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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
警句[jǐng jù, ㄐㄧㄥˇ ㄐㄩˋ,  ] aphorism #51,377 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
警句[けいく, keiku] (n, adj-no) aphorism [Add to Longdo]
警句を吐く[けいくをはく, keikuwohaku] (exp, v5k) to make a witty remark; to come out with a bon mot [Add to Longdo]

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Vouchers fun words. [JP] - 警句は面白くなきゃ Look Who's Back (2015)
"Shit happens. " That's what I get? Fucking wisdom? [CN] "认命吧"你只赠我一句警句? Showgirls (1995)
Spare me your bullshit oriental. You threaten me? [CN] 得了,别来跟我扯这套东方哲理警句了 你这算什么意思? Wake of Death (2004)
Is an epigraph necessary for "Happiness"? [CN] - "幸福"这篇文章里可以引用名言警句吗? - 当然可以 Is an epigraph necessary for "Happiness"? We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
He's like, he makes these things that are, like, perfect, like, these perfect little quips, and I'm just like, "blah-lah-lah." [CN] 他是个喜欢万事都做的完美的人 比如说他会说这些名言警句 而我呢 什么也不是 Hannah Takes the Stairs (2007)
I shall probably receive the Government s displeasure, and we'll be retired on an inadequate pension. [CN] 我们一辈子将享用荣华不断! 记得拿破仑的警句吗? 55 Days at Peking (1963)
When famous people's thoughts and quotes neatly prepared at home, and an "HD" is virtually guaranteed. [CN] 你只要熟练并正确地引用名人的想法和警句就能轻而易举地拿到高分 When famous people's thoughts and quotes neatly prepared at home, and an "HD" is virtually guaranteed. We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
How charming. An aphorist. [CN] 失敬,原来是位警句 Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
Famous last words. [CN] Famous last words. 名言警句 Predestination (2014)
Especially the cracks about your marital problems. [JP] 特に君の夫婦問題の冗談はな crack about 気のきいた言葉、警句、冗談 Episode #1.1 (2003)
Quips... nobody here is drunk. [CN] 名言警句... 这儿没人喝酒 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)
Is that more Wisdom? [CN] 又来警句? Showgirls (1995)

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