondness; hobby; indulgence #20,186 [Add to Longdo]
[pǐ, ㄆㄧˇ, ] habit; hobby #20,776 [Add to Longdo]
业余爱好者[yè yú ài hǎo zhě, ㄧㄝˋ ㄩˊ ㄞˋ ㄏㄠˇ ㄓㄜˇ,      /     ] hobbyist; amateur [Add to Longdo]

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Hobby { n } | Hobbys { pl }; Steckenpferde { pl }fad; hobby | hobbies [Add to Longdo]
Hobby-Mensch { m }hobbyist [Add to Longdo]
Liebhaberei { f } | aus Liebhabereihobby | as a hobby [Add to Longdo]
Steckenpferd { n }hobbyhorse [Add to Longdo]
Zug { m }; Eisenbahnzug { m } | Züge { pl } | durchgehender Zug | mit dem Zug fahren; mit der Bahn fahren (nach) | den Zug erreichen | den Zug verpassen | Züge beobachten und notieren (als Hobby)train | trains | through train | to go by train; to take the train (to) | to catch the train | to miss the train | train spotting [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
楽しみ(P);愉しみ[たのしみ, tanoshimi] (adj-na, n) (1) (See 御楽しみ) enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; amusement; hobby; (2) (See 楽しみにする) anticipation; looking forward to; (P) #562 [Add to Longdo]
趣味[しゅみ, shumi] (n) (1) hobby; pastime; (2) tastes; preference; liking; (P) #2,585 [Add to Longdo]
ホビー[hobi-] (n) hobby #9,589 [Add to Longdo]
お楽しみ;御楽しみ[おたのしみ, otanoshimi] (n) (pol) (See 楽しみ) enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; amusement; hobby [Add to Longdo]
ホビークラフト[hobi-kurafuto] (n) hobby craft [Add to Longdo]
凝りだす;凝り出す[こりだす, koridasu] (v5s) to be into something (ie. a hobby) [Add to Longdo]
稚児隼[ちごはやぶさ;チゴハヤブサ, chigohayabusa ; chigohayabusa] (n) (uk) northern hobby (species of falcon, Falco subbuteo) [Add to Longdo]
土弄り;土いじり[つちいじり, tsuchiijiri] (n) (1) (See 土遊び) playing with dirt; (2) gardening; farming (as a hobby) [Add to Longdo]
同人誌[どうじんし, doujinshi] (n) (1) magazine published by fans; fanzine; (2) publication aimed at a particular hobby group; (3) publication sold directly, and not via commercial publishers [Add to Longdo]
道楽[どうらく, douraku] (adj-na, n) hobby; pastime; dissipation; dissipated [Add to Longdo]
道楽仲間[どうらくなかま, dourakunakama] (n) companion in one's pleasures; companion in hobby activities [Add to Longdo]
余技[よぎ, yogi] (n) avocation; hobby [Add to Longdo]
類友[るいとも, ruitomo] (n) (See 類は友を呼ぶ) hobby friend; friend gained through common interests or personality [Add to Longdo]
嗜む[たしなむ, tashinamu] (v5m, vt) (1) (uk) to have a taste for; to be fond of; to have an interest in (e.g. a hobby); (2) to be modest; to be prudent [Add to Longdo]
齧る;噛る;囓る[かじる, kajiru] (v5r, vt) (1) to chew; to bite (at); to gnaw; to nibble; to munch; to crunch; to have a smattering of; (2) to dabble in (e.g. hobby, instrument) [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
趣味[しゅみ, shumi] Interesse, Geschmack, Hobby [Add to Longdo]

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