13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 解甲
หรือค้นหา: -解甲-, *解甲*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
解甲[jiě jiǎ, ㄐㄧㄝˇ ㄐㄧㄚˇ,  ] to remove armor; to return to civilian life #90,238 [Add to Longdo]
解甲归田[jiě jiǎ guī tián, ㄐㄧㄝˇ ㄐㄧㄚˇ ㄍㄨㄟ ㄊㄧㄢˊ,     /    ] to remove armor and return to the farm; to return to civilian life #100,045 [Add to Longdo]

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You guys are always welcomed to join me! [CN] 怎么,想学我解甲归田吗? Revenge: A Love Story (2010)
If you stayed back at the ranch like I told you... you wouldn't find yourselves in this perdicament. [CN] 要是你按照我说的解甲归田 你就不会在这里了 Red Sky (2014)
He can just call our HQ and you'll be on a troopship home, as a private unless you give him your word that you'll do exactly as he says. [CN] 他只需拨打我们的总部 你就可以解甲归田了 除非你依他所说的话去做 The Guns of Navarone (1961)
I've never felt better. [CN] 是真的喽 伟大的雷米·丹顿解甲归田了 Chapter 41 (2016)
Yes. That's why I am confined in this armor [CN] 不错,刺客一日不除,我难解甲 Hero (2002)
Governor Li , if you retire, you will end up a refugee. [CN] 主席 如果我们要解甲归田 那说不定现在真成灾民了 Back to 1942 (2012)
So he stepped aside after he led his people to revolution. [CN] 所以在领导人民得解放后, 他解甲归田. The Ugly American (1963)
Floyd Talbert, we all lost touch with in civilian life until he showed up at a reunion just before his death in 1981. [CN] 佛洛依德塔尔伯特在解甲归田后 便与我们失去联络 直到1981年在他去世前 的聚会中才再见到他 Points (2001)
I'll retire and return home. [CN] 我会解甲归田的 The Wrath of Vajra (2013)
I need to retire and go home. [CN] 我应该解甲归田 Back to 1942 (2012)
Get a few acres of land and raise some chickens go back to school. [CN] 解甲归乡 农夫 山泉 有点田 或者回学校念书 The Master (2012)

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