28 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 見渡す
หรือค้นหา: -見渡す-, *見渡す*

Saikam JP-TH-EN Dictionary
見渡す[みわたす, miwatasu] TH: มองไปรอบ ๆ  EN: to look out over
見渡す[みわたす, miwatasu] TH: สำรวจดู  EN: to survey (scene)

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
見渡す(P);見わたす[みわたす, miwatasu] (v5s, vt) to look out over; to survey (scene); to take an extensive view of; (P) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
This castle overlooks the city.この城から町を見渡すことができる。
As far as I could see, everything was covered with snow.見渡すかぎり、すべては雪におおわれていた。
As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand.見渡すかぎり砂のほかには何も見えなかった。
As far as the eye could see, nothing could be seen expect cornfields.見渡す限り、トウモロコシ畑以外何も見えなかった。
So far as the eye can reach, nothing is to be seen but sand.見渡す限り、砂以外何も見えない。
There was nothing but forest as far as the eye could see.見渡す限り、森であった。
The field was white as far as the eye could see.見渡す限り、野原は真っ白だった。
Everything was covered with snow as far as the eye could see.見渡す限り一面の雪景色だった。
There was nothing but the ocean as far as the eye could see.見渡す限り海だった。
The spacious plain spread as far as the eye can see, dotted with groves here and there.見渡す限り広々とした草原で、ところどころに小さな森があった。
There was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see.見渡す限り砂ばかりだった。
As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand.見渡す限り砂意外何も見えなかった。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Fields of flukes far as the eye can see. [JP] 遠く見渡す限りに In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
And now, on a brighter note, it's been a picture-perfect day here on the East Coast [JP] 一方 明るい兆候は 見渡す限りの青空が広がり Bait (2012)
My logo was an eye that was watching over the neighborhood. [JP] 僕のは"目" のマークで 地域を見渡す意味だ The Watch (2012)
The whole place is nothing but thick jungles infested by the most dangerous beasts in the entire world. [JP] 見渡す限りのジャングルの中... ...この世で最も危険な動物たちが いたるところに潜んでいて...」 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
I got news for ya, doc there's nothing but water in every direction! [JP] 全方位見渡す限り 水しかないようだ! There's No Place Like Home: Part 2 (2008)
And as you requested, it has clear lines of sight and is not overlooked by any building. [JP] お望みどおり 障害物がなく 見渡す限り建物のない場所だ There's Something Else Going On (2014)
I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world. [JP] 何時間もそこに座って世界を 見渡すことができたの Flipped (2010)
The lesson is that anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game of chess deserves to lose. [JP] 教訓は周りの世界を見渡す人は If-Then-Else (2015)
But it's the last thing I'd expect to see at a place that doesn't even have indoor plumbing. [JP] でも見渡す限り トイレもない場所よ Gimme Some Truth (2009)
Oh, embedding is our tendency to latch on to the first bit of information that we're offered and overlooking, or even ignoring, contradictory information. [JP] _私たちが提供されていない情報の_最初のビット と 、見渡すあるいは​​、 矛盾した情報を無視してああ、 埋め込むことへラッチする_私たちの傾向である。 22 Jump Street (2014)
When I look out at youse all gathered here, it confirms something I've always felt. [JP] 俺がみんなを見渡すと みんなは集まってくれる 常に感じた何かを確かめる Good Vibrations (2012)
Festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see. [JP] 見渡す限り ジメジメした 臭い湿地とくる The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
見渡す[みわたす, miwatasu] ueberblicken, uebersehen [Add to Longdo]

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