13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 高速公路
หรือค้นหา: -高速公路-, *高速公路*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
高速公路[gāo sù gōng lù, ㄍㄠ ㄙㄨˋ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄨˋ,    ] highway #3,847 [Add to Longdo]

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He didn't drive on the highway. [CN] 他没有在高速公路上开 Rain Man (1988)
But unless I hit that highway before they start back, I'm... where is it, Susan? [CN] 除非我在他们回来前开上高速公路 钥匙在哪儿 Susan? The Prowler (1951)
Yeah, this is Collins. And you can tell McCord to get all patrols off the highways. [CN] 我是柯林斯 叫麦考德撤掉高速公路上的巡逻 'G' Men (1935)
I want you to give a message to the highway patrol. [CN] 我想让你给高速公路巡警发个消息 The Narrow Margin (1952)
There's a freeway just ahead. [CN] 我们很走运 前面就是高速公路 The Lineup (1958)
- All highways, driving black touring car. License 391284. [CN] 所有的高速公路注意了 一辆黑色房车 牌照391284 'G' Men (1935)
Broken railing on Tarpon Springs Turnpike was due to auto smash. [CN] 出了车祸海鲢泉高速公路栏杆断裂 Dead Reckoning (1947)
Be on the lookout for a man identified as Leggett heading west on Highway 66. [CN] 出发寻找确定为莱格特的男子 目标在高速公路66号朝西走 'G' Men (1935)
- Across the road. [CN] - 在高速公路的那一侧 The Reckless Moment (1949)
It was one of those little towns in Maryland with wedding signs all along the highway... and wejust stopped into one of them and- [CN] 马里兰州的一个小城 沿着高速公路到处都是婚礼的标志... 我们只是随便停在了其中的一个 Dangerous Crossing (1953)
All cars in the vicinity of Sea Cliff, watch for suspect car proceeding in your direction. [CN] 所有海岸附近的车辆 观察四周是否有嫌疑车辆 通知金门桥附近的高速公路巡警 The Lineup (1958)
I'm not going to relax until we get on that freeway and out of L.A. [CN] 直到出了洛杉矶,上到高速公路 我是不会放松的 Plunder Road (1957)

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