13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 落选
หรือค้นหา: -落选-, *落选*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
落选[luò xuǎn, ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄒㄩㄢˇ,   /  ] to lose an election #21,115 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Why weren't we selected? [CN] 怎么我们落选 Children of Heaven (1997)
Our... consolation prizes [CN] 如果落选也用不着失望 我们仍然有纪念品送给各位 Gwai ma seung sing (1974)
If I fail to get elected, this will affect you all in the future. [CN] 万一不幸我落选了 这对你们的将来影响也很大 The Great White Tower (1966)
I think he's pretty worried. He wants to call early elections. [CN] 我在担心他是否落选了? Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1989)
Really good ones will always fail the second interview. [CN] 真正好的会在第二次面试落选 Audition (1999)
If Kikukawa loses, I'd lose my reputation too. [CN] 万一菊川落选,别说菊川 就连我的面子也挂不住 The Great White Tower (1966)
Another rejection [CN] 是不是稿子又落选 Always - Sunset on Third Street (2005)
Rememberthat the party made you an MP, and you can't be a Minister if your party loses the next election. [CN] 记住 是政党让你作议员 Rememberthat the party made you an MP, 如果下次政党落选 你也别当大臣了 and you can't be a Minister if your party loses the next election. The Greasy Pole (1981)
Pass. [CN] 落选 Homer the Whopper (2009)
No? [CN] 还是落选了吗 Hana and Alice (2004)
The Rojo family cannot allow him to lose. [CN] 罗杰家族不能让他落选 Striptease (1996)
Yeah, I had a tryout with them and... ..they sent me down to the... the minors. [CN] 我参加过他们的选拔... ..我落选了. French Connection II (1975)

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