14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 冥王星
หรือค้นหา: -冥王星-, *冥王星*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
冥王星[Míng wáng xīng, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄨㄤˊ ㄒㄧㄥ,   ] Pluto (planet) #26,177 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
冥王星[めいおうせい, meiousei] (n) (See 準惑星, 矮惑星) Pluto (dwarf planet) [Add to Longdo]

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Like, Pluto's not a planet anymore and a brontosaurus stopped being a dinosaur. [JP] 冥王星は惑星の仲間から 外されちまった Burning House of Love (2008)
And Pluto can start being a planet again, connected to stuff. [JP] そして冥王星が 再び惑星となることを Burning House of Love (2008)
Pluto Penitentiary? [CN] 冥王星监狱? Speak Like a Child (1998)
Maybe your buddy Dan can show us the way... to Pluto. [JP] 多分、相棒のダンが 冥王星まで案内してくれる Rozwell (2015)
They live inside Pluto, which isn't really a planet. [JP] 奴等は、冥王星の地下に 住んでいて Rozwell (2015)
That nutjob from Pluto? [JP] 冥王星のキチガイ? Rozwell (2015)
There was riot on a prison transport ship that was on it's way to Pluto. [CN] 冥王星的一艘押囚船发生了事故 Black Dog Serenade (1999)
Well, um, I don't know who Pluto is, but, uh-- [CN] 嗯,嗯,我不知道冥王星是谁,但是,呃 - Trojan War (1997)
Then he said "I got it. We on Pluto". [CN] 接着他说:"我知道了,这是冥王星" Spaceballs (1987)
Hey, do we have any of that Plutonian nyborg left? [CN] 嘿,我们是否有任何的 冥王星尼堡剩下什么? Heavy Metal (1981)
That's like Jupiter telling Pluto,  [JP] そりゃ木星が冥王星 Waiting for Dutch (2015)
They tried to take you to their planet, but you escaped and hitchhiked back from Pluto. [CN] 它们想把你带到它们的星球 但你逃走了 一路从冥王星搭便车回来 Fear (1996)

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