7 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 説法
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
説法[せっぽう, seppou] (n, vs) { Buddh } lecture; sermon; preaching; moralizing; moralising [Add to Longdo]

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I don't do as much preaching as I used to, but the Legacy programs are more my focus now. [JP] もう説法は あまりしないが― Haunted Houses (2014)
Well, I don't use $10 words as much as you, but for a guy who sees no point in existence, you sure fret about it an awful lot, and you still sound panicked. [JP] お前の説法に 10ドルは払わん でも信者がいないと 捜査に困るだろ? まだ発作中かな The Locked Room (2014)
Great preaching. How long you been doing this? [JP] 良い説法だった 長いのか? The Locked Room (2014)
Fucking redneck! No one talks like to Solomon's high priest. [JP] あいつの頭は豚の糞だ ソロモンの教義についての説法がまだだ! Fresh Meat (2012)
And I haven't been getting shit in that department lately. [JP] それにここ最近、あの部署で 説法なんぞなかったぞ A Scanner Darkly (2006)
What's it say about life, hmm, you got to get together, tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamn day? [JP] これは人生の説法か? 一緒に集まり― 宇宙の法則を 無視した話で― The Locked Room (2014)

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