9 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 腹黒い
หรือค้นหา: -腹黒い-, *腹黒い*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
腹黒い[はらぐろい, haraguroi] (adj-i) mean; malicious; scheming; wicked; black-hearted [Add to Longdo]

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- Talks a good game. [JP] - 腹黒い奴だ The Good Shepherd (2012)
Poe is a damn viper. [JP] ポーは腹黒い男だ The Raven (2012)
Meaning he's 10 times more black-hearted than the black-hearted Busujima. [JP] つまり 腹黒い毒島よりも 10倍 もっと腹黒い Episode #1.8 (2012)
This sinister person is not going to stop. [JP] この腹黒い男の暴挙は止まらない The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
But there was someone black-hearted. [JP] 腹黒い奴はいた。 Episode #1.8 (2012)
His taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers only the very best with just the right amount of dirty. [JP] 彼は女性の趣味と 弁護士の趣味が同じだ 少し腹黒いほうが Abiquiu (2010)
- We're not werewolves. Hey, werewolves are dangerous, nasty creatures. Do not call me a werewolf. [JP] 奴らは危険で腹黒い まったく別の生き物だ I Don't Wanna Know (2008)
That was Mime, a treacherous dwarf. [JP] ミーメ 腹黒い小人が俺を連れ出した Siegfried (1980)

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