14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 组成
หรือค้นหา: -组成-, *组成*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
组成[zǔ chéng, ㄗㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,   /  ] component; part; element; constitute; make up #1,293 [Add to Longdo]
必不可少组成[bì bù kě shǎo zǔ chéng, ㄅㄧˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄜˇ ㄕㄠˇ ㄗㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ,       /      ] absolute necessity; sine qua non [Add to Longdo]

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Not to mention the fact that you are a motley crew mixing Japanese, Hans, and natives together. [CN] 况且你们又是一支 由汉人、蕃人、日本内地人... 组成的鸡尾酒球队 Kano (2014)
Why don't we thank your mother by going around the table and saying what our favorite part of the meal is? [CN] 我们为什么不感谢你的母亲 通过绕来绕去的表 并说什么我们喜欢的 膳食的组成部分是什么? Date and Switch (2014)
♪ Besides, it's part of my induction ♪ [CN] 此外,它的组成部分 我的感应 God Help the Girl (2014)
Put the Lawyer, the Wife and the Boobs together... you have a perfect killing machine. [CN] 当律师 妻子 还有一个美人联合在一起 会组成一个完美的复仇联盟 The Other Woman (2014)
We're gonna get married and then we're gonna start a family. [CN] 我们要结婚,组成小家庭 American Sniper (2014)
Maybe we can form a... [CN] 也许我们可以组成一个. Addicted (2014)
Part of a collective mind. [CN] 他们组成了一个合成大脑 Transcendence (2014)
Canada is secretly training an army of sasquatch. [CN] 加拿大正在训练一支由大脚野人组成的军队 Canada is secretly training an army of sasquatch. Penguins of Madagascar (2014)
It makes sense to assemble a tri-ethnic team. [CN] 组成一个三族球队不是没道理的 Kano (2014)
Oh, if life were made of moments [CN] # 如果生活是由众多瞬间组成 # # Oh, if life were made of moments # Into the Woods (2014)
Soldiers trust each other. That's what makes it an army. [CN] 互相信任的士兵才能组成军队 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
♪ My mind's made up never again ♪ [CN] 我心中的组成 永远不会再 13 Sins (2014)

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