19 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 装甲
หรือค้นหา: -装甲-, *装甲*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
装甲[zhuāng jiǎ, ㄓㄨㄤ ㄐㄧㄚˇ,   /  ] vehicle armor #13,785 [Add to Longdo]
装甲[zhuāng jiǎ chē, ㄓㄨㄤ ㄐㄧㄚˇ ㄔㄜ,    /   ] armored car #21,168 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
装甲[そうこう, soukou] (n, adj-no) armored; armoured; (P) #3,126 [Add to Longdo]
装甲[そうこうしゃ, soukousha] (n) armoured vehicle; armored vehicle #14,253 [Add to Longdo]
装甲回収車[そうこうかいしゅうしゃ, soukoukaishuusha] (n) armored recovery vehicle; armoured recovery vehicle [Add to Longdo]
装甲人員運搬車[そうこうじんいんうんぱんしゃ, soukoujin'in'unpansha] (n) armored personnel carrier; armoured personnel carrier [Add to Longdo]
装甲部隊[そうこうぶたい, soukoubutai] (n) armored corps; armoured corps [Add to Longdo]

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Now the Ironclad obviously came up this river and stopped at this structure. [CN] 装甲舰显然是航行到此 然后停在这建筑旁 Sahara (2005)
They've reinforced their hull plating. [JP] - 外壁の装甲を強化しています Babel One (2005)
Captain of the CSS Ironclad Texas. [CN] 南部邦联装甲舰德州号的船长 Sahara (2005)
The War Department's policy then was no combat car should go over 35 miles an hour. [JP] 当時の軍の方針として 装甲車は時速35マイル 以下というのです Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
A single torpedo would never make it through their hull plating. [JP] 魚雷1つでは奴らの装甲を貫通できないぞ The Augments (2004)
Two armored vehicles just arrived. [JP] 2台の装甲車がちょうど到着した La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
If you can delay a week I can get you armored personnel carriers. [CN] 如果你能拖延一个星期 我可以给你装甲运兵车。 Lord of War (2005)
Ironclad's on hold for a while, guys. [CN] 装甲舰得等一等了 Sahara (2005)
Really, you can see that Ironclad Steaming up the river? [CN] 你真认为装甲舰能开入这条河? Sahara (2005)
Guided missiles, unguided missiles, mortars, mines, armored personnel carriers. [CN] 迫击炮,地雷,装甲运兵车。 全坦克师。 Lord of War (2005)
A vast military build-up of armoured divisions and missiles accompanied by a fourfold increase in the number of rocket bombs, directed at the most densely populated areas of Airstrip One... [JP] 装甲師団 ミサイル 遊動要塞の大部隊が 4倍に増強された 無線操縦ロケット弾と共に エアストリップワンの 人口密集地帯に向かってます 1984 (1984)
Flash-bangs, body armor, heat-scopes. Am I close? [CN] 震荡弹,装甲,热能探测器? xXx: State of the Union (2005)

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