13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 风调雨顺
หรือค้นหา: -风调雨顺-, *风调雨顺*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
风调雨顺[fēng diào yǔ shùn, ㄈㄥ ㄉㄧㄠˋ ㄩˇ ㄕㄨㄣˋ,     /  調  ] favorable weather (成语 saw); good weather for crops #46,161 [Add to Longdo]

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This ceremony is a prelude... to the great festival of Ong-Bak... that will commence here in seven days... and which is held just once... every 24 years. [CN] 祈求保佑本村风调雨顺,合家平安 七日后 我们将庆祝建庙二十四周年 Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003)
Congrats! Kim Chul-young's 80th birthday The land, people and food are all good. [CN] 恭贺金哲英80岁寿诞 也祝风调雨顺,大家安康 Paradise Murdered (2007)
Fellow villagers, last year was peaceful and the weather was good. [CN] 各位观众,在过去的一年 本镇风调雨顺,人口平安 The Young Master (1980)
Save leave, Save back [CN] 出入平安,风调雨顺... The Enigmatic Case (1980)
"It's been a perfect spring. Warm rains and hardly any frost. [CN] "今年的春天真是风调雨顺 充足的雨水 很少下霜 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
The heavens were kind and the barns are full. [CN] 风调雨顺 谷麦满仓 The White Ribbon (2009)
If you become a farmer, you've the weather to buck [CN] *要是你成了农夫,自然风调雨顺,年年有余* De-Lovely (2004)
They pray for ample rain and plentiful harvest. [CN] 风调雨顺 , 国泰民安 Tai Chi II (1996)
I beg spirits of Water and Earth, who take care of this land, to aid us in our labor, that all goes well, that we have joy, that we meet no obstacles... [CN] 求佛保佑 风调雨顺土地肥沃 让我们可以精力充沛顺顺利利 幸福快乐 The Rice People (1994)
I learned the hard way: [CN] ...如此的风调雨顺? 谁让我以前那么认真上社会大学 What to Do in Case of Fire (2001)
May the gods grant us fair weather and fair winds. [CN] 愿老天保佑我们风调雨顺 Painted Fire (2002)
How can you say that with such a wind? [CN] 这么大风还说风调雨顺 Dragon Inn (1992)

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