17 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 虚空
หรือค้นหา: -虚空-, *虚空*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
虚空藏菩萨[Xū kōng zàng Pú sà, ㄒㄩ ㄎㄨㄥ ㄗㄤˋ ㄆㄨˊ ㄙㄚˋ,      /     ] Akasagarbha Bodhisattva [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
虚空[こくう, kokuu] (n) empty space; empty sky; (P) [Add to Longdo]
虚空[こくうぞう, kokuuzou] (n) Akasagarbha (bodhisattva); the Receptacle of Void [Add to Longdo]
虚空蔵菩薩[こくうぞうぼさつ, kokuuzoubosatsu] (n) { Buddh } Akasagarbha (bodhisattva) [Add to Longdo]

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They are counted to him less than nothing... and vanity. [CN] "被它看见不及虚无 乃为虚空" Chariots of Fire (1981)
There is no life in the void. [JP] 虚空には... 生命などない... The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Useless daydreaming. [CN] 虚空幻想 I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK (2006)
the vast empty luminosity of mind itself." [CN] 虚空的明光中安息。" The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation (1994)
Vanity of vanities. [CN] 虚空虚空 Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
- Well, if this is nonsense, rubbish, nothing, air, stupidity - then? [CN] - 如果那遗训是废话, 是垃圾, 言之无物, 虚空, 愚昧的话, 践踏也无妨啊! A Necklace for My Beloved (1971)
♪ Hello, emptiness ♪ [CN] 迎向... 虚空 All That Jazz (1979)
Then, all of a sudden, you fall into nothingness and find someone... [CN] 突然你掉进虚空 然后发现... A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (1971)
♪ I feel like I could die Bye-bye, my life, good-bye ♪ [CN] 虚空 我感觉我可能不久于人世了 再见... All That Jazz (1979)
It was like going out the jump door. I was falling through space. [CN] 就像跳出跳伞门 我坠入虚空 Dead Reckoning (1947)
You can't build on what you don't got. [CN] 你不能把未来建筑在虚空上 You can't build on what you don't got. The Natural (1984)
You're here to take my place in the world, send me back into the void, and rob me of all I have. [CN] 你来此将我取代 使我回堕虚空 你掠夺我的一切 Oedipus Rex (1967)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
虚空[こくう, kokuu] -Himmel, -Luft, -Leere [Add to Longdo]

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