11 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 紊流
หรือค้นหา: -紊流-, *紊流*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
紊流[wěn liú, ㄨㄣˇ ㄌㄧㄡˊ,  ] turbulent flow #89,930 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
What the disturbance looking over the North Sea? [CN] 北海上空的紊流情况如何 Hijacked (2012)
I'll check with Captain. [CN] 这点紊流不用担心 Sully (2016)
We're getting sucked down into... who knows what? [CN] 没错 那个冲击波 不是紊流 Ghost Rider: Deals with Our Devils (2016)
Severe turbulence? [CN] 紊流? A Thousand Suns (2014)
He is particularly worried by turbulence from hot air rising from the sun-baked runway. [CN] 他尤其担心热空气产生紊流 而炙热的跑道产生热空气 Flying High (2012)
There is turbulence, over there... [CN] 产生紊流 在那里... Flying High (2012)
If not turbulence, it sounds like something hit the plane. [CN] 如果不是紊流 听上去像是什么东西攻击了飞机 A Thousand Suns (2014)
Agent Reid said passengers vomited before the crash, which would confirm the severe turbulence the copilot described. [CN] Reid探员说乘客在失事前呕吐了 正好印证了副驾驶所说的强紊流 A Thousand Suns (2014)
The vultures love the turbulent winds created by the cascades, and many make Iguassu their home. [CN] 秃鹫喜欢瀑布下落产生的紊流 许多鸟儿把伊瓜苏当作自己的家园 South America (2012)
Severe turbulence. [CN] 出现了强紊流 A Thousand Suns (2014)

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