12 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 防止
หรือค้นหา: -防止-, *防止*

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Masking agents. [JP] 検出防止薬ね Corporal Punishment (2007)
Apart from being a lying cheat, he's just the man I would have picked. [CN] 为了防止被骗,他是我选择的正确人选。 Silverado (1985)
I must take every precaution. [CN] 我必须防止任何可能. Monsieur Verdoux (1947)
To prevent Cordell's exposure, a false record had been prepared. [CN] 为了防止科戴尔身份暴露 准备了一份虚假记录 The Street with No Name (1948)
And I could have prevented it... [CN] 我本可以防止这些... Ecstasy (1933)
- I don't want anybody to get hurt but... there's no better way of backing up a No Trespassing sign than by a bullet missing somebody's skull. [CN] 但是这是防止有人进来的好办法 只要子弹不打到脑袋 The Red House (1947)
For instance, there's some sort of collision radar on the jet that may not have been working. [JP] 例えば空中衝突を 防止するレーダーだ 旅客機のレーダーに 不備があった No Más (2010)
No kidding. Thank God for those shake-proof coffee mugs. [JP] 冗談抜きで、手ぶれ防止マグカップに しといて 良かったよ 2012 (2009)
But I thought we were here to prevent Vosk from starting the Temporal War. [JP] 我々はボスクが戦争を始めるのを 防止しているためにここにきていると思ったのですが Storm Front, Part II (2004)
No one could take your place if anything unfortunate should occur to you while you were trying to escape. [CN] 没有人能取代你的位置 或防止你逃走时发生的不幸 Casablanca (1942)
I am here to save a secret from being divulged. [CN] 我是来防止机密被泄露的 The 39 Steps (1935)
The truth, senator, is I stopped that attack from happening. [JP] 真実は私がその攻撃を未然に 防止したということです Day 7: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2009)

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