12 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 高台
หรือค้นหา: -高台-, *高台*

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Prepare to mobilize to higher ground. [JP] 高台へと向かう 準備せよ Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
High ground is also our best chance of being seen by the Cylons. [JP] 高台はサイロンに見つかる 可能性も一番高いでしょう Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2 (2005)
In empty court there flies firefly flows, and in high pedestal there walksn foxs [CN] 空庭飞着流萤, 高台走着狸生 Song at Midnight (1937)
Gaotaizi, Nande County, Yunnan Province. [CN] 云南南德高台 Goddess of Mercy (2003)
You turn, run, find a high ground. Look for water. Water's your new best friend. [JP] 逃げるんだ 高台を見つけて 水を探せ 生命線だ The Hunger Games (2012)
Blissful silence drenched by the sun! [JP] 陽光を浴びた高台の 至福の荒地 Siegfried (1980)
"The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my deliverer, my God in whom I trust, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." [CN] 耶和华是我的岩石、 我的山寨、我的救主 我所投靠的他 他们我的盾牌,是拯救我的角 是我的高台 Facing the Giants (2006)
Despite this all-star cast, Cao Daism has not made much of a mark outside Vietnam. [CN] 虽然拥有如此全明星阵容,高台教在越南之外影响不大。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
It's called Cao Dai and it was invented by a civil servant in 1926. [CN] 这种宗教叫做 高台教。 由一位公务员于1926年创立。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
I've never told you this but the very first time I ever saw you standing up on the podium you were cleaning your glasses and I felt so sorry for you. [CN] 我从未告诉过你这... 但我是初次看到你 站在高台 Malcolm X (1992)
Very funny. I just think we need to set our sights high is all. [JP] 面白いね もっと高台にある 眺めのいい家にしよう Full Measure (2010)
In the foyer of the great temple, there's a mural depicting three of Cao Dai's patron saints. [CN] 在宏伟庙宇的大厅里, 有幅壁画,描绘了高台教三圣。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)

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