7 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 見返す
หรือค้นหา: -見返す-, *見返す*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
見返す[みかえす, mikaesu] (v5s, vt) to look (stare) back at; to triumph over; (P) [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Just like you did. Including you, sir. [JP] あなたも見返す Chapter 9 (2013)
I'll get famous and show everyone they were wrong. [JP] 有名になって いろんな人 見返す Shitagi gyoukai e youkoso (2015)
I look back over my shoulder. [JP] 振り向きざまに見返す The Interview (2014)
Yes, maybe "showing him" wasn't the right way to put it. [JP] そうね 見返すっていうのは 違うかもしれない Nakama? Soretomo jibun? (2015)
Does good triumph over evil, does the hero rescue the girl? [JP] 悪を見返す善の勝利か 主人公は少女を救うのか? Resurrection (2014)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
見返す[みかえす, mikaesu] sich_umsehen, zurueckblicken, ueber_jemanden_triumphieren [Add to Longdo]

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