13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 远见
หรือค้นหา: -远见-, *远见*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
远见[yuǎn jiàn, ㄩㄢˇ ㄐㄧㄢˋ,   /  ] vision #22,411 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I had the foresight to collar up a particularly inquisitive blond. [CN] 我很有远见地给一位好奇心十足的 金发小姐戴上了项圈 Dodger (2013)
Not only don't you have any scruples, you don't have any brains. [CN] 你不仅没有远见 你连脑子都没 我不懂你在说什么 Detour (1945)
35 years of information... [CN] 由于我的某个前任 缺乏远见 Trompe L'Oeil (2016)
And then... [CN] 也不是全部了 巴瑞当然没进 因为你永远见不着他 Mental (2012)
You'll never see him again. [CN] 你将永远见不到他了 Legionnaire (1998)
- Both of them? [CN] 我以为我永远见不到你了 { \3cH000000\fs20 }I thought i lost you forever. Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
- Νo vision. [CN] 远见 Universal Soldier: The Return (1999)
And if a shell got me and you never saw me again, then we'd both be sorry that we've been so formal and waited. [CN] 你就永远见不到我了 我们何时才能相见? A Farewell to Arms (1932)
How can I expect that mob to share my vision? [CN] 怎能期望暴民能分享我的远见 Quo Vadis (1951)
with it. [CN] 那是非常有远见 The Return (2010)
Maybe forever. [CN] 或许永远见不到 Heaven & Earth (1993)
For the council. [CN] 嗯,她很有远见... ... 她知道我的说法将会受到挑战 Underworld: Blood Wars (2016)

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