14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 雨季
หรือค้นหา: -雨季-, *雨季*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
雨季[yǔ jì, ㄩˇ ㄐㄧˋ,  ] rainy season #21,133 [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Approved JP-TH
雨季[うき, uki] (n) ฤดูฝน

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
After the rainy season ends [CN] 雨季一结束我就会消失 Be with You (2004)
In the rainy season? [CN] 你说过她在雨季会回来 Be with You (2004)
I leaped into the future, into a rainy season 9 years later [CN] 我来到了未来 九年后的雨季 Be with You (2004)
I'm trying to feed the bees. [CN] 在这雨季对于他们是很困难的. Save the Green Planet! (2003)
...the front is moving swiftly, which may prolong this rainy season considerably... [CN] 因为这个锋面很强劲 因此今年雨季可能会继续下去 Be with You (2004)
Bagheera". When the rains returned... [JP] 雨季が戻ったとき... The Jungle Book (2016)
It's the rainy season in Manila, and you're wearing... [JP] あそこは今 雨季だわ それなのに履いてるのは― Run (2015)
Each year the tropical wet season brings storms and flooding to Australia's far north [CN] 每年,热带雨季都给澳洲北部带来暴雨和洪水 Australia: Land Beyond Time (2002)
When the rainy season's over,  [CN] 雨季结束 Be with You (2004)
The rainy season... [CN] 雨季快到了啊 Be with You (2004)
It's the wet season and the king tides are running, so there's lots of water. [JP] 雨季で「潮の王様」があり水が 増えています Black Water (2007)
I'm going to die... and I'll promise to return in the next rainy season [CN] 我会离你们而去 留下一年后雨季会回来的承诺 Be with You (2004)

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