15 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 花房
หรือค้นหา: -花房-, *花房*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
花房[huā fáng, ㄏㄨㄚ ㄈㄤˊ,  ] a greenhouse #70,063 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
花房[はなぶさ, hanabusa] (n) bunch of flowers [Add to Longdo]
花房[はなぶさ, hanabusa] (n) calyx [Add to Longdo]

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- Greenhouse Helper. [CN] - 花房助手 City of Ember (2008)
That's what you said about the greenhouse. [CN] 这就是你说的花房 The Cottage (2008)
But I have a blood report on Beverly Grey that proves she was killed by a plant that grows on your property. [CN] 但是我有Beverly Greythat的血液報告 證明她是死於你花房裏的一種植物 Chemistry (2012)
Um... You're probably wondering what I'm doing on the roof of your greenhouse. [CN] 你大概很奇怪 我在你们家的花房顶上做什么 Gnomeo & Juliet (2011)
Nice greenhouse, eh? [CN] 花房很漂亮吧? Gnomeo & Juliet (2011)
Izzie, darling, why don't you show him into the conservatory? [CN] 伊絲,丫頭 帶他進花房,我馬上過去 Johnny English Reborn (2011)
The Greenhouse. Uh, she was meeting a friend at the Greenhouse. [CN] 花房,她大概到花房去见朋友了 City of Ember (2008)
Tonight Elizabeth's in the flower room and Paul's in the children's room, not far from his mother. [CN] 今天伊莉莎白睡花房 保罗则睡小孩房 不要离妈妈太远 A Christmas Tale (2008)
I mean, I don't. This isn't my garden. [CN] 没人,这儿没人住 这也不是我家花房 Gnomeo & Juliet (2011)
She's buried in a derelict greenhouse... five hundred yards behind the school... where the new wing is being built... in the southern corner... right underneath a fan. [CN] 她被埋在了一个废弃的花房里 在学校后面500码远的地方 现在那里正在修建教学楼的侧翼 Big Bad Wolves (2013)
Miami Metro impounded Speltzer's little pied-é-RV when he was arrested but they had to give it back once he was set free. [CN] 迈阿密警局在Speltzer被捕时 扣押了他的小花房车 但等他自由后 他们就不得不把它给还回来 Run (2012)
Well, meet me at the Greenhouses, okay? [CN] 我们在花房碰头,好吗? City of Ember (2008)

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