13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 考场
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考场[kǎo chǎng, ㄎㄠˇ ㄔㄤˇ,   /  ] exam room #9,116 [Add to Longdo]

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I don't have any notation of that. I mean, everybody tests under the same conditions today. [CN] 这我不知道耶 今天大家都在同一个考场测验 Front of the Class (2008)
I heard that you passed out before the last interview. [CN] 听说上次面试的时候 你在考场外面晕倒了 Episode #1.13 (2013)
Oh, I'm supposed to have special accommodations [CN] 我应该要有特殊的考场 Front of the Class (2008)
You should be reciting your proverbs at the exam! [CN] 有本事到考场去拽去 A Touch of Zen (1971)
But you didn't even go to take it. [CN] { \1cHFF8000 }你连个考场都不给我进 Aftershock (2010)
For the fear that the underachieving students will take down the class average, she is trying to kick them out of the exam site! [CN] 因为 怕补充班的孩子们 给学校的平均分拖后腿 就将他们赶出考场 Episode #5.9 (2013)
I'll be leaving the room, and the grading assistants will be watching you. [CN] 我会离开考场 年级助理会监督你们 Final Exam (1981)
You can't be there. [CN] 你不能出现在考场 { \3cH202020 }You can't be there. Killer Carl (2011)
I will take your exams in Room 4. [CN] 我将在4考场举行你们的考试 Baltic Deputy (1937)
Why don't we get you in an exam room and get you all settled in, hmm? [CN] 我们为什么不给你 在考场 并得到你 所有入驻,嗯? Fear Clinic (2014)
And see you all next week for the midterm. [CN] 那... 下星期考场 Road Trip (2000)
Okay. Well, if I don't find her, I'll go to the exam, see if she shows up. [CN] 好的 呃 如果我没找到她 我就去考场 看看她是不是在那儿 Gone (2012)

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