13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 鬼頭
หรือค้นหา: -鬼頭-, *鬼頭*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
鬼頭;纛[おにがしら;とう(纛), onigashira ; tou ( tou )] (n) (See 大頭・おおがしら・2) decorative black flagpole tassel made from tail hair (of a yak, horse, ox, etc.) or dyed hemp #19,638 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Cos I'm not some kid any more. [CN] -因為我已經不是小鬼頭 The Test Dream (2004)
Yes, Hanbei? [CN] 是,鬼頭 13 Assassins (2010)
Traitor [CN] { \fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000 }鬼頭 Lost Souls (1980)
Smash Buster! [CN] 鬼頭 One Piece Film Z (2012)
- Eh, little fellow. [CN] - 你個小鬼頭 Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
No matter how low I go, Hanbei Kito is a samurai! [CN] 不管如何,別想我低頭 鬼頭半兵衛必盡武士本份 13 Assassins (2010)
It's Hanbei kito of the Akashi clan. [CN] 明石藩的侍衛長鬼頭前來拜訪 13 Assassins (2010)
HANBEI Naritsugu's Chief Samurai [CN] (鬼頭半兵衛) 13 Assassins (2010)
Sir Hanbei, thank you for coming. [CN] 鬼頭大人,你們回來了? 13 Assassins (2010)
The morning after, the cook caught his first dorado... and I didn't understand what he had done at first, but Mother did... and I had never seen Mother so angry. [CN] 隔天早上,廚子釣到第一隻鬼頭刀 我起初不知道他做了什麼,媽知道 我沒見過媽那麼生氣 Life of Pi (2012)
[ Phone Ringing ] Why, you little bum, you. [CN] 過來 你這個小鬼頭 Death Lends a Hand (1971)
Traitor, go to hell [CN] { \fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000 }鬼頭仔,去死 Lost Souls (1980)

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